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Repurposing Power Markets: The Path to Sustainable and Affordable Energy for All
How can emerging markets extend access to electricity while maximizing use of sustainable power sources? A new IFC report suggests that bringing more competition into power markets can result in better outcomes, both in terms of widening access and boosting sustainability.
Cooler Finance: Mobilizing Investment for the Developing World's Sustainable Cooling Needs
A report by IFC and UNEP identifies ways to attract private capital into funding sustainable cooling solutions, making them more widely available without fueling a rise in emissions.
Digital Opportunities in African Businesses
African firms seeking to increase their use of technology face a number of challenges including a higher cost of adoption compared with other regions. A new book by IFC researchers highlights what can be done to enable African businesses to take full advantage of digitalization, from investing in new infrastructure to funding tech startups.
Emerging Market Green Bonds 2023
Emerging markets saw a 45 percent surge in sales of green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked bonds in 2023, according to the sixth edition of the Emerging Market Green Bonds report from IFC and Amundi. The analysis also projects issuance will continue to rise with around 7 percent annual growth through 2025, bringing much needed private sector funding to green transitions in developing economies.
Building Green: Sustainable Construction in Emerging Markets
Greener building technologies and climate-friendly capital markets could cut the construction sector’s carbon footprint as much as a fifth by 2035, creating a $3 trillion investment opportunity in emerging markets.
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