Long-term energy scenarios network
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IRENA’s Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Network provides a global platform to exchange knowledge and good practices in the use and development of model-based long-term energy scenarios (LTES) to guide the clean energy transition. It aims to promote wider and more effective use of LTES in government for energy and climate policy-making.
Key stakeholders involved in the LTES Network are:
- Scenario users within government planning teams and policy-making institutions.
- Scenario developers within government modelling teams or technical institutions supporting government.
The LTES Network focuses and aims to benefit members in the institutional aspects around three areas:
The LTES Network is built on the “Long-Term Energy Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition Initiative” – a time-bound Initiative that IRENA has run since 2018 under the umbrella of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM).
Members of the LTES Network are given the opportunity to engage with the IRENA’s programmatic activities that include, but are not limited to:
- Workshops & Events
- Regional webinars:
- Thematic webinars:
- Members and partners webinars:
- Publications:
- Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Experience and Good Practices in Africa (January 2023) (Français)
- Long-Term Energy Scenarios and Low-Emission Development Strategies: Stocktaking and Alignment (January 2023)
- Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Experience and Good Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean (July 2022) (Español)
- Benchmarking Scenario Comparison: Key indicators for the clean energy transition (September 2021)
- Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Global experience and best practices (September 2020)
- Long-term energy scenarios: First-year campaign findings (May 2019)
- National Energy Transition Planning Dashboard
Joining the network
Formal membership in the LTES Network is free of charge and open to both government institutions responsible for the development of official scenarios, as well as technical institutions that support governments in the development and use of such scenarios.
Please refer to the Terms of Reference to learn about the LTES Network's context, strategic objectives, activities and membership criteria.
For further information, please contact: ltes@irena.org.
Members of the LTES Network
- Austria
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Dominican Republic
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Finland
- Germany
- Ghana
- Italy
- Japan
- Kenya
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Mexico
- Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Peru
- Philippines
- Portugal
- Republic of Korea
- Saudi Arabia
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- United States of America
Technical partners of the LTES Network
The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS)
Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA) at NREL
World Resources Institute
World Energy Council
International Energy Agency (IEA)
China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC)
European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)
State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC)
IEA ETSAP Technology Collaboration Programme
The World Bank
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Stockholm Environment Institute
IRENA Insights - Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Global experience and best practices
Related events
Long-term energy scenarios (LTES) for developing national clean energy transition plans in Asia
IRENA hosted a regional webinar series on national long-term energy scenarios in Asia to discuss current practices, experiences, challenges, and opportunities in developing and using LTES to facilitate the energy transition in the region.
View event
16 April 2024
IRENA Assembly event: Participatory Strategies for Developing Just and Renewable-Based Energy Pathways
This session explored the critical role of participatory processes in national energy planning and policy-making. It highlighted the integration of diverse stakeholder perspectives to build robust and socially inclusive energy scenarios. (proceedings to be added soon).
18 March 2024
IRENA Insights – “Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Experiences and good practices in Africa”
The webinar introduced the Scenarios for the energy transition: Experience and good practices in Africa report which summarizes the presentations and discussions during the Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for Developing National Energy Transition Plans in Africa webinar series. It presents key findings and recommendations that are broadly relevant to African countries, as well as to stakeholders attempting to improve their planning processes across the world.
11 – 12 December 2023
Energy Modelling Hub Annual Forum
The LTES Network co-hosted the Energy Modelling Hub’s Annual Forum in Ottawa, Canada. The event consisted of 2 days of thematic sessions focusing on global and Canadian issues in the context of reaching net-zero in the Canadian energy sector (proceedings will be uploaded soon).
5 December 2023
LTES COP 28 Event
The LTES Network organized an event at the UAE Pavilion during COP28. The event aimed to raise awareness of the importance of coordinating national energy and climate plans. The event featured an expert discussion with representatives from LTES Network partners, the UNFCCC, and the World Energy Council, moderated by the Clean Energy Ministerial.
