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The tech sector must lead the way by making good use of ICT

2030: Greener cities ahead

Two Huawei research papers show the evolutionary changes that will usher in a new era sustainable cities.

To move to a truly sustainable future, society must fully activate the world-changing potential of digital technology.

The tech sector must lead the way by managing the responsible development and use of information communications technology (ICT).

Research from Huawei charts a comprehensive path towards a green urban future using three main routes: improving the energy efficiency of digital infrastructure, increasing the share of renewables in energy transmission, and enabling green industries.

The first white paper, Green Development 2030, explores the connection between digitalization and decarbonization, and highlights the significance of lowering the carbon footprint of digital infrastructure in general.

A second research paper, Exploring the Intelligent World, takes a broader perspective, looking not only at cities, but also at transport, healthcare, food production, data storage, and much more. To download the entire paper, please scan the QR code in the picture.

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