- Level Professional
- Duration 18 hours
- Course by DeepLearning.AI
- Offered by
If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This course is part of the upcoming Machine Learning in Tensorflow Specialization and will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open-source framework for machine learning. The Machine Learning course and Deep Learning Specialization from Andrew Ng teach the most important and foundational principles of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. This new deeplearning.ai TensorFlow Specialization teaches you how to use TensorFlow to implement those principles so that you can start building and applying scalable models to real-world problems. To develop a deeper understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take the Deep Learning Specialization.
A new programming paradigm
- 4 Videos
- 4 Readings
- 1 ExternalTool
- 1 Plugin
- 1 Lab
- 1 Assignment
1 Assignment
- Week 1 Quiz
1 External Tool
- Intake Survey
1 Labs
- Try it for yourself (Lab 1)
4 Videos
- Introduction: A conversation with Andrew Ng
- A primer in machine learning
- The ‘Hello World’ of neural networks
- Working through ‘Hello World’ in TensorFlow and Python
4 Readings
- Welcome to the course!
- [IMPORTANT] Have questions, issues or ideas? Join our Forum!
- From rules to data
- About the notebooks in this course
Lecture Notes (Optional)
- 1 Readings
1 Readings
- Lecture Notes Week 1
Weekly Assignment - Your First Neural Network
- 3 Readings
- 1 Programming
1 Programming
- Housing Prices
3 Readings
- Assignment Troubleshooting Tips
- (Optional) Downloading your Notebook and Refreshing your Workspace
- Week 1 Resources
Introduction to Computer Vision
- 7 Videos
- 2 Readings
- 2 Lab
- 1 Assignment
1 Assignment
- Week 2 Quiz
2 Labs
- Get hands-on with computer vision (Lab 1)
- See how to implement Callbacks (Lab 2)
7 Videos
- A Conversation with Andrew Ng
- An Introduction to computer vision
- Writing code to load training data
- Coding a Computer Vision Neural Network
- Walk through a Notebook for computer vision
- Using Callbacks to control training
- Walk through a notebook with Callbacks
2 Readings
- Exploring how to use data
- Labelling the Fashion MNIST data
Lecture Notes (Optional)
- 1 Readings
1 Readings
- Lecture Notes Week 2
Weekly Assignment - Implement a Deep Neural Network to recognize handwritten digits
- 1 Programming
1 Programming
- Implementing Callbacks in TensorFlow using the MNIST Dataset
Enhancing Vision with Convolutional Neural Networks
- 6 Videos
- 2 Readings
- 2 Lab
- 1 Assignment
1 Assignment
- Week 3 Quiz
2 Labs
- Try it for yourself (Lab 1)
- Experiment with filters and pools (Lab 2)
6 Videos
- A conversation with Andrew Ng
- What are convolutions and pooling?
- Implementing convolutional layers
- Implementing pooling layers
- Improving the Fashion classifier with convolutions
- Walking through convolutions
2 Readings
- Coding convolutions and pooling layers
- Learn more about convolutions
Lecture Notes (Optional)
- 1 Readings
1 Readings
- Lecture Notes Week 3
Weekly Assignment - Improving DNN Performance using Convolutions
- 1 Programming
1 Programming
- Improve MNIST with convolutions
Using Real-world Images
- 8 Videos
- 2 Readings
- 3 Lab
- 1 Assignment
1 Assignment
- Week 4 Quiz
3 Labs
- Experiment with the horse or human classifier (Lab 1)
- Get hands-on and use validation (Lab 2)
- Get hands-on with compacted images (Lab 3)
8 Videos
- A conversation with Andrew Ng
- Understanding the tf.data API
- Defining a ConvNet to use complex images
- Training the ConvNet
- Walking through developing a ConvNet
- Walking through training the ConvNet
- Adding automatic validation to test accuracy
- Exploring the impact of compressing images
2 Readings
- Explore an impactful, real-world solution
- Training the neural network
Lecture Notes (Optional)
- 1 Readings
1 Readings
- Lecture Notes Week 4
End of Access to Lab Notebooks
- 1 Readings
1 Readings
- [IMPORTANT] Reminder about end of access to Lab Notebooks
Weekly Assignment - Handling Complex Images
- 1 Programming
1 Programming
- Handling Complex Images
Course 1 Wrap up
- 1 Videos
- 1 Readings
1 Videos
- A conversation with Andrew
1 Readings
- Wrap up
- 1 Readings
1 Readings
- Acknowledgments
Laurence Moroney