Service Level Agreement of IONOS Cloud Inc.

Service Level Agreement of IONOS Cloud Inc.

1. Scope of application

1.1 This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an integral part of the contract with You, as amended from time to time, and regulates the conditions for the provision of the services offered by IONOS Cloud Inc.. This SLA supplements the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions.

1.2 IONOS Cloud Inc. reserves the right to amend the SLA at any time. IONOS Cloud Inc. shall inform You of the amendment ten working days before it comes into effect. In the event of any material adverse changes to this Agreement, we shall notify You at least 90 days in advance.

2. IONOS Cloud Compute Engine

2.1 The IONOS Cloud Compute Engine provides You with computing capacity in the cloud (instance) that can be accessed via the network using standardized protocols.

2.2 IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the IONOS Cloud Compute Engine is available to a level of at least 99.95 percent on a monthly average. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

2.3 The IONOS Cloud Compute Engine is considered unavailable if access to the active (running) instance is not guaranteed, i.e. bidirectional communication with the instance is not possible

2.4 The availability of the IONOS Cloud Compute Engine is calculated across all Your instances within a monthly billing cycle using the following formula:

100% - ( Unavailability in minutes / Instance duration in minutes)

The instance duration is the time span between the provisioning and termination of a IONOS Cloud Compute Engine instance by You.

2.5 The credit note shall be calculated as a percentage of all payments made to the IONOS Cloud Compute Engine in the billing month in which the minimum availability was not provided (core and RAM).

2.6 If the agreed minimum availability of the IONOS Cloud Compute Engine is not provided, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table:

less than equal to or greater than  
99.95% 99.90% 5%
99.90% 99.80% 10%
99.80% 99.70% 25%
99.70% 40%

3. IONOS Cloud Cubes

3.1 The IONOS Cloud Cubes provides You with a predefined configuration of resources (vCPU, RAM and storage) in the cloud (cube instance), that can be accessed via network using standardized protocols.

3.2  IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to make commercially reasonable efforts to achieve an availability of the IONOS Cloud of at least 99.9 percent on a monthly average. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

3.3 The IONOS Cloud Cubes is considered unavailable if access to the active (switched on) Cube-instance is not guaranteed, i.e. bidirectional communication with the instance is not possible.

3.4 The availability of the IONOS Cloud Cubes is calculated across all Cube instances of a customer within a monthly billing period according to the following formula:

100% - (Unavailability in minutes / Cube instance time in minutes)

The Cube instance time refers to the period of time between the creation and deletion of an IONOS Cloud Cube instance by You.

3.5 The credit is calculated as a percentage of all payments made for IONOS Cloud Cubes in the billing month in which the availability was undercut.

3.6 If the agreed minimum availability of theIONOS Cloud Cubes is not met, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table:

less than equal to or greater than  
99.90% 99.00% 25%
99.00% 95.00% 50%
95.00%   100%

4. IONOS Cloud Block Storage

4.1 The IONOS Cloud Block Storage provides You with individual virtual hard drives as volumes on which You can store data in a file system of Your choice.

4.2 IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the IONOS Cloud Block Storage is available to a level of at least 99.95 percent on a monthly average. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

4.3 The IONOS Cloud Block Storage is considered unavailable if You cannot access Your stored data. Access is not possible if connected volumes do not perform read and/or write operations and I/O requests are queued.

4.4 The availability of the IONOS Cloud Block Storage is calculated across all Your volumes within a monthly billing period according to the following formula:

100% - (Unavailability in minutes / Volume duration in minutes)

The volume duration refers to the time span between the creation and deletion of a block storage volume by You.

4.5 The credit note shall be calculated as a percentage of all payments made to the IONOS Cloud Block Storage (HDD and SSD) during the billing month in which the availability was not provided.

4.6 If the agreed minimum availability of theIONOS Cloud Block Storage is not provided, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table: 

smaller than equal to or greater than  
99.95% 99.90% 5%
99.90% 99.80% 10%
99.80% 99.70% 25%
99.70% 40%

5. IONOS Cloud Object Storage

5.1 The IONOS Cloud Object Storage is an object storage solution based on the S3 API specification (Simple Storage Services). The service enables You to store objects (files plus metadata) in “buckets” and to access them via APIs or web services.

