Board of Governors

Institute at a glance

Director's Office
Scientific Council
Board of Governors

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The Board of Governors discusses and adopts the Statute and other general legal acts, the action plan, the annual report and the five-year report, the financial plan and the annual financial statement, chooses the Director, agrees to the choice of senior managers and researchers, discusses and passes decisions on the initiatives of the Scientific Council.

The Board of Governors is made up of experts in the fields of science, technology, economics and social sciences that are related to the research work of the Institute. The members of the Board of Governors hold office for a term of four years.


Nominated by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
Mrs. Katarina Goli
Tanja Vertelj Ms.C.
Mr. Peter Sterle

Elected by the Institute
Prof. Ingrid Milošev, Ph. D., Deputy President
Gregor Kramberger, Ph. D.
Prof. Aleš Švigelj, Ph. D.

Representatives of users, nominated by the Institute's Scientific Council
Mr. Janez Novak
Mark Pleško, Ph. D., President of the Board
Mojmir Urlep Ms.C.

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00