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Energy Markets in the 21st Century: Competition Policy in Perspective
FTC Issues FY 2006 FDCPA Report to Congress; Commission Approves Filing of Amended Complaint in Matter of Global Marketing Group, Inc.; FTC Approves Federal Register Notice on Recycled Oil Rule; FTC Approves Federal Register Notice on Agency Systems of
MiRealSource, Inc., In the Matter of
The Commission filed an administrative complaint challenging a set of rules adopted by MiRealSource, Inc. to keep Exclusive Agency Listings from being listed on its MLS, as well as other rules that restricted competition in real estate brokerage services. The complaint alleges that the conduct was collusive and exclusionary, because in agreeing to keep non-traditional listings off the MLS or from public Web sites, the brokers enacting the rules were, in effect, agreeing among themselves to limit the manner in which they compete with one another, and withholding valuable benefits of the MLS from real estate brokers who did not go along. On February 5, 2007 the Commission approved a consent order in which MiRealSource agreed to abandon such collusive conduct and provide its services to all member brokers representing potential home sellers, regardless of the type of listing contract that they choose.
Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy
MiRealSource Settles Charges it Illegally Restrained Competition
Advocate Health Partners, et al., In the Matter of
The final consent order settles charges that the conduct of several organizations representing more than 2,900 independent Chicago-area physicians for agreeing to fix prices and for refusing to deal with certain health plans except on collectively determined terms. The order will prohibit the respondents from engaging in such anticompetitive conduct in the future.
Northern New England Real Estate Network, Inc., In the Matter of
The Northern New England Real Estate Network, Inc. settled charges that it violated the antitrust laws by adopting rules that withheld valuable benefits of the Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) it controlled from consumers who chose to enter into non-traditional listing contracts with real estate brokers. According to the complaint, the association's rules or policies state that information about properties will not be made available on popular real estate Web sites unless the listing contracts are Exclusive Right to Sell Listings. These policies, when implemented, prevented properties with non-traditional listing contracts from being displayed on a wide range of public Web sites.The consent order settling the FTC’s charges will prohibit Northern New England Real Estate Network, Inc. from discriminating against non-traditional listing arrangements.
Williamsburg Area Association of Realtors, Inc., In the Matter of
The Williamsburg Area Association of Realtors, Inc. settled charges that it violated the antitrust laws by adopting rules that withheld valuable benefits of the Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) it controlled from consumers who chose to enter into non-traditional listing contracts with real estate brokers. According to the complaint, the association's rules or policies state that information about properties will not be made available on popular real estate Web sites unless the listing contracts are Exclusive Right to Sell Listings. These policies, when implemented, prevented properties with non-traditional listing contracts from being displayed on a wide range of public Web sites.The consent order settling the FTC’s charges will prohibit Williamsburg Area Association of Realtors from discriminating against non-traditional listing arrangements.
Monmouth County Association of Realtors., In the Matter of
The Monmouth County Association of Reators settled charges that it violated the antitrust laws by adopting rules that withheld valuable benefits of the Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) it controlled from consumers who chose to enter into non-traditional listing contracts with real estate brokers. According to the complaint, the association's rules or policies state that information about properties will not be made available on popular real estate Web sites unless the listing contracts are Exclusive Right to Sell Listings. These policies, when implemented, prevented properties with non-traditional listing contracts from being displayed on a wide range of public Web sites.The consent order settling the FTC’s charges will prohibit Monmouth from discriminating against non-traditional listing arrangements.
Information and Real Estate Services, LLC., In the Matter of
Information and Real Estate Services, LLC settled charges that it violated the antitrust laws by adopting rules that withheld valuable benefits of the Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) it controlled from consumers who chose to enter into non-traditional listing contracts with real estate brokers. According to the complaint, the association's rules or policies state that information about properties will not be made available on popular real estate Web sites unless the listing contracts are Exclusive Right to Sell Listings. These policies, when implemented, prevented properties with non-traditional listing contracts from being displayed on a wide range of public Web sites.The consent order settling the FTC’s charges will prohibit IRES from discriminating against non-traditional listing arrangements.
Realtors Association of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc., In the Matter of
The Realtors Association of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. settled charges that it violated the antitrust laws by adopting rules that withheld valuable benefits of the Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) it controlled from consumers who chose to enter into non-traditional listing contracts with real estate brokers. According to the complaint, the association's rules or policies state that information about properties will not be made available on popular real estate Web sites unless the listing contracts are Exclusive Right to Sell Listings. These policies, when implemented, prevented properties with non-traditional listing contracts from being displayed on a wide range of public Web sites.The consent order settling the FTC’s charges will prohibit Realtors Association of Northeast Wisconsin from discriminating against non-traditional listing arrangements.
FTC Charges Real Estate Groups with Anticompetitive Conduct in Limiting Consumers' Choice in Real Estate Services
New Century Health Quality Alliance, Inc., Prime Care of Northeast Kansas, LLC, et al., In the Matter of
The Commission approved a final consent order settling Commission charges alleging that two independent practice associations (IPAs) and 18 member physician practices in the Kansas City, MO area, refused to deal with health care plans, except on collectively agreed-upon prices and other terms.
Austin Board of Realtors., In the Matter of
Puerto Rico Association of Endodontists, Corp., In the Matter of
FTC Finds Rambus Unlawfully Obtained Monopoly Power
Perrigo Company and Alpharma Inc., F.T.C.
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