Once you submit your documentation, you receive an email confirmation (KB0067467) with your reference or incident number from FSDSupport@gsa.gov. We review your documents in one to three business days. This is an estimate of how many business days it will take us to respond. Business days do not include weekends or U.S. federal holidays. Review time depends on whether we can make a match from your original document submission or if we need to request additional documentation.
After we look at your documents, we email you to ask for more information or with instructions to finish validating your entity. If you need more help, reply to our email or review and update your incident at FSD.gov (KB0061458) within five business days, or your case will be closed. If your case is resolved or closed, you must restart the process to open a new case in SAM.gov.
If additional documents are requested, do NOT attach documents to the incident at FSD.gov. Your documents must be attached to your entity validation case (KB0057690) in SAM.gov for proper processing. You will not be able to update or add documents if your case is already resolved or closed. Check the status of your entity validation case at SAM.gov (KB0056347). If your case is resolved or closed, you must restart the process to open a new case in SAM.gov. Do not call, chat or open a separate incident at FSD.gov to ask about your entity validation case.