150 of 172 found this to have none
No sex scenes or nudity. No kissing scenes
97 of 131 found this to have none
Some abusive language used in last few episodes
There is one episode focused on fight between two groups. However, there is no gruesome scene as such to be really worried about.
93 of 130 found this mild
Episode-specific details have been deleted. Only provide series or season details. Episode specific items should be added to the episode.
Several hindi foul words in season 2 especially in last few episodes.
The series contains the infrequent use of phrases such as 'chutiya', 'bhosdike', 'gaand ka ched', and 'gaand phaadna'.
Season 1 Episode 3 has a foul word in the end.
95 of 124 found this mild
A group of lead characters is seen having alcohol in a group however no explicit scenes of consuming alcohol.
97 of 114 found this to have none