5.2  IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the IONOS Cloud Object Storage available to a level of at least 99.5 percent on a monthly average. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

5.3 The IONOS Cloud Object Storage is considered unavailable if You receive an “Internal Server Error” or “Service Unavailable” server error message

5.4 The availability of the IONOS Cloud Object Storage is determined across all Your buckets within a monthly billing period. Availability is calculated as 100 percent, less the arithmetic mean of the error rates. The error rate is the ratio of server errors to the total number of requests within a five-minute period. If no request is made, the error rate for the period in question is zero percent.

5.5 The credit note is calculated as a percentage of all payments made for the IONOS Cloud Object Storage during the billing month in which the availability was not provided.

5.6 If the agreed minimum availability of the IONOS Cloud Object Storage is not provided, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table:

less than equal to or greater than    
99.50% 99.00% 10%  
99.00% 25%  

6. IONOS Cloud Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS)

6.1 For DBaaS Managed PostgreSQL, the terms and conditions of IONOS Cloud Compute Engine as described in section 2. shall apply accordingly.

6.2 For DBaaS In-Memory DB, the terms and conditions of IONOS Cloud Compute Engine as described in clause 2. shall apply accordingly.

6.3 For DBaaS Managed MariaDB, the terms and conditions of IONOS Cloud Compute Engine as described in clause 2. shall apply accordingly.

6.4 For DBaaS Managed MongoDB, the terms and conditions of IONOS Cloud Compute Engine as described in section 2. shall apply accordingly, provided that the Service is operated in a High-Availability Setup with at least three Nodes. Otherwise, the terms and conditions of IONOS Cloud Cubes as described in section 3. shall apply accordingly. Excluded from this is the DBaaS Managed MongoDB Playground Edition, for which no SLA is explicitly offered.

7. IONOS Cloud Managed Kubernetes

7.1 The IONOS Cloud Managed Kubernetes is composed of two central building blocks, the Control Plane and Node Pools.

7.2 For the Node Pools built on top of the IONOS Cloud Compute Engine, the terms and conditions of the IONOS Cloud Compute Engine as described in section 2. shall apply.

7.3 IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to use commercially reasonable efforts to achieve an availability of the Kubernetes API of the Control Plane of at least 99.95 percent. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

7.4 The monthly availability percentage for the Kubernetes API is determined by subtracting the percentage of the 5-minute intervals during the monthly billing cycle in which Kubernetes API was not available from 100 percent.

7.5 The credit is calculated as a percentage of payments made for the IONOS Cloud Managed Kubernetes (Core, RAM and Block Storage) during the billing month in which the availability was undercut.

7.6 If the agreed minimum availability of the IONOS Cloud Managed Kubernetes is undercut, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table:

less than equal to or greater than  
99.95% 99.00% 10%
99.00% 95.00% 25%
95.00%   100%

8. IONOS Cloud DNS

8.1 The IONOS Cloud DNS enables You to publish DNS zones of your domains and subdomains on IONOS Cloud Name Servers. You can manage your DNS zones and records via the Cloud DNS API.

8.2 IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to make commercially reasonable efforts to achieve an availability of its Name Servers for your DNS zones of at least 99.995 percent. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

8.3 The monthly availability percentage for IONOS Cloud Name Servers is determined by subtracting from 100 percent the percentage of time during the monthly billing cycle in which all the Name Servers were not available.

8.4 The credit is calculated as a percentage of payments made for IONOS Cloud DNS during the billing month in which the availability was undercut.

8.5 If the agreed minimum availability of IONOS Cloud Name Servers is not met, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table:

less than equal to or greater than  
99.995% 99.99% 10%
99.99% 99.95% 25%
99.95%   100%

9. IONOS Logging Service

9.1 IONOS Logging Service is a centralized and scalable solution for logging, monitoring, and analyzing application and infrastructure logs. This service comprises the IONOS Logging Service Rest API, Grafana and Pipelines, enabling customers to access and manage their log data.

