Decisions taken by GPE Board of Directors on grants to Chad, Indonesia and Syria.
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The ITAP assessment seeks to contribute to country policy dialogue on the partnership compact.
The Board of Directors invites Chad to submit an application of US$89,416,000 in accordance with the strategic parameters for GPE support.
The CEO approves the accelerated funding request for Chad in the amount of US$10,000,000 plus an additional US$700,000 in agency fees to UNICEF as the grant agent.
The Board of Directors approves the proposed revision to Chad education sector program implementation grant, including an extension of the grant closing date from December 31, 2022 to December ...
This report is the Project Document for a Funding Request from the Republic of Chad for an accelerated grant.
Application for COVID-19 accelerated funding grant.
The GPE CEO approves an allocation for an Accelerated Funding grant to Chad in the amount of US$10,000,000.
The CEO, in her delegated authority from the Board of Directors, approves an accelerated funding grant to Chad.
Chad's application for COVID-19 funding to support the Ministry of education’s CHAD COVID-19 emergency response.
The GPE CEO approves the COVID-19 accelerated funding request for Chad in the amount of US$7,000,000.
Review and assessment by the GPE Secretariat of Chad's application for an implementation grant.