1st star is for Common... I don't know what it is, but there is an Aura around this man. I enjoy his presence and he gave A LOT to the story, with a ridiculously short screen time screen. He is a GREAT actor, who, in this movie, deserved a lot more relevance and presence.
2nd star is for the story. Well thought.
3rd star, for the scenery... yes, it's CGI, amd yes, it's fake, but GREAT set!
I can compare this one to the Sci-Fi movie of Will Smith and his son... the kid is an idiot! Too much part for him, too little part for his father.
It's the same here... bratty kid who messes all up just to make a stand with the stupid cliche that parents are wrong and kids know it all!
Sam Worthington is another very good actor who plays a GREAT part in the movie... his talent fits the character like a glove! Avatar is a stain in his career, because he is much more than that simpleton, blue people blob.
All in all, this movie would, could and should, have been a lot better with more Common, more action (they had plenty of room to work it in there), less drama, and the totally expandable and annoying kid.
The ending turns out to be as predictable as the movie itself. It entertains, but it's a deception all throughout...