  • IONOS Logging Service REST API provides the capability to ingest and manage logs.
  • Grafana is a web service for log querying and visualization. 
  • Pipeline is an instance of the IONOS Logging Service You can create

9.2 IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to use commercially reasonable efforts to achieve an availability of the IONOS Logging Service of at least 99.5 percent on a monthly average. Should IONOS Cloud Inc. fail to meet this obligation, You shall be entitled to receive a credit note.

9.3 IONOS Logging Service is considered unavailable if any of the following error scenarios occur:

  • No HTTP connection possible through the IONOS Logging Service Rest API,
  • HTTP status code >= 500 in the IONOS Logging Service Rest API,
  • Grafana request returns a “500 Service Unavailable” error message,
  • The log agent is not able to send log data due to unreachability of the dedicated log server to the pipeline.

9.4 The availability of the IONOS Logging Service is calculated monthly and based on 100 percent minus the arithmetic mean of error rates.

Error rate is defined as the ratio of server errors to the total number of requests within a five-minute interval. If no requests are made during an interval, the error rate for that interval is considered as zero percent.

9.5 The credit is calculated as a percentage of all payments made for the IONOS Logging Service in the billing month in which the availability was undercut.

9.6 If the agreed minimum availability of the IONOS Logging Service is not met, You are entitled to receive a credit note resulting from the following table:


smaller than equal to or greater than  
99.50% 99.90% 25%
99.00%   40%

10. Event Streams for Apache Kafka

For Event Streams for Apache Kafka, the terms and conditions of Managed Kubernetes as set forth in Clause 7 shall apply.

11. Data Center Designer and IONOS Cloud API

11.1 The Data Center Designer (DCD) and IONOS Cloud Application Programming Interface (API) are web services that enable You to control and manage the services offered by IONOS Cloud Inc..

11.2 IONOS Cloud Inc. provides You with DCD and API and aims for an availability of 99.5 percent as a monthly mean.

11.3 The DCD and API are available to You whenever You can access these interfaces and when changes can be made to the configuration of Your virtual resources.

11.4 As DCD and API are additional services that are provided to You free of charge, compliance with the service level is not subject to any credit regulation.

11.5 For other services of IONOS Cloud Inc., in particular new products not explicitly mentioned in this SLA, IONOS Cloud Inc. undertakes to make commercially reasonable efforts to achieve an availability of at least 99 percent on a monthly average.

12. Granting credit notes for claims regarding defects

12.1 IONOS Cloud shall grant credit notes for claims regarding defects based on the credit note scale of the service concerned and the following terms.

12.2 To receive a credit note, You must assert Your claim by contacting the IONOS Cloud Support of IONOS Cloud in writing. The credit note must be requested within two weeks after the end of the billing month for which it is claimed. The request must contain the Unique Identifier (UID) of the affected instance, volumes or Object Storage buckets, and information on the times of each period of non-availability covered by the claim. Furthermore, the incidents are to be documented in request logs, and must be included in the claim. Confidential information is to be pseudonymised.

12.3  IONOS Cloud will grant or reject the credit note within six weeks of receipt of the complete request. If the request does not contain the information given above, the claim for a credit note cannot be accepted.

12.4 Credit notes shall only be made against future payments, which are due to be paid by You. IONOS Cloud will not reimburse the sum in any other form. IONOS Cloud Inc. will not be responsible for the reimbursement of indirect and consequential damage such as loss of profits, interruption of business, loss of data and information etc. in accordance with its General Terms and Conditions.

13. Response times for technical support

13.1 At IONOS Cloud qualified personnel (system administrators) are available to You for troubleshooting 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is an additional service that is provided to You free of charge.

