Following the collective complaint filed in 2018 to the Council of Europe's Committee on Social Rights by Unapei, APF France handicap, Unafam and FNATH, France’s violation of the rights of persons with disabilities is established.
Inclusion Europe took part in the European Citizen's Award Ceremony at the European Parliament, and received an award for “My Talents. For Diversity 1¤7 project.
On Wednesday the 3rd of February 2021, the European Committee of Social Rights made public its decision concerning the collective complaint of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) and Inclusion Europe v. Belgium
It is well known that "care" institutions of this kind are not suitable for living and represent a danger to the safety of their residents. The causes of the fire now must be investigated properly, and the survivors must get a chance to live in the community.
Inclusion Europe strongly opposes a project for a "village" for people with intellectual disabilities in Estonia, which is merely another institution in disguise.
Digitalisation, EU funds, anti-discrimination laws, employment strategies ... people with intellectual disabilities are affected by nearly all EU laws and policies. Inclusion Europe has joined a call by the European Disability Forum, eight Members of the European Parliament and other organisations.
The European Mobility Week takes place from 16 to 22 September. On this occasion, the European Disability Forum (EDF) has sent an open letter to EU governments regarding the revision of the EU Rail Passenger's Regluation.
Ahead of the 13th June meeting of the EPSCO Council, we have joined COFACE-Families Europe and 11 other European civil society networks to co-sign a joint letter calling on the national governments to move towards swift transposition of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive.
It was with sadness and shock, but not surprise, that we learned about the abuses (including physical violence and mental torture) that persons with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities and persons with autism were subjected to at the Whorton Hall specialist hospital in the United Kingdom.