After you submit validation documents in, you receive a confirmation email from with a reference number (INC-GSAFSDxxxxxxx). This email confirms your documents were received successfully for review. After we look at your documents, we will let you know if we need more information or how to finish validating your entity (KB0058183).
Below are some possible subject lines you may see:
- Entity Not Found Reference Number
This means during the validation search your entity information (legal business name and physical address) was not found in our database. Validation documents were requested for the Entity Validation Service (EVS) to validate your entity's legitimacy and add your entity details to our database.
- Entity needs update - address Reference Number:, Entity needs update - name Reference Number:, Entity needs update - dba Reference Number:, Address Mismatch Reference Number
This means during the validation search your entity information (legal name/physical address) was found but some of the data you requested is incorrect or missing. Validation documents were requested for the Entity Validation Service (EVS) to update your entity details in our database.
- Invalid Additional Information - Reference Number
This means during the validation search you were able to successfully locate your correct legal name and physical address in the entities list. If you have received this subject title, this means the start year (KB0059235) or state of incorporation (KB0059570) you entered did not match what we have in our database. Validation documents were requested for the Entity Validation Service (EVS) to update your start year and/or state of incorporation in our database.
- Another Entity Already In Reference Number
This means there is a potential duplicate found in the system with your same legal business name or physical address. Separate entities may share the same address as long as the legal business names are different to distinguish them as legally separate entities.(KB0016841). Validation documents were requested for the EVS to validate your entity's legitimacy and distinguish your data in the database as a unique legal entity.
- Your Incident INC-GSAFSDxxxxxxx has comments added
This means we responded to the incident you created. You can view the comments on your incident to verify whether your entity details have been updated within the database and you can finish validating your entity or if the EVS agent needs more information.
- Reminder: INC-GSAFSDxxxxxxx - response required
This means we responded to the incident and we need further action from you. At this point, your incident is placed on hold until you respond to your incident. Our response may ask for more documentation or for clarification of your correct entity information. Use these steps to add additional documents in Adding a comment when adding documents in does not alert the EVS agent of an update. You must reply to the email from to alert us you added documents or go to and add a reply to your incident. If you do not email or comment on your ticket to alert the entity validation service agent that you added documentation, your incident will stay on hold and auto-resolve in five days without the agent knowing you added more documents. When you reply, your incident automatically updates back to In Progress status and the EVS agent resumes processing your information.
- Entity Dissolved or Out Of Business Reference Number
This means the EVS has identified your business as potentially being dissolved or that your entity may have an out of business status. Validation documents were requested in order for the EVS to validate your entity's legitimacy and update your entity's business status in the database.
Additional resources: