This policy is applicable to countries with top-up triggers related to their system transformation grant (STG) allocation under GPE 2025 where triggers are not yet achieved.
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Composition of the Performance, Impact and Learning Committee reporting to the GPE Board of Directors.
The glossary contains English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic terms most commonly used in GPE communications and documents.
This document sets out to support Ministries of Education and education sector partners to effectively engage in nationally determined contributions processes.
List of countries and territories eligible for GPE financial support, detailing which type of grant each country is eligible for and the maximum allocation per type.
Composition of the Finance and Risk Committee reporting to the GPE Board of Directors.
Form to be fill to request the release of a Top-Up allocation.
Form to be filled to submit a Top-Up trigger revision request.
This document provides guidelines for the Independent Technical Advisory Panel (ITAP) on how its work fits within the GPE 2025 strategy, how country panels are composed and their role, the ...
The Results Framework aims to support strategic decision-making and transparency by allowing the partnership to monitor progress in the main areas of its strategy.
These terms of reference outline the responsibilities that would generally fall to the coordinating agency in these areas.
This document aims to clarify the overall process of how to become a Partner of the Global
Partnership for Education (GPE) and how to join a constituency.