The Unique Entity ID (UEI) is public as part of every entity record for entities that have opted into public search. Entities that have opted out of public search are viewable only by federal users and users with a role to the entity. If you have a role with your entity, you can also view entity details within your Workspace (KB0041254). If you need to obtain a role from an existing administrator, you can request it (KB0016602). If there is no administrator on file for the entity, you can submit an Entity Administrator Appointment Letter (KB0016652).
You must sign in to your account to search entities.
To view a Unique Entity ID or registration record:
- Sign in to
- Select Search from the header menu.
- Select the plus (+) symbol to expand the Select Domain menu
- Select Entity Information.
- Select Entities.
- Scroll to the bottom of the filter list and locate the filter for Entity Status. Select each box to view all registration options, Active, Inactive, and ID assigned, in the search results.
- Enter the Unique Entity ID, CAGE code, or legal business name (punctuations included, if any) into the keyword search box above the filters, or use any of the filters listed to narrow your search. You can filter by:
- Entity
- Purpose of Registration
- Entity Type
- Socio-Economic Status
- Product or Service Information
- Registration with Debt Subject to Offset
- Location
- Entities matching your search populate. Select the entity name to open the details of the record.
- The details of the entity record are displayed. Use the navigation menu on the left to view sections of the entity registration details. You can download (KB0067211) or follow (KB0017560) the entity if needed.
Learn more about how to search for entities on in this video.