1EdTech OneRoster®: Conformance and Certification
1EdTech Final Release
Version 1.1
Date Issued: | 31st December 2020 |
Latest version: | http://www.imsglobal.org/lis/ |
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Document Name: 1EdTech OneRoster® 1.1 Conformance and Certification v1.1
Revision: 31st December, 2020
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.3 Structure of this Document
1.5 Nomenclature
2.1 Conformance Testing Process
2.1.1 Requirements for OneRoster v1.1 Conformance
2.1.2 OneRoster Conformance Mark
3.2.1 Importing CSV Files
3.2.2 Exporting CSV Files
3.3 CSV File Processing Certification
3.3.1 CSV Importers Certification
3.3.2 CSV Exporters Certification
3.3.3 CSV Importers/Exporters Certification
4. REST-based Exchange Conformance
4.1 Service Providers Compliance
4.1.1 Rostering Endpoint Compliance
4.1.2 Gradebook Endpoint Compliance
4.1.3 Resources Endpoint Compliance
4.2 Service Consumers Compliance
4.2.1 Rostering Endpoint Compliance
4.2.2 Gradebook Endpoint Compliance
4.2.3 Resources Endpoint Compliance
4.3 OneRoster REST Service Certification
4.3.1 Service Provider Certification
4.3.2 Service Consumer Certification
4.3.3 A Comparison of the Certifications
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope and Context
The OneRoster® standard is designed to be a subset of the full 1EdTech Learning Information Services (LIS) standard that focuses on the K-12/Schools needs to exchange roster information and grades. The standard includes a REST-based binding (also described by an OpenAPI [OpenAPI, 14] file) to make it quicker and easier to implement the exchange of information about people, membership, courses and gradebooks. In addition to the REST binding description, a format for CSV file based exchange has also been included (CSV files are typically exchanged between the school and the vendor to populate the roster information needed to gain access to learning tools, portals and learning environments).
The purpose of this document is provide the details of the conformance process and certifications available for the 1EdTech OneRoster 1.1 standard. Conformance certification is available for:
- Systems that import and/or export OneRoster CSV files;
- Systems that act as service providers and/or service consumers of the REST-based OneRoster services.
1.2 Status of this Document
This document is the Final Release, meaning the technical solution is now made available as a public document and as such several 1EdTech Members have aleady successfully completed conformance certification at the time of release of the document.
1EdTech strongly encourages its members and the community to provide feedback to continue the evolution and improvement of the OneRoster standard. To join the 1EdTech developer and conformance certification community focused on OneRoster please visit the 1EdTech OneRoster Alliance online here: http://www.imsglobal.org/lis/index.html
Public contributions, comments and questions can be posted here: Public OneRoster Forums.
1.3 Structure of this Document
The structure of the rest of this document is:
2. The Conformance Process | The formal process to be undertaken by a vendor wishing to obtain OneRoster conformance certification; |
3. CSV Exchange Conformance | Conformance testing to be undertaken by systems seeking CSV exchange certification and/or verification that the CSV files are conformant; |
4. REST-based Exchange Conformance | Conformance testing and the available conformance certifications for vendors seeking conformance to the OneRoster REST-based exchange; |
5. OneRoster Certifications | A summary of the set of possible OneRoster certifications that a product could obtain and an explanation of how these could be combined to make a product solution. |
1.4 Related Documents
[OneRoster, 17a] | OneRoster Specification and REST Binding v1.1, P.Nicholls and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., April 2017, http://www.imsglobal.org/lis/imsonerosterv1p1/imsOneRoster-v1p1.html. |
[OneRoster, 17b] | OneRoster 1.1 CSV Tables, P.Nicholls and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., April 2017, https://www.imsglobal.org/lis/imsOneRosterv1p1/imsOneRosterCSV-v1p1.html. |
[OAuth, 10] | OAuth Version 1.0 (RFC 5849), IETF, April 2010, http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5849. |
[OpenAPI, 14] | OpenAPI Specification (fka Swagger RESTful API Documentation Specification), Open API Initiative (Linux Foundation), September 2014, https://openapis.org/specification. |
1.5 Nomenclature
API | Application Programming Interface |
CSV | Comma Separated Values |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
IUT | Implementation Under Test |
LIS | Learning Information Services |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm |
2. The Conformance Process
2.1 Conformance Testing Process
The process for conformance testing implementations of OneRoster includes the following:
- Go to the 1EdTech Conformance Test Suite for OneRoster for either the REST or CSV version of OneRoster. Conformance Test Suite links are available in the 1EdTech LIS Alliance and the relevant link details are given in Sections 3 and 4 of this document;
- Follow the onscreen instructions to run the tests;
- Once the test has been successfully run, submit a print out of the test results along with the following information to conformance@imsglobal.org:
- Your Name
- Your Organization
- Your Product Name and Version
- Date the Product was tested
- Whether you are a Service/Data Provider or a Service/Data Consumer
- Whether you support the REST version, the CSV Version or both REST and CSV
- The optional features supported by your system (these must also have been subjected to conformance testing).
