The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities introduced the legal recognition of universal legal capacity in its Article 12:


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


The UN CRPD stands for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

All European Union member states have ratified the UN CRPD. The European Union has also ratified the UN CRPD.

Full text of the CRPD. There is also an easy to read version (.pdf) of the CRPD.

Lear more about the UN CRPD in our easy to understand video:

UN CRPD Committee

The UN CRPD Committee is a group of people who look into how countries protect the rights of people with disabilities. One of the members of the Committee is a self-advocate Robert Martin from New Zealand, the first person with intellectual disability to be elected to the Committee.

The Committee:

  • writes reports on how countries follow the CRPD;
  • publish documents about how the UN CRPD should be interpreted and implemented: these documents are called General Comments;
  • issue statements about various issues;
  • decide on complaints raised against countries.

Some of the Committee’s documents are available in easy-to-read.

Lear more about the UN CRPD Committee in our easy to understand video:

Submissions to the CRPD Committee

Organisations can send to the Committee documents about the situation in their country or about what they think the General Comments should say.

Inclusion Europe submissions:

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