How do I print or download verification that an entity has no active exclusions?

There are two (2) ways to print verification that an entity has no active debarments or exclusions that would prohibit being allowed to conduct business with the federal government: The general search feature and viewing the specific entity record.


To print verification that an entity has no active exclusions:

The General Search Feature:

  1. Sign in to and complete the search to locate exclusions (KB0036199).
  2. Use the filters to narrow your search. Ensure Active has a checkbox under Exclusion Status. If no results populate, the entity does not have any active exclusions in
  3. Select the Action menu to display save and download options.
    Red box around Save and download options on the action menu of an exclusion search

  4. Select Download and choose how you would like to receive the results. You may rename the file and then choose Download. Once the file has been downloaded to your device, you will have the option to print. (The PDF file should have the current date listed in the footer along with the search criteria entered and number of results that populated.)
    Screenshot of Download results dialog box. options are csv or PDF


Viewing the Entity Record:

  1. Sign in to and view the entity’s registration record (KB0016414).
  2. In the record, select Exclusions in the left navigation. Any active or inactive exclusions will display.
    If there are no exclusions, a message reading, “There are no active/inactive exclusion records associated to this entity by its Unique Entity ID,” will be displayed.
    Red box around active and inactive exclusion section of an entity record

  3. Use your browser’s print function by entering “ctrl + P” on your keyboard to print the page. It should print the exclusions area showing no active exclusions with the current date in the header or footer. If there are no headers or footers present on your printout, check your browser’s print settings to turn on the header and footer. You can also download a summary of the entire registration (KB0067211) in PDF format by selecting Download in the upper corner of the entity record.