All Tests for either version must be passed successfully to be considered 1EdTech compliant.
2.1.1 Requirements for OneRoster v1.1 Conformance
All Tests for either the REST version or the CSV version must be passed successfully to be considered 1EdTech OneRoster compliant. There are three functional modes:
- Rostering - the enrolment of people in classes;
- Resources - the association of teaching/learning resources with courses/classes;
- Gradebooks - the scores/grades for a learner who has completed some assessment of their learning activity on a class/course.
For CSV conformance ALL systems MUST support the 'Rostering' mode and for every operational processing mode that is supported by the product. For example, if both CSV import and export processing are supported then 'Rostering' for BOTH of these is required.
For the REST binding ALL systems MUST support at LEAST ONE of the 'Rostering', 'Resources' and 'Gradebooks' modes.
2.1.2 OneRoster Conformance Mark
After you have submitted your successful conformance information to conformance@imsglobal.org, and received confirmation and a registration number from 1EdTech you may then apply the appropriate conformance mark. The 1EdTech conformance chart will list your conformance details. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any point.
Membership in the OneRoster/Learning Information Services Alliance is the only way to achieve official conformance to the OneRoster standard. Products without a 1EdTech conformance Registration Number are not considered to be compliant by 1EdTech.
Bug/Issues with Certification Suite
If you encounter any bugs in the certification suites, you can send your issue to bug-report@imsglobal.org or log it in github here:
3. CSV Exchange Conformance
The 1EdTech Conformance program provides conformance testing for:
- The set of CSV files that are to be exchanged;
- The systems that either import and/or export CSV files.
It should be noted that all filenames, column headers and data values are case sensitive. Incorrect use of case will result in the corresponding conformance error being reported.
Details about OneRoster conformance are available at the webpage: https://www.imsglobal.org/oneroster-conformance-testing.
3.1 CSV File Compliance
The 1EdTech OneRoster CSV validator is available to test the validity of CSV files. This validator is available at: https://onerostervalidator.imsglobal.org:8443/oneroster-server-cts-webapp/instructions. For OneRoster 1.0 this validator requires the CSV files to be submitted individually. For OneRoster v1.1 the set of CSV files are submitted as single zipped file. The validator will check that the ‘manifest.csv’ file is present and correctly structured. Next it will check the accompanying data CSV files for correctness. Finally it will provide a report on the correctness of the set of CSV files. Note that ONLY the ‘manifest.csv’ file is required in the zip file i.e. any combination of accompanying data model CSV files is permitted provided that these are semantically complete and self-consistent.
CSV files are defined as either 'BULK' or 'DELTA' processing. Bulk and Delta based CSV files have different content requirements and the validator will check for that consistency: all records in a single CSV file must be bulk or delta processing i.e. a mixture is NOT permitted and will be result in the file being declared invalid.
The OneRoster CSV validator is definitive when establishing whether or not a set of CSV files is conformant to the OneRoster specification.
3.2 Systems File Compliance
All systems, whether supporting import and/or export, must handle BULK processing content. Support for DELTA content is optional. Also, all systems must support the core set of rostering CSV files (this minimum set ensures semantic consistency for rostering information). Support for the non-rostering-oriented files is optional but the set of supported files must still create semantically consistent data exchange.
3.2.1 Importing CSV Files
Determining whether or not a system that imports OneRoster CSV files is conformant is based upon a report generated from the importing of the reference test set of OneRoster CSV files. This test set contains multiple zip files each of which must be imported by the Implementation Under Test (IUT). This set of zip files consists of two types of test files:
- CSV files that are syntactically correct and semantically consistent;
- CSV files which are syntactically incorrect and/or semantically inconsistent.
