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Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Canada 2000

Energy Policy Review

About this report

The International Energy Agency's 2000 review of Canada's energy policies and programmes. It finds that successful regulatory reform of the gas market has contributed to rapid growth in exports of gas to the US. Encouraged by potential trade benefits flowing from regulatory reform of the electricity market, and benefits flowing to Canadian consumers, some provinces have also undertaken major regulatory reform of the electricity industries in their jurisdictions. Development of Canada’s huge resources of oil sands and heavy oil have supplemented continuing development of conventional oil. These developments combined with rapid economic and population growth have posed policy challenges for Canadian governments in several areas. This report discusses the issues arising for policy makers, including the process currently underway in Canada to develop a national implementation strategy to meet the national target for greenhouse gas emissions, and progress in improving the efficient use of energy. Federal-provincial co-operation is essential for successful energy policy development and implementation in Canada. The report makes recommendations in several policy areas where co-operative action appears necessary, notably to encourage the development of regional energy markets which would bring together existing provincial reform policies and widen their scope to other provinces where market reforms have made less progress. The report looks comprehensively at the Canadian energy sector and also includes description and analysis of nuclear power, renewable energy sources and energy resource industries such as uranium and coal as well as oil and gas.