Publication 850 (en-ht) (09/2023), English- Haitian Creole Glossary of Tax Words and Phrases
Revised: September 2023
This glossary is developed by the Tax Forms and Publications Division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Its purpose is to establish high standards for the quality of language usage, to promote uniformity in language usage, and to minimize the risk of misinterpretation of Haitian Creole-language materials issued by the IRS.
Any issuance containing language consistent with this glossary should be reasonably satisfactory for purposes of general guidance regarding the rights and obligations of taxpayers.
This glossary isn’t a legal document and none of the terms found in it should be understood to change the meaning of any provisions of law, regulations, or any other authoritative precedent. Although a reader may understand terms as translated to have particular meanings, the legal meanings of the terms are controlled by the law, regulations, and administrative and judicial decisions. A periodic review is made to determine whether any additions, deletions, or revisions are needed.
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Internal Revenue Service,Tax Forms and Publications,
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
Washington, DC 20224
Although we can’t respond individually to each comment received, we do appreciate your feedback and will consider your comments and suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instructions, and publications. Don’t send tax questions, tax returns, or payments to the above address.
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Se Divizyon Fòm Enpo ak Piblikasyon nan Sèvis Revni Entèn nan ((IRS), ki devlope glosè sa a. Objektif li se etabli estanda ki wo pou kalite itilizasyon lang yo, pou ankouraje inifòmite nan itilizasyon lang yo, epi pou diminye risk pou yon move entèpretasyon materyèl IRS ki soti nan lang Kreyòl Ayisyen an.
Nenpòt piblikasyon ki gen yon lang ki konsistan avèk glosè sa a ta dwe rezonab pou rezon gid jeneral konsènan dwa epi obligasyon kontribyab yo.
Glosè sa a se pa yon dokiman legal epi okenn nan tèm yo jwenn nan li pa dwe fè konprann yo chanje siyifikasyon an nan nenpòt dispozisyon lalwa, règleman yo, oswa nenpòt lòt presedan ki fè otorite. Malgre yon lektè ka konprann tèm ki tradui a gen yon siyifikasyon patikilye, se lalwa ki kontwole siyifikasyon legal la, ansanm avèk règleman yo, ak desizyon administratif, ak desizyon jidisyè yo. Yo fè yon evalyasyon peryodik pou detèmine si yo bezwen ajoute, efase, oswa revize dokiman sa a.
Kòmantè ak sijesyon yo.
Nou akeyi kòmantè w yo sou piblikasyon sa a, ak sijesyon pou pwochen edisyon yo.
Ou ka voye kòmantè pou nou atravè
Oswa, ou kapab ekri nan:
Internal Revenue Service,Tax Forms and Publications,
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
Washington, DC 20224
Malgre nou pa ka reponn endividyèlman a chak kòmantè nou resevwa, nou apresye fidbak ou epi nou pral konsidere kòmantè ak sijesyon w yo pandan n ap revize fòm enpo, enstriksyon, ak piblikasyon nou yo. Pa voye kesyon enpo, deklarasyon enpo, oswa peman nan adrès ki anwo a.
Jwenn fòm enpo, enstriksyon, ak piblikasyon.
Ale sou pou telechaje fòm, enstriksyon, ak piblikasyon aktyèl ak ane anvan yo.
Kòmande fòm enpo, enstriksyon, ak piblikasyon.
Ale sou epi klike souKreyòl Ayisyen pou kòmande fòm aktyèl, enstriksyon, ak piblikasyon; rele nan 800-829-3676 pou kòmande fòm ak enstriksyon ane anvan yo. IRS pral travay sou kòmann fòm ak piblikasyon yo pi vit ke posib. Pa resoumèt demann ou deja voye ban nou. Ou ka jwenn fòm ak piblikasyon yo pi vit sou entènèt.
