There are two different methods to edit saved ad hoc reports, depending on whether they were created using the Report Builder or the Blank Report tool. In either case, start by running the report from the My Reports page. Double click a report title to run it.
If you created the report using the Report Builder tool, the Report Builder interface will display. Here you can modify the dates and add, remove, or modify attributes, metrics, and filters. When ready, select “Run Report” to review the results with your new changes. From the Report Home menu, you can choose “Save,” which will overwrite your current report, or choose “Save As” to save your changes as a new report.
If you created the report using the Blank Report tool, the system will display the “Date Signed” and “Date Modified” prompts. Edit the dates as needed or just select “Run Report.” Once the system generates the report, use the Report Home menu to enter design mode. In design mode, you can add, remove, or modify attributes, metrics, and filters. When you are finished, save your new report definition by selecting the disk icon, which will overwrite your current report, or select the disk icon with the arrow to save the revised report under a new name.