In the case of the files with known errors, a system must indicate that the files are incorrect. How those errors are reported and the subsequent file processing is implementation dependent and not subject to conformance. However, establishing whether or not a system is compliant requires the vendor to demonstrate that the CSV files have been appropriately processed and any errors detected.
A conformant system is NOT required to import every type of data model CSV file. A conformant system must import, completely, the ‘manifest.csv’ file, the mandatory set of CSV data files and any of the optional data model CSV files supported by the OneRoster system undergoing conformance (the set of supported CSV files must be identified during conformance). The correct CSV files must be processed appropriately i.e. updates according to any delta changes, etc. The mandatory set, or core, of CSV data files that MUST be supported for import is (note that it is NOT a requirement that every set of CSV files contain this core set):
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - bulk mode.
Therefore, the CSV data files that MAY be supported for import are:
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘categories.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘classResources.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘courseResources.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘demographics.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘lineItems.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘results.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘resources.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode.
Any system claiming that it supports import of the above optional data files MUST demonstrate the correct importing of the reference test set as part of the conformance. Note that the requirement for semantic consistency means that not all combinations of the set of optionally supported file imports is permitted.
An importing system MUST support all of the required and optional data fields within the OneRoster specification. It is not a requirement that all of the data is stored internally but an importer must not flag as in error a CSV file that contains data that cannot be stored by the importing system.
The test set includes files sets that are semantically incomplete and these inconsistencies must be detected and the appropriate error messages logged. The test set also includes CSV files that have extensions. A system is not required to process these extensions but it must not result in the import files being rejected as invalid. A system that can process bulk files only must be capable of detecting delta files as invalid and logging the appropriate error information.
If a 'manifest.csv' file is NOT present in the zip file then an importing system MUST assume the set of files are as per the OR 1.0 CSV specification. The importing system must flag an error. Subsequent error handling is implementation dependent BUT if a system wishes to claim it can correctly process the OR 1.0 CSV files it MUST also be OR 1.0 compliant i.e. it MUST have been certified for both OR 1.0 and OR 1.1 specifications.
The set of OneRoster Reference Test CSV Files are available from 1EdTech through the OneRoster Conformance web pages (https://www.imsglobal.org/oneroster-conformance-testing).
Support for Importing Gradebooks and Resources
Systems that are certifed to support the importing of resources as well as rostering must support the following files (the files marked by '*' are the extra files to be supported):
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classResources.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘courseResources.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘resources.csv’ - bulk mode*.
Systems that are certifed to support the importing of gradebooks as well rostering must support the following files (the files marked by '*' are the extra files to be supported):
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘lineItems.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘results.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘categories.csv’ - bulk mode*.
3.2.2 Exporting CSV Files
Determining whether or not a system that exports OneRoster CSV files is conformant is based upon the use of the OneRoster CSV validator to determine that the exported CSV files are valid. The IUT is required to export a set of CSV files that demonstrates the full range of the export capabilities of the IUT. These zip files must be validated by the 1EdTech OneRoster validator. The resulting set of reports, and the corresponding CSV files, must be submitted to 1EdTech as part of the conformance claim.
The submitted set of zipped CSV files must include examples of every one of the possible CSV files and must support contain ‘bulk’ and, if appropriate, ‘delta’ data sets. Support for the full range of the data models must also be demonstrated.
The demonstration set may contain extension fields but these must be the last set of columns. The header names for the extensions must not duplicate any of the other header names in CSV.
A system is NOT required to create all of the CSV files. A conformant system MUST be capable of creating the ‘manifest.csv’ file, the set of core data CSV files plus any of the other OneRoster CSV file as identified by the conformance claim and sustaining the semantic consistency. The range of data model CSV files created by the OneRoster system under test MUST be defined as part of the conformance. The mandatory, or core, set of CSV data files that MUST be supported for export is (note that it is NOT a requirement that every set of CSV files contain this core set):
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - bulk mode.
Therefore, the CSV data files that MAY be supported for export are:
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - delta mode;
- ‘categories.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘classResources.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘courseResources.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘demographics.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘lineItems.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘results.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode;
- ‘resources.csv’ - bulk and/or delta mode.
