Flix simplifies the process so projects run like clockwork.
Flix brings order to the chaos of story development, so Production can be confident projects run like clockwork. Project admin is taken care of, notes are tracked and revisions are seamless

Discover how Flix is the key to simplifying your pre-production process, cutting out the chaos and tackling these four leading challenges.
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What's Flix ROI?
How does it make teams more efficient?
How easy is it to get set up?
How can I get the talent that I want?
Discover a quick and painless way of setting up projects and improve the efficiency of your team, with Flix.
Save time and maximise efficiency across departments

All project administration is taken care of, leaving production safe in the knowledge projects are organised, freeing up their time to work on the tasks that can’t be automated.
Access, monitor and review projects

All notes, feedback and revisions are tracked in Flix, from every team member whether remote or local, so production can always be sure they’re on top of the project.
The perfect fit for any workflow

While every production works in unique ways, Flix slots right in and gets to work immediately, with its powerful API, and out-of-the-box hooks allowing you to automate and extend it to smooth out your workflows even further.