The IONOS Cloud Support can be contacted as follows:

Germany (German) +49 30 57700-820 ​
Austria (German) +43 1 3850571 ​
Italy (English) +39 02 35400536 ​
France (English) +33 1 76 54 09 41 ​
United Kingdom (English) +44 333 336 1285 ​
United States (English) +1 267 481-7981 ​
Canada (English) +1 267 481-7981
Mexico (English) +52 55 4440-9171

13.2 When a support request is received, a trained system administrator will contact You. The support enquiries are processed according to the response times defined below.

13.3 The following response times apply to incoming support requests:

Disruption (service is not available, or its use is limited) < 1 hour < 6 hours

Service or information request < 72 hours

< 72 hours

13.4 You will receive an explanation from an expert within the above response times. Either this will contain an explanation concluding the process or, if the process has not yet been completed, an initial assessment of the support request and information about what will happen next. In the case of disruption, You will additionally be informed about the extent of the disruption and how long it will probably take to deal with it.


14. Maintenance work

14.1 IONOS Cloud Inc. may temporarily suspend or restrict access to the Services if this is required for the security of network operation, the maintenance of network integrity (in particular the prevention of serious network disruptions), the interoperability of services and data protection requirements. As far as possible, IONOS Cloud Inc. will perform required maintenance work during periods of low use.

14.2 Within each quarter, maintenance work causing the service to become unavailable shall not exceed a period of four hours.IONOS Cloud Inc. will inform You about upcoming maintenance work two working days in advance. In the event of a lengthy temporary suspension of or restrictions to the service, IONOS Cloud Inc. will notify You seven days in advance of the nature, extent and duration of the down time, as far as circumstances allow and as long as the notification would not delay the elimination of any interruptions that have already occurred. The above limitations are not considered to be periods of unavailability.

15. Disclaimer

15.1 Unforeseeable, unavoidable events, which are beyond the control of IONOS Cloud Inc., and events beyond its liability such as force majeure, war, natural disasters or labor disputes, shall release IONOS Cloud Inc. from its obligation to provide the service for their duration. Agreed service periods are extended by the duration of the disruption; You shall be informed of the occurrence of the disruption in an appropriate manner. If the end of the disruption is not foreseeable or lasts more than one month, each party is entitled to terminate the contract.

15.2 A disruption does not need to be dealt with by IONOS Cloud Inc. if the data transmission is disturbed outside the data network operated by IONOS Cloud Inc., e.g. due to line failure or interference with other providers or telecommunication providers. Furthermore, periods shall not be considered times of unavailability during which IONOS Cloud Inc. restricts or blocks access to individual products and / or services due to an urgent threat to its data, hardware and / or software infrastructure or Your data, hardware and / or software infrastructure caused by external threats (e.g. viruses, trojans), or due to a significant threat to network security or network integrity. When making a decision of this nature, IONOS Cloud Inc. will, as far as possible, take into consideration Your legitimate interests, inform You immediately of the measures taken and take every reasonable action to immediately lift the access restriction or blocking.

15.3 The responsibility of IONOS Cloud Inc. for the components used to provide services ends at the data interfaces between the data center and the public data networks or Your data network, if there is a direct connection to the latter's data network based on a contractual agreement.

15.4 IONOS Cloud Inc. shall only be liable for non-compliance with the SLA if IONOS Cloud Inc. is solely responsible for such non-compliance. Furthermore, the obligations taken on in this SLA do not apply to the following types of disruption:

  • Outages caused by incoming / outgoing hacker attacks,
  • Failure to comply with the SLA caused by You or Your software,
  • Software / programs which have been defectively installed or improperly used by You,
  • Scheduled maintenance performed by IONOS Cloud Inc. or its suppliers, of which You were informed within a minimum notice period,
  • Errors caused by the manufacturer in the standard software used, on which the IONOS Cloud Inc. infrastructure is based (e.g. MS Windows server) and/or hardware,
  • Emergency maintenance,
  • Force majeure.

15.5 If IONOS Cloud Inc. can prove to You that disruptions are not covered by the warranty, IONOS Cloud Inc. reserves the right to charge You for troubleshooting.

16. Severability clause

If any individual provisions of this SLA should be or become wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract in question.


Last update: December 2024