Any system claiming that it supports export of the above optional data files MUST demonstrate the correct exporting of the files using the OneRoster CSV Validator. The set of exported files MUST be semantically consistent otherwise the export capability will be declared invalid (the 1EdTech OneRoster CSV validator will check for this semantic consistency).
Exporting systems must supply all of the data that is defined as required and may supply any of the data fields defined as optional.
Support for Exporting Gradebooks and Resources
Systems that are certifed to support the exporting of resources as well rostering must support the following files (the files marked by '*' are the extra files to be supported):
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classResources.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘courseResources.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘resources.csv’ - bulk mode*.
Systems that are certifed to support the exporting of gradebooks as well rostering must support the following files (the files marked by '*' are the extra files to be supported):
- ‘academicSessions.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘classes.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘courses.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘enrollments.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘orgs.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘users.csv’ - bulk mode;
- ‘lineItems.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘results.csv’ - bulk mode*;
- ‘categories.csv’ - bulk mode*.
3.3 CSV File Processing Certification
System that are certified as OneRoster CSV compliant will be categorised as:
- CSV Importers - that support OneRoster CSV file importing only;
- CSV Exporters - that support OneRoster CSV file exporting only;
- CSV Importers/Exporters - that support OneRoster CSV file importing and exporting.
3.3.1 CSV Importers Certification
The functional capabilities of such systems are:
- They shall support the importing of the manifest file;
- They shall support the importing of the set of core rostering files in bulk processing mode;
- They may support the importing of the 'demographics.csv' files in bulk processing mode;
- They may support the importing of the full set of rostering files in delta processing mode (the eight files used for rostering);
- They may support the importing of the set of non-rostering files in bulk and/or delta processing modes;
- They must support all of the data fields;
- They may support the processing of extension data fields.
3.3.2 CSV Exporters Certification
The functional capabilities of such systems are:
- They shall support the exporting of the manifest file;
- They shall support the exporting of the set of core rostering files in bulk processing mode;
- They may support the exporting of the 'demographics.csv' files in bulk processing mode;
- They may support the exporting of the set of full rostering files in delta processing mode (the eight files used for rostering);
- They may support the exporting of the set of non-rostering files in bulk and/or delta processing modes;
- They must supply all of the required data fields;
- They may supply any of the optional data fields;
- They may supply extension data fields.
3.3.3 CSV Importers/Exporters Certification
The functional capabilities of such systems are:
- They shall support the importing and exporting of the manifest file;
- They shall support the importing and exporting of the core set of rostering files in bulk processing mode;
- They may support the importing and exporting of the 'demographics.csv' files in bulk processing mode;
- They may support the importing and exporting of the full set of rostering files in delta processing mode;
- They may support the importing and exporting of the set of non-rostering files in bulk and/or delta processing modes;
- They must support the importing of all of the data fields;
- When exporting, they must supply all of the required data fields;
- When exporting they may supply any of the optional data fields;
- They may support the import and/or export processing of extension data fields.
There is no requirement to maintain the integrity of the data set that is created by the import/export round-tripping.
4. REST-based Exchange Conformance
The 1EdTech Conformance program provides conformance testing for:
- Systems that act as OneRoster Service Providers – these are, primarily, systems that store OneRoster data and MUST enable that data to be returned to requests from a consumer;
- Systems that act as OneRoster Service Consumers – these are, primarily, systems that enable a OneRoster repository to be accessed and MUST enable requests to be made by the consumer.
For conformance the endpoint functionality is split into three classifications:
- Rostering endpoints – the endpoints that handle rostering information, in particular, data about people, clases, courses, and enrollments;
- Gradebooks endpoints – the endpoints that handle gradebooks information, in particular, data about results, lineItems and categories.
- Resources endpoints – the endpoints that handle resources information.
For the REST binding ALL systems MUST support at LEAST one of the 'Rostering', 'Resources' and 'Gradebooks' set of endpoints.
In the tabular summaries of the endpoint requirements the following should be noted:
- For a OneRoster 1.1 implementation the 'Endpoint' string should be appended to the string '/ims/oneroster/v1p1/';
- The 'Mode' is used denote whether the system is responsible for issuing the request (Init) or responding to the request (Resp).
