Common Reasons Entity Validation Documents Get Rejected

These are common reasons entity validation documents submitted with incidents are rejected or more information is requested. Please check your ticket for these errors before you submit it, or if your documentation gets rejected. 
View our downloadable one-page guide, linked in this FAQ (KB0055230), with details of acceptable documents. In this FAQ you can also view a document that includes what NOT to attach and examples. 
Reason #1: You attached the correct document, like a bank statement, but it's too old. 
We'll illustrate using a bank statement document to prove name and address, but this applies to other documents as well. 
General Rule: If your document is a one-time, foundational document like an articles of incorporation, you can use it no matter how old it is if your name or address information haven't changed since the entity was established. Some articles of incorporation have an address; if yours doesn't or it's out of date, attach a secondary document. 
If your document is one that is generated on a monthly or annual basis, like a bank or utility statement, you must provide one from the last 5 years. 

The following lists examples of acceptable documents that must be less than 5 years old:

Reason #2: You attached one or more documents with incorrect information. 

Note: You can attach documents with your correct legal business name and an outdated address to prove state and date of incorporation, or national identifier. But those cannot be used alone to validate your entity. You must attach a second document with your current, correct legal business name and physical address to make the linkage between the old information and the current information. 

Reason #3: You attached documents demonstrating your physical address using a P.O. box. 

These will be rejected every time. Please save yourself time by not including attachments listing P.O. boxes or mail services. P.O. boxes and mail service addresses (e.g. UPS store locations) are not considered physical address locations by the federal government. You must list a physical address where you do business (e.g. your home address if you don't work out of an office building, store, plant, school, performing arts center, doctor's office, town hall, etc.). 

Reason #4: You attached non-English-language originals without also attaching a certified English translation. 

Reason #5: You attached your original application or typed document or screenshots of a form where you entered data on a website (but wasn't approved yet). 

All attachments must be official documents. Original applications, word processing documents, screenshots of website forms, and other unofficial artifacts will be rejected (exception: State Secretary of State current business registry screenshots after the webform is submitted and accepted). 

Reason #6: You attached poor quality documents. 

Reason #7: You didn't include the specific request you're making in the text box of your ticket. 

The text box on the documents page is optional. Your validation will not be rejected if you leave it blank. However, you can use this box to explain anything that could help the reviewer understand the connection between what you entered on the screen, the entity you selected from the legal entities list (if applicable), and the documents you provided. 

Tips for Better Entity Validation Documentation: 

Examples of Documents That Are Not Accepted: