Clean Energy Ministerial 11 and Mission Innovation Ministerial 5
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Clean Energy Ministerial 11 (CEM11) and Mission Innovation Ministerial 5 (MI-5) will take place on 22-23 September. Hosted this year by Saudi Arabia, the events will be entirely virtual and open to all via live webcast. A programme of CEM and MI pre-events will take place from Tuesday 15 September to Friday 18 September.
The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level global forum to promote policies and programs that advance clean energy technology. CEM11 will bring Ministers and the clean energy community together around the theme of “Supporting the Recovery, Shaping the Future”, focusing on actions to achieve the Clean Energy Ministerial’s mission of accelerating clean energy transitions.
The IEA is supporting the preparations for CEM11 and is involved in organising several of the pre-events, including those on clean hydrogen, electric vehicles, clean energy investments, system integration of renewables and the launch of the Biofutures Platform.
The CEM Secretariat is hosted by the IEA.
You can sign up here to receive further updates about the 11th Clean Energy Ministerial.
Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 24 countries and the European Commission working to reinvigorate and accelerate global clean energy innovation with the objective of making clean energy widely affordable. MI-5 will bring together Ministers for a focused discussion on the next phase of Mission Innovation, as the current term ends in 2021.
The IEA has worked closely with MI and its members to enhance data collection on government spending on energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) – building on the collaboration agreement signed in 2018. The IEA has also worked with MI members including Brazil, India and China through the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Programme to map, evaluate and enhance the policy environment for energy technology innovation.