4.1 Service Providers Compliance
4.1.1 Rostering Endpoint Compliance
For service provider rostering conformance the endpoints listed in Table 4.1 must be supported.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
getAllAcademicSessions | /academicSessions | GET | Resp |
getAcademicSession | /academicSessions/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllClasses | /classes | GET | Resp |
getClass | /classes/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllCourses | /courses | GET | Resp |
getCourse | /courses/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllEnrollments | /enrollments | GET | Resp |
getEnrollment | /enrollments/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllGradingPeriods | /gradingPeriods | GET | Resp |
getGradingPeriod | /gradingPeriods/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllOrgs | /orgs | GET | Resp |
getOrg | /orgs/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllSchools | /schools | GET | Resp |
getSchool | /schools/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllStudents | /students | GET | Resp |
getStudent | /students/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllTeachers | /teachers | GET | Resp |
getTeacher | /teachers/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllTerms | /terms | GET | Resp |
getTerm | /terms/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllUsers | /users | GET | Resp |
getUser | /users/{id} | GET | Resp |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional. For 'GET' requests a service provider must supply all of the required data fields for the action and may supply any of the optional data fields.
4.1.2 Gradebooks Endpoint Compliance
For service provider gradebook conformance the endpoints listed in either Tables 4.2 or/and 4.3 must be supported. Table 4.2 lists the 'pull' endpoints i.e. where the consumer reads the data from the provider. Table 4.3 list the 'push' endpoints where the provider writes the endpoints into the consumer.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
getAllCategories | /categories | GET | Resp |
getCategory | /categories/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllLineItems | /lineItems | GET | Resp |
getLineItem | /lineItems/{id} | GET | Resp |
getAllResults | /results | GET | Resp |
getResult | /results/{id} | GET | Resp |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional. For a 'GET' request a service provider must supply all of the required data fields for the action and may supply any of the optional data fields.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
putLineItem | /lineItems/{id} | PUT | Init |
putResult | /results/{id} | PUT | Init |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional.
4.1.3 Resources Endpoint Compliance
For service provider resources conformance the endpoints listed in Tables 4.4 must be supported.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
getAllResources | /resources | GET | Resp |
getResource | /resources/{id} | GET | Resp |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional. For a 'GET' request a service provider must supply all of the required data fields for the action and may supply any of the optional data fields.
4.2 Service Consumers Compliance
4.2.1 Rostering Endpoint Compliance
For service consumer rostering conformance the endpoints listed in Table 4.5 must be supported.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
getAllAcademicSessions | /academicSessions | GET | Init |
getAllClasses | /classes | GET | Init |
getAllCourses | /courses | GET | Init |
getAllEnrollments | /enrollments | GET | Init |
getAllGradingPeriods | /gradingPeriods | GET | Init |
getAllOrgs | /orgs | GET | Init |
getAllSchools | /schools | GET | Init |
getAllStudents | /students | GET | Init |
getAllTeachers | /teachers | GET | Init |
getAllTerms | /terms | GET | Init |
getAllUsers | /users | GET | Init |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional. For a 'GET' request a service consumer must support all of the required and optional data fields in the corresponding received records.
4.2.2 Gradebooks Endpoint Compliance
For service consumer gradebooks conformance the endpoints listed in either Table 4.6 and/or Table 4.7 must be supported.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
getAllCategories | /categories | GET | Init |
getAllLineItems | /lineItems | GET | Init |
getAllResults | /results | GET | Init |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional. For a 'GET' request a service consumer must support all of the required and optional data fields in the corresponding received records.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
putLineItem | /lineItems/{id} | PUT | Resp |
putResult | /results/{id} | PUT | Resp |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional.
4.2.3 Resources Endpoint Compliance
For service consumer resources conformance the endpoints listed in Table 4.8 must be supported.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Mode |
getAllResources | /resources | GET | Init |
Support for ANY of the other endpoints and service modes is optional. For a 'GET' request a service consumer must support all of the required and optional data fields in the corresponding received records.