22 November 2023
Stakeholder-driven energy scenarios for a just transition: Dialogue with the scientific community
IRENA and IEECP co-hosted a workshop to highlight participatory scenarios and scientific input in energy planning, focusing on best practices and inclusive strategies. This event is part of the participatory processes workstream under the LTES Network.
Concept Note & Agenda
16 November 2023
Joint workshop on public participation in energy and grid planning
IRENA, REN21, RGI and GGI co-hosted a workshop on engaging the public and civil society in energy and grid planning, featuring participants from government, international organizations and NGOs.
12 October 2023
Agenda & Thematic Areas – RESEE2023: Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Network “Effective stakeholder engagement for energy scenario communication”
The LTES Network organized a session at RESEE2023 to explore the role of long-term energy scenarios (LTES) in mobilizing investments and action for the energy transition, and the crucial role of clear communication and dialogue to achieve it.
29 September 2023
IRENA Innovation Week 2023: Strategic Considerations for Sector Coupling in Long-Term Energy Scenarios
As the first discussion of sector coupling under the LTES Network scope, this session mapped out the key considerations that scenario practitioners need to incorporate when including sector coupling aspects in long-term energy scenarios.
Recording | Presentation | Summary
19 July 2023
IRENA at the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and 8th Mission Innovation meeting (CEM14/MI-8)
This side event hosted an expert panel discussion to collaboratively outline the strategic current and emerging priorities in using and developing national LTES that impact the pace of the energy transition and must be included in the global discussion agenda on LTES.
Event Website | Event Recording
5 July 2023
Country Workshop on Participatory Processes For Developing National Long-Term Energy Scenarios
The LTES network hosted a half-day virtual workshop to facilitate knowledge sharing among government scenario practitioners on the challenges and benefits of involving diverse stakeholders in the development of long-term energy scenarios.
7 June 2023
SB58 event in IRENA office
During the 2023 Bonn Climate Change Conference, experts from IRENA’s Innovation and Technology Centre organized an informational session to showcase their key projects and how they contribute to the global climate response. The LTES team presented the work of the LTES Network as well as the recent report on LTES and LT-LEDS alignment.
Event Summary | Presentation 1 | Presentation 2
30 May 2023
IRENA Insights – Long-term energy scenarios and low-emission development strategies
The Insights Webinar introduced IRENA’s report Long-term energy scenarios and low-emission development strategies: Stocktaking and alignment, which analyses 24 LTES and 36 scenario-based LT-LEDS, their institutional frameworks and the technical coverage of their scenarios.
20 March 2023
Senior Official’s Meeting Clean Energy Ministerial: Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition: Insights from the Long-Term Energy Scenario (LTES) Initiative
This session was aimed at discussing the practices and experiences collected through the exchange of knowledge fostered by the Initiative on how energy scenarios are being used to accelerate the clean energy transition. A case from one country member outlining how the LTES Initiative has supported the development of its national energy plans and strategies was presented during the session.
Agenda | Presentation
13 January 2023
Thirteenth Session of the IRENA Assembly: National frameworks for scenario development towards net-zero target-setting (Side Event)
This meeting gathered specialists from diverse sectors to discuss frameworks for developing and using long-term energy scenarios (LTES) targeting net-zero emissions to achieve climate goals, create long-term development strategies and their uses and impacts on critical sectors, such as the financial sector.
Video | Agenda | Presentation | Event Summary
7 – 9 December 2022
4th International Forum on Long-term Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition
The International Forum on Long-term Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition brings together scenario practitioners in government, academia, technical institutions and the private sector to discuss how to strengthen the development and improve energy scenarios to guide the clean energy transition. It is the annual flagship event of IRENA's LTES Network and Clean Energy Ministerial LTES Initiative.
21 – 23 September 2022
Global Clean Energy Action Forum 2022 (CEM13) Side Event: Global Dialogue on Long-Term Transition Pathways for Road Transport
This side event co-organised by IRENA’s LTES Initiative, Energy Foundation China and China EV100 gathered government officials and industry experts from around the world to discuss the key drivers and uncertainties around the development of the future transportation system that need to be reflected in long-term energy scenarios and how long-term scenarios can be made useful for guiding the development of the transportation industry.
