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Energy Efficiency Potential in Canada

About this report

This paper presents up-to-date, long-term estimates of Canada’s maximum energy efficiency potential by end-use sector based in the modelling approach used in the IEA World Energy Outlook 2017. Canada is one of the world’s most energy-intensive economies owing to its large size, cold climate, high standard of living and expanding energy industry. Energy demand has grown at 0.8% per year on average for the past 15 years, and this rate of growth is projected to continue under the IEA Current Policies Scenario, which assumes no new policies or changes to policies already enacted. An alternative scenario, the Energy Efficiency Case, was developed for the purposes of this report. Energy efficiency measures in this alternative scenario have the potential to keep both primary and final energy demand on a steadily declining trajectory to 2050, despite increasing economic activity. The potential savings identified could reduce energy demand by more than the equivalent of one-third of total primary energy demand in 2016.