4.3 OneRoster REST Service Certification
4.3.1 Service Provider Certification
The functional capabilities of such systems are:
- They MUST support at least one of the rostering, gradebooks and resources set of endpoints;
- If rostering is supported, all of the required endpoints MUST be supported;
- If rostering is supported, any of the optional endpoints MAY be supported;
- If resources is supported, all of the required endpoints MUST be supported;
- If resources is supported, any of the optional endpoints MAY be supported;
- If gradebooks is supported, all of either the pull or the push modes required endpoints MUST be supported;
- If gradebooks is supported, any of the optional endpoints MAY be supported (from both the pull and push modes);
- They MUST supply all of the required data fields;
- They MAY supply any of the optional data fields;
- They MAY provide extension data fields;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload pagination mechanism for all responses that provide a collection in the payload;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload filtering mechanism for all responses that provide a collection in the payload. Filtering for all of the REQUIRED data fields MUST be supported and filtering for all of the OPTIONAL data fields avauilable from the Service Provider MUST be supported;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload sorting mechanism for all responses that provide a collection in the payload;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload field selection mechanism for all responses that provide a collection or a singleton in the payload;
- They MUST support the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token (Client Credentials) authentication mechanism. Use of the associated set of 'scopes' consistent with the set of available endpoints MUST be supported.
Systems that wish to undertake conformance testing as a Service Provider, ONLY available to 1EdTech Members, should use the conformance test system located at: http://validate.imsglobal.org/ORv1p1_CTS_ServiceProvider/
4.3.2 Service Consumer Certification
The functional capabilities of such systems are:
- They MUST support at least one of the rostering, gradebooks and resources set of endpoints;
- If rostering is supported, all of the required endpoints MUST be supported;
- If rostering is supported, any of the optional endpoints MAY be supported;
- If resources is supported, all of the required endpoints MUST be supported;
- If resources is supported, any of the optional endpoints may be supported;
- If gradebooks is supported, all of either the pull or the push modes required endpoints MUST be supported;
- If gradebooks is supported, any of the optional endpoints MAY be supported (from both the pull and push modes);
- They MUST support all of the required data fields;
- They MUST support all of the optional data fields;
- They MAY process extension data fields;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload pagination mechanism for all requests that provide a collection in the response payload;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload filtering mechanism for all requests that provide a collection in the response payload;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload sorting mechanism for all requests that provide a collection in the response payload;
- They MUST support the endpoint payload field selection mechanism for all requests that provide a collection or a singleton in the response payload;
- They MUST support the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token (Client Credentials) authentication mechanism. Use of the associated set of 'scopes' consistent with the set of available endpoints MUST be supported.
Systems that wish to undertake conformance testing as a Service Consumer, ONLY available to 1EdTech Members, should use the conformance test system located at: https://onerostervalidator.imsglobal.org:8443/oneroster-client-cts-webapp/index
4.3.3 A Comparison of the Certifications
A comparison of the available certifications for the defined OneRoster endpoints is shown in Table 4.9. In this table the key is:
- 'C' denotes a service consumer;
- 'P' denotes a service provider;
- 'Init' denotes that the end-system issues the request (a shaded box denotes that support for the endpoint is required for that mode);
- 'Resp' denotes that the end-system responds to the request (a shaded box denotes that support for the endpoint is required for that mode)-
- '-' denotes that the endpoint is not available to that operational mode.
Service Call | Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Rostering | Gradebooks | Resources | |||
C | P | C | P | C | P | |||
getAllAcademicSessions | /academicSessions | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAcademicSession | /academicSessions/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllClasses | /classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClass | /classes/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getResourcesForClass | /classes/{class_id}/resources | GET | - | - | - | - | Init | Resp |
getStudentsForClass | /classes/{class_id}/students | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getTeachersForClass | /classes/{class_id}/teachers | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllCourses | /courses | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getCourse | /courses/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClassesForCourse | /courses/{course_id}/classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getResourcesForCourse | /courses/{course_id}/resources | GET | - | - | - | - | Init | Resp |