See proceedings here.
25 August 2022
COREN 2022 9th Regional Energy Congress Renewable Energies for a Sustainable Future: “Long-Term Scenarios for the Energy Transition: facing the new challenges of the future”
This virtual session highlighted the strategic actions, best practices and uses that Latin American and Caribbean countries have given to long-term energy scenarios; it will also open the debate on the challenges and opportunities faced by governments to incorporate the aspects of a just energy transition in their energy planning processes.
Event information | Agenda | Presentation
25 May 2022
Energy scenario communication for strengthened inputs and trustworthy outputs – Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Network: Side event at International Energy Workshop (IEW)
IRENA organized a side event at the 2022 International Energy Workshop conference to gather experience on participatory processes and stakeholder consultation from the scientific community. The key findings from this event are meant to support government planners in improving their communication practices around energy transition scenarios and help frame the LTES’ future activities with governments.
28 March 2022
IRENA at BETD 2022 – Insights from Net-zero LTES for National Energy Planning
This event brought together experts to explore how this plethora of net-zero LTES can be analysed and compared to produce useful insights for ambitious policymaking. It also featured insights gained from IRENA’s National Energy Transition Planning Dashboard, which showcases information and highlights of national energy plans around the world.
14 December 2021
IRENA Insights – Benchmarking Scenario Comparisons: Key indicators for the clean energy transition
This webinar discussed the main findings from the recently-published collaborative report between IRENA and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) Benchmarking Scenario Comparisons: Key indicators for the clean energy transition, which highlights the motivation, focus and methods of 14 scenario comparison studies, synthesizing experts’ views on how to improve such studies to gain insights for the clean energy transition.
30 November – 7 December 2021
2nd Webinar Series on National Experience in Long-Term Energy Scenario Use and Development
IRENA’s “Long-term Energy Scenarios Network” (LTES Network) provides a platform for national and regional energy scenario practitioners to share experience and good practices in using and developing scenarios.
29 November – 13 January 2022
Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for Developing National Energy Transition Plans in Africa
IRENA hosted a webinar series on “Long-term energy scenarios (LTES) for developing national energy transition plans in Africa”, in collaboration with the following regional implementation partners: UNECA, GET.transform, AUDA-NEPAD, AfDB and the MoE-Kenya.
8 – 10 June 2021
3rd International Forum on Long-term Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition
The International Forum on Long-term Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition brought together scenario practitioners in government, academia, technical institutions and the private sector to discuss how to strengthen the development and improve energy scenarios to guide the clean energy transition.
31 May 2021
IRENA at CEM12 and MI-6 Ministerial meetings – Governments and international think tanks on features of net-zero scenarios
The IRENA – Agora Energiewende joint event explored national perspectives on the most critical energy transition features and how governments use LTES to spur the discussion and articulate the pathways to achieve carbon neutrality.
03 February – 2 June 2021
Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for Developing National Clean Energy Transition Plans in Latin America
The series provides a platform to exchange knowledge, collect best practices and experiences from government energy planners in Latin America in the development and use of long-term energy scenarios to guide national energy plans in the clean energy transition.
17 December 2020
Planning with Net-Zero Scenarios: Moving from Political Ambition to Country-Level Pathways
IRENA brought together global leaders and experts discussed the importance of long-term energy scenarios (LTES) in guiding ambitious climate objectives, and how to better align LTES with the Paris agreement through LT-LEDS.
1 December 2020
IRENA Insights – Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Global experience and best practices
This webinar presented IRENA’s new report “Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Global experience and best practices”, which showcases efforts from governments and technical institutions worldwide to improve the use and development of long-term energy scenarios to guide national policy-making towards the clean energy transition.
