10m50 into the movie you see the number plate of the jeep. It's supposed to be from Switzerland but there doesn't exist a state with the abbreviation "GN" neither are there letters below, numbers only.
Near minute 33, Lucas unloads his pistol by pulling the slide (a cartridge is clearly seen being ejected), slide goes back in firing position, then the magazine is released. In this order, the pistol is still loaded, having one bullet to the chamber (slide moving back loads first bullet from magazine to the chamber). The correct unloading order is: magazine is removed, slide is pulled back, ejecting the bullet from chamber.
13 min. into the movie, you see the number plate of the BMW. In Switzerland there's no state with the abbreviation. "RC".
At 25 min. in, Lucas breaks a window by the front door to gain entrance. After entry, he closes and locks the door.