getAllDemographics | /demographics | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getDemographics | /demographics/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllEnrollments | /enrollments | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getEnrollment | /enrollments/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllGradingPeriods | /gradingPeriods | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getGradingPeriod | /gradingPeriods/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllOrgs | /orgs | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getOrg | /orgs/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllResources | /resources | GET | - | - | - | - | Init | Resp |
getResource | /resources/{id} | GET | - | - | - | - | Init | Resp |
getAllSchools | /schools | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getSchool | /schools/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClassesForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getCoursesForSchool | /schools/{id}/courses | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getEnrollmentsForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/enrollments | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getEnrollmentsForClassInSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes/{class_id}/enrollments | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getStudentsForClassInSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes/{class_id}/students | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getStudentsForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/students | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getTeachersForClassInSchool | /schools/{school_id}/classes/{class_id}/teachers | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getTeachersForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/teachers | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getTermsForSchool | /schools/{school_id}/terms | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllStudents | /students | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getStudent | /students/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClassesForStudent | /students/{student_id}/classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllTeachers | /teachers | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getTeacher | /teachers/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClassesForTeacher | /teachers/{teacher_id}/classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllTerms | /terms | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getTerm | /terms/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClassesForTerm | /terms/{term_id}/classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getGradingPeriodsForTerm | /terms/{term_id}/gradingPeriods | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllUsers | /users | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getUser | /users/{id} | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getClassesForUser | /users/{user_id}/classes | GET | Init | Resp | - | - | - | - |
getAllCategories | /categories | GET | - | - | Init (Pull) |
Resp (Pull) |
- | - |
getCategory | /categories/{id} | GET | - | - | Init (Pull) |
Resp (Pull) |
- | - |
putCategory | /categories/{id} | PUT | - | - | Resp (Push) |
Init (Push) |
- | - |
deleteCategory | /categories/{id} | DELETE | - | - | Resp (Push) |
Init (Push) |
- | - |
getAllLineItems | /lineItems | GET | - | - | Init (Pull) |
Resp (Pull) |
- | - |
getLineItem | /lineItems/{id} | GET | - | - | Init (Pull) |
Resp (Pull) |
- | - |
putLineItem | /lineItems/{id} | PUT | - | - | Resp (Push) |
Init (Push) |
- | - |
deleteLineItem | /lineItems/{id} | DELETE | - | - | Resp (Push) |
Init (Push) |
- | - |
getLineItemsForClass | /classes/{class_id}/lineItems | GET | - | - | Resp (Pull) |
Init (Pull) |
- | - |
getAllResults | /results | GET | - | - | Init (Pull) |
Resp (Pull) |
- | - |
getResult | /results/{id} | GET | - | - | Init (Pull) |
Resp (Pull) |
- | - |
putResult | /results/{id} | PUT | - | - | Resp (Push) |
Init (Push) |
- | - |
deleteResult | /results/{id} | DELETE | - | - | Resp (Push) |
Init (Push) |
- | - |
getResultsForClass | /classes/{class_id}/results | GET | - | - | Resp (Pull) |
Init (Pull) |
- | - |
getResultsForLineItemForClass | /classes/{class_id}/lineItems/{li_id}/results | GET | - | - | Resp (Pull) |
Init (Pull) |
- | - |
getResultsForStudentForClass | /classes/{class_id}/students/{student_id}/results | GET | - | - | Resp (Pull) |
Init (Pull) |
- | - |
5. OneRoster Certifications
A system that successfully achieves OneRoster certification will have a certain set of functional capabilities. OneRoster certification does NOT guarantee interoperability between ALL other OneRoster compliant solutions: a system that has only CSV certification will not interoperate with a system that has only REST API certification, etc. The set of functional properties that a OneRoster certified product may have is shown in Table 5.1. The key for Table 5.1 is:
- There are three functional modes i.e. Rostering (the enrollment of people on classes), Resources (the identification of resources allocated to courses/classes and Gradebook (the scores/grades achieved by learners on courses/classes). ALL systems must support at LEAST one of the functional modes of operation;
- There are two operational modes i.e. CSV processing and REST-API support;
- For CSV processing a system can support import and/or export file processing. In both cases there are the 'bulk' and 'delta' processing with support for 'bulk' processing being required;
- For REST API support a system can be a service provider and/or a service consumer. In both cases there is a set of 'Core' endpoints that must be supported and a set of 'Other' endpoints that may be supported (these other endpoints are distinct for each of the 'Rostering', 'Resources' and 'Gradebook' support).
ALL systems must support at LEAST one of the 'Rostering', 'Resources' and 'Gradebooks'.