18 September 2020
11th Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting Pre-Event: Raising global climate ambition in uncertain times with long-term energy scenario (LTES)
This open event aims to discuss how mid- and long-term energy scenarios (LTES) can aid policymakers to navigate through disruptive events and help guide short-term decision making. It will be hosted by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and feature the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) campaign on “Long-term Energy Scenario for the Clean Energy Transition” (LTES Campaign).
10 – 11 September 2020
Joint IRENA – JRC Expert Workshop on “Benchmarking Long-Term Scenario Comparison Studies for the Clean Energy Transition”
The aim of the workshop was to exchange experience on long-term energy scenario comparison studies, in a bid to map the motivation, the focus and the methods of such studies. Discussions were held on how scenario comparison results and insights could be employed for policymaking in the context of the clean energy transition.
26 March 2020
Second International Forum on Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for the Clean Energy Transition
2020 International Forum: Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for the Clean Energy Transition showcased the results of the LTES campaign’s second year of activities, which included the experiences and insights gathered through a series of activities carried out by IRENA.
10 – 12 January 2020
Tenth Session of the IRENA Assembly
A side event held during IRENA’s pre-Assembly day on “International dialogue on energy planning: Global best practices from the Long-term Energy Scenarios network and Roundtable Discussion on Strategic Energy Planning” aimed to assist government decision-makers in understanding how global good-practices and ongoing International dialogues on energy planning can help to develop robust national planning processes.
23 October 2019
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin American and The Caribbean – Global practices in the use and development of long-term energy scenarios for the clean energy transition
The 3rd Regional Energy Planners Forum, organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, is a permanent forum for cooperation that summons the teams and entities involved in energy planning in Latin America. The objective of the forum is to generate – together and with a long-term vision – the necessary knowledge that leads to the planning of sustainable, safe and affordable energy systems, pointing to the complementarity in the Region within the framework of an energy transition.
11 September 2019
24th World Energy Congress: “Regional integration and roles of scenarios and long-term planning”
This side event for the 24th World Energy Congress was organised by the Clean Energy Ministerial with multiple contributing organisations, including IRENA. The event was made up of sessions with the unifying theme of Regional Integration and provided many different perspectives throughout, such as LTES planning. The session organized by IRENA focused on regional integration and roles of scenario and long-term planning.
22 August 2019
Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2019 – The Relevance of Long-term Energy Scenarios to Climate Policy Making and NDC Target Setting in Latin America & the Caribbean (side event)
This side event discussed approaches to bridge long-term energy planning and climate policymaking communities. Experiences and good practices being made to include LTES into the climate policymaking process were presented. The session included expert presentations and a panel discussion with government practitioners in energy scenario and climate policy-making, as well as organisations supporting countries with NDCs.
10 – 12 April 2019
Long-term Energy Scenario (LTES) Campaign: 2019 International Forum
This workshop presented and discussed issues with Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for a clean energy transition, with a segment focused on drafting recommendations for the CEM ministerial meeting in May 2019.
13 March 2019
IRENA at Scenario Forum 2019
Taking place during the 2019 Scenarios Forum, the session titled “Renewable-based Electrification: How can we Improve Scenarios for Clean Energy Transition?” addressed how long-term energy scenarios can better account for the potentially transformational changes related to renewables-based electrification.
25 – 26 February 2019
CEM LTES campaign workshop in Brazil
This workshop, co-hosted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Energy Research Office of Brazil, discussed issues regarding the use, development and capacity building of long-term energy scenarios (LTES) to support the clean energy transition, focusing on Latin America.
28 – 30 November 2018
IRENA at G-STIC 2018
As part of IRENA’s Clean Energy Ministerial Campaign (CEM) on “Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for the Clean Energy Transition”, this session focused on the task of capturing transformational change.
5 – 7 September 2018
IRENA Innovation Week 2018
An action-focused gathering of around 250 leading companies, innovators and policy makers from across IRENA’s diverse global membership, convened to explore how innovations in enabling technologies, business models, system operations and sector coupling can accelerate the renewable power transition.