For Linux VPS, Windows VPS, and migrated Cloud Servers managed in the Cloud Panel

This article explains the protocols you can select when setting up a firewall policy for a VPS.

TCP: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is an essential part of the TCP/IP layer. TCP is connection-oriented and therefore requires an acknowledgement of receipt for each data packet sent. This protocol is designed to prevent data loss, split the data stream of different applications and allocate data packets. In addition, the protocol provides other functions:

  • Flow control: flow control is a function that adjusts the transmission speed of asynchronously operating terminals to the receiving station's recording capacity.

  • Error handling: If an error occurs, the faulty data segments are requested again from the higher layers.

UDP: UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless transport protocol. It builds directly on the underlying IP protocol and is characterized by short latency times.

ICMP: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is a protocol for transmitting status information and error messages in IP, TCP and UDP protocols. This protocol is a component of the IP protocol, but is treated as an independent protocol.