Functional Mode (at least one must be supported) |
CSV Processing | REST API | ||||||
Import | Export | Provider | Consumer | |||||
Bulk | Delta | Bulk | Delta | Core | Other | Core | Other | |
Rostering | Required | Optional | Required | Optional | Required | Optional | Required | Optional |
Resources | Required (Support for Rostering CSV also required) |
Optional |
Required |
Optional | Required | Optional | Required | Optional |
Gradebooks | Required (Support for Rostering CSV also required) |
Optional |
Required |
Optional | Required (Pull or Push) |
Optional | Required (Pull or Push) |
Optional |
About this Document
Title: | 1EdTech OneRoster® v1.1 Conformance and Certification |
Editors: | Colin Smythe, 1EdTech (UK) Phil Nicholls, Oracle (USA) |
Version: | 1.1 / Document 1.1 |
Version Date: | 31st December, 2020 |
Status: | 1EdTech Final Release |
Summary: | This document contains the conformance and certification information for OneRoster, a K-12/Schools focused specification for the exchange of information about students, enrolments and gradebooks. This conformance definition addresses the exchange of data using CSV files and the set of REST/JSON-based endpoints |
Revision Information: | The fifth release of the 1EdTech OneRoster Conformance and Certification document. This 1.1 revision remives all refernce to the use of OAuth 1.0a message signing as an available authorization mechanism. |
Purpose: | This document is made available to the public for adoption of the OneRoster specification. |
Document Location: | 1EdTech Public Website (Standards Download): http://www.imsglobal.org/activity/onerosterlis/ |
List of Contributors
The following individuals contributed to the development of this document:
William Baker | Pearson (USA) |
Arthur Barstow | McGraw-Hill (USA) |
Sari Connard | Performance Matters (USA) |
Hank Davidson | Pearson (USA) |
Vijay Dhanaraj | Classlink (USA) |
David Gappa | Safari Montage (USA) |
Linda Feng | Unicom (USA) |
Tom Ingram | Escambia County School District (USA) |
Oxana Jurosevic | Instructure (USA) |
Mike Kaastra | Desire2Learn (Canada) |
Jong Kim | Pearson (USA) |
Andrew Kuritzky | HMH (USA) |
Lisa Mattson | 1EdTech (USA) |
David Mayes | Gwinnett County Schools (USA) |
Andy Miller | Learning.com (USA) |
Phil Nicholls | Oracle (UK) |
Padraig O'hiceadha | HMH (UK) |
Upendra Penegalapati | Pearson (USA) |
George Perreault | Classlink (USA) |
James Perreault | FLVS (USA) |
Patrick Porter | Houston ISD (USA) |
Wendy Riedy | Sungard K12 (USA) |
Kurt Rompot | Pearson (USA) |
Marc Sheftel | Pearson (USA) |
Colin Smythe | 1EdTech (UK) |
Konrad Stimeling | K12 (USA) |
Aditya Subramaniam | Schoology (USA |
Matt Vella | Schoology (USA) |
TJ Vering | Microsoft (USA) |
Mark Walls | Gwinnett County Schools (USA) |
Stanley Watts | Classlink (USA) |
Mike Zackerson | Instructure (USA) |
Revision History
Version No. | Release Date | Comments |
Final Release v1.0 | 3rd June 2015 | The first formal release of the Final Release version of this document. |
Final Release v1.1 | 17th April, 2017 | The second formal release of this document. The conformance requirements, for both CSV and REST, have been made considerably more demanding and specific. |
Final Release v1.1 / Document 1.0.1 | 11th September, 2017 | The changes made in this revision of the document are focused on removing some of the endpoints from the REST API certification for a Consumer:
Final Release v1.1 / Document 1.0.2 | 3rd April, 2019 |
The changes made in this revision address the changes in conformance requirements for the security aspects. In particular:
Final Release v1.1 / Document 1.0.3 | 19th February, 2020 |
The changes made in this revision are:
Final Release v1.1 / Document 1.1 | 31st December, 2020 |
The changes made in this revision are:
1EdTech Consortium, Inc. ("1EdTech") is publishing the information contained in this document ("Specification") for purposes of scientific, experimental, and scholarly collaboration only.
1EdTech makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Specification.
This material is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis.
The Specification is at all times subject to change and revision without notice.
It is your sole responsibility to evaluate the usefulness, accuracy, and completeness of the Specification as it relates to you.
1EdTech would appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions.
Please contact 1EdTech through our website at http://www.imsglobal.org.
Please refer to Document Name: 1EdTech OneRoster® 1.1 Conformance and Certification Final Specification v1.1
Date: 31st December, 2020
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