You can use the "Check Entity Status" tool to check the status of an existing entity registration or if a record is pending assignment of a Unique Entity ID (UEI) (KB0071810) You must be signed in to your account and have a role assigned with the entity or be signed in with a federal government email address (ends in .mil, .gov,,, or to use the Check Entity Status tool. If neither is the case, you CANNOT use this tool to check an entity's registration status. If you need to request a role, refer here (KB0016602).
If you are a federal user or have roles assigned with the entity, you can also view your status in your Workspace (KB0016414). For questions concerning why there are two different statuses for the same entity, click here (KB0056458).
To Check the Status of an Existing UEI or CAGE code:
You will need to use the main search to get the full entity details, such as representations and certifications, points of contact, or any exclusions.
If you do not know the existing Unique Entity ID or CAGE code for the entity, you can complete a general search for an entity's record (KB0016414) if the entity is available for public view.
Helpful Resources for Registration Processing:
While interfaces with the system that process these additional reviews, we are not directly involved in their procedures or resolving issues with their reviews.
It can take an additional 24-48 hours once activated in for the registration information to be available in other government systems.