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Regional Resource Adequacy



Session 1 - Co-ordination of regional resource adequacy

In the development of decarbonisation and renewable policies, targets are often set without consideration of regional infrastructure. This session will discuss the possibilities to better address renewable energy targets, security of supply and network planning in an integrated manner.

Moderator: Sylvia Spruck, Energy Analyst, IEA

• Investment outlook in the power sector Marco Baroni, Senior Energy Analyst, Directorate of Global Energy Economics, IEA
• The regulatory investment framework for transmission in AustraliaPaul Smith, Chief Executive Australian Energy Market Commission
• An improved methodology for regional adequacy forecastEppie Pelgrum, Manager Project Control, ENTSO-E
• Resource Adequacy in Competitive Wholesale Markets, Jeffery Dennis, Director, Division of Policy Development at US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Session 2 - Can you count on your neighbours in times of need?

In areas with a growing share of variable renewables, developing interconnections or interties enhances security of supply. However, relying on neighbouring countries for security of supply raises many issues. What causes these difficulties? What could regional co-ordination of generation adequacy look like?

Moderator: Stephen Woodhouse, Head Market Design, Pöyry

• The electricity security crisis in Belgium Bernard De Clercq, Public and Regulatory Affairs Analyst, ELIA
Different reliability standards in neighbouring jurisdictions: is in an issue? Notes to Hogan presentation
How does market coupling work in case of system stress?‌, Mathieu Fransen, Senior Officer, Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets

Session 3 - Cross-border trade of capacity

In a meshed infrastructure the coexistence of different capacity mechanisms may create inefficiencies. What role can the cross-border trade of capacity play in order to restore efficient co-ordination? Where they exist, how is cross border trade of capacity currently undertaken?

Moderator: Jean-Michel Glachant, Director of the Florence School of Regulation

From implicit to explicit cross-border participation in capacity mechanisms Håkan Feuk, Vice president CEO Office, E.ON Sweden, Eurelectric
Cross Border Capacity TradingCraig Glazer, Vice President – Federal Government Policy, PJM
Possible participation of interconnections in CRMs, Elaine O'Connell, Design Lead, Electricity Market Reform – Security of Electricity Supply, Dept of Energy and Climate Change UK

Session 4 - Regional coordination of short-term operations

In a meshed infrastructure, the close coordination of short-term operations can enable renewable integration at lower costs while maintaining overall security of supply. This session discusses experiences in improving co-ordination across regions.

Moderator: Mathieu Fransen, Senior Officer, Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets

Integrating balancing markets Marie Montigny, Réseaux et marchés de l'électricité en Europe, Commission de régulation de l'énergie France
• CAISO Energy Imbalance Market Khaled Abdul-Rahman, Executive Director, Power Systems & Smart Grid Technology Development, California ISO
• The TSO perspective on short-term operations, Siem Bruijns, Senior Manager System Operations, Tennet