Reintroducing Osmos for Android!

Many have asked – and so we’re happy to announce that Osmos has returned to Android! Some may ask: Why did it disappear in the first place? Well, back in 2011 we worked with a company called Apportable to bring the mobile version of Osmos to Android. They were great to work with, and the […]
Physics-Based Animation in Gibbon: Beyond the Trees

Gibbon: Beyond the Trees, a game I’ve been collaborating on over the last few years with the awesome folks at Broken Rules, came out on Apple Arcade a few weeks ago. It’s an endless-runner style game in which the player controls a gibbon that can swing, slide, and somersault their way through the jungle, and […]
Osmos, Updates, and Floating-Point Determinism

We just released Osmos 2.4.0 on iOS – our first release in almost 4 years. Why the long hiatus? Was it because 2.3.1, our previous release, was perfect? No, though it was solid and stable, and we were happy with it. Rather, it was due to our reliance on “floating-point determinism” for multiplayer. And for […]
Karmaka’s Art Lived Multiple Lives: Part 2, The Box

As I mentioned in my last post, after having painted a version or two of all the cards in Karmaka, it was time to tackle the mother of all Karmaka paintings: the one that would be printed on the box. Dave and Eddy wanted a square-shaped box with an image that encapsulated the game’s characters, themes, and images. I […]
Karmaka Art-Print Poll Results

On Saturday we posted an online poll to Karmaka’s Kickstarter asking people to pick the top three Karmaka cards they’d like to see converted into art prints. (These will be available for purchase on Society6, alongside the box art and the Karmic Ladder sometime in February.) I didn’t intend to write a blog post about […]
Karmaka’s Art Lived Multiple Lives: Part 1, The Cards

I’m Marco Bucci – I painted the cards, box art, and banners for Karmaka. I’ve been part of the team for two years. As I write this, the game is just weeks away from its kickstarter release. We have high hopes for this thing. But instead of looking into the future, I’m finding myself going back through Karmaka’s many lives, reliving […]
2015 Highlights: Karmaka at Boston Festival of Indie Games

One of the key highlights this year for Karmaka was the opportunity to attend the Boston Festival of Indie Games on MIT campus in Cambridge in September. The game had been chosen to appear with about 50 other titles as part of the festival’s tabletop showcase. After working with Eddy and Marco on Karmaka for […]
Karmaka Print and Play

This is a BIG moment in Karmaka’s development: we’re releasing a free Print and Play (PnP) of the game! You can download it from this page. For those unfamiliar with the PnP concept, it’s analogous to the free demo of a video-game. Download the files to your computer, print up the various components (cards, rules, […]
Quick Reference Cards

We’re *this close* to releasing a Karmaka print and play! One thing we just finished creating is a two-sided quick reference card – a handy rules summary for each player: The graphic design style for these cards is based on the look Scott has created for Karmaka’s rules – coming soon! :)