- abandoned spouse
konjwen abandone
- abandonment
- abandonment clause
kloz renonsman
- abatement
- ability to pay
kapasite pou peye
- absorption rate
pousantaj absòpsyon
- abusive tax shelter
Abri fiskal abizan
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS)
Sistèm Rekiperasyon Pri Akselere (ACRS)
- accelerated depreciation
depresyasyon akselere
- acceptance agent
ajan akseptasyon
- according to our records
dapre dosye nou
- account
- account statement
deklarasyon kont
- accountable plan
plan responsab
- accountant
- accounting method
metòd kontablite
- accounting period
peryòd kontablite
- accounts payable
kont peyab
- accounts receivable
kont resevab
- accrual
- accrual accounting
kontablite akimile
- accrual method
metòd akimile
- accrued income
revni akimile
- accrued interest
enterè akimile
- accrued taxes
enpo akimile
- accuracy-related penalty
penalite ki gen rapò ak presizyon
- acknowledgement file
dosye rekonesans
- activity engaged in for a profit
aktivite angaje pou pwofi
- activity not engaged in for profit
aktivite angaje san pwofi
- actually or constructively
aktyèlman oswa konstriktif
- additional child tax credit (ACTC)
kredi adisyonèl enpo pou timoun (ACTC)
- additional taxes on qualified plans (including IRAs) and other tax-favored accounts
enpo adisyonèl sou plan ki kalifye (ki gen ladan l IRA) ak lòt kont ki gen favè fiskal
- adjusted gross income (AGI)
revni brit ajiste (AGI)
- adjusted itemized deductions
dediksyon detaye ajiste
- adjusted tax basis
baz enpo ajiste
- adjustment
- adoption agency
ajans adopsyon
- adoption agency fees
frè ajans adopsyon an
- adoption tax credit
kredi enpo adopsyon
- adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN)
nimewo idantifikasyon kontribyab pou adopsyon (ATIN)
- advance payment
peman davans
- advanced premium tax credit
kredi enpo pou prim avanse
- advocate
- affidavit
- after-tax basis
baz apre enpo
- age test
tès pou laj
- agency
- agency (contractual)
ajans (kontra)
- agent (contractual)
ajan (kontra)
- agent-driver
ajan chofè
- agreement
akò; kontra
- Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 Program
Pwogram Lwa 1978 sou Dereglementation Konpayi Avyon
- airdrop
lagaj ayeryen
- Alaska Permanent Fund
Fon pèmanan pou Alaska
- alien individual
moun etranje
- alien resident card
kat rezidan etranje
- alimony
pansyon alimantè
- allocate (verb)
repati; asiye; distribye (vèb)
- allocation
repatisyon; asiyasyon; distribisyon
- allowances (W-4)
alokasyon (W-4)
- Alternate Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)
Asistans Ajisteman Komès Altènatif (ATAA)
- alternative basis
baz altènatif
- alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit
kredi pwopriyete pou ravitaye machin a gaz altènatif
- alternative minimum tax
enpo minimòm ranplasan
- alternative motor vehicle
machin a motè altènatif
- alternative motor vehicle credit
kredi machin a motè altènatif
- alternative tax
enpo altènatif
- amended tax return
deklarasyon enpo modifye
- amended U.S. individual income tax return
deklarasyon enpo sou revni modifye Ozetazini
- American opportunity tax credit
Kredi enpo opòtinite Ameriken
- American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP)
Lwa 2021 Plan Sekou Ameriken (ARP)
- amortizable premium on taxable bonds
prim amòtisab sou obligasyon enpozab
- amortized bond premium
prim obligasyon amòtize
- amount realized
montan reyalize
- announcement
anons; avi; notifikasyon
- annual income
revni anyèl
- annual leave
- annualized income installment method
metòd vèsman revni anyèl
- annuity
- annuity bond
obligasyon rant
- appeal (noun)
- appeal rights
dwa dapèl
- appeal (verb)
fè apèl (vèb)
- applicable large employer (ALE)
gwo anplwayè ki aplikab (ALE)
- applicant
- application for a social security card
aplikasyon pou yon kat sekirite sosyal
- application for IRS individual taxpayer identification number
aplikasyon pou nimewo idantifikasyon kontribyab endividyèl IRS
- application for taxpayer identification number for pending U.S. adoptions
aplikasyon pou nimewo idantifikasyon kontribyab pou adopsyon Ozetazini annatant
- appraiser
- appreciation (increase)
apresyasyon (ogmante)
- apprentice
- arbitrators
- Archer MSA
kont Archer MSA
- Archer MSAs and long-term care insurance contracts
kont epay medikal Archer MSA ki gen avantaj fiskal ak kontra asirans alontèm
- area code
- armed forces’ tax guide
gid enpo pou militè
- arrangement
- arrears
- as-you-go basis
- assess
- assessed self-employment tax
evalye enpo sou travay endepandan
- assessment of tax
evalye enpo
- asset forfeiture
konfiskasyon byen
- assets
- assignee
- attachment
dokiman ki vin avèk
- attest (verb)
ateste (vèb)
- attestation clause (noun)
kloz atestasyon (non)
- attorney-in-fact
avoka an reyalite
- audit
- Audit Division
Divizyon odit
- audit (of a return)
verifikasyon (yon deklarasyon)
- auditor
- authenticate
- authorized IRS e-file provider
Founisè deklarasyon elektwonik IRS otorize
- auto tag
balis otomatik
- average tax rate
to enpo an mwayèn
- award (prizes and awards)
prim (pri ak prim)
- back taxes
enpo aryere
- backpay
salè aryere
- backslash (information technology)
baton oblik
- backup withholding
prelèvman an rezèv
- bad debt
dèt ki pa ka kolekte
- balance
- balance sheet
- bank failure
fayit bankè
- bank statement
deklarasyon bank
- bankruptcy
bankwout; fayit
- bankruptcy estate
byen fayit la
- barter
- barter exchange (noun)
sant boukantay
- bartering income
revni twokay
- base cost
pri de baz
- basis
- battery storage technology
teknoloji depo batri
- beneficiary
- benefits
- bequest
don; asiyasyon
- bill
- boilerplate
- bona fide
bona fide (bòn fwa)
- bona fide resident
rezidan debònfwa
- bond
- bond discount
rabè kosyon
- bond for payment of tax
kosyon pou peman enpo
- bond income
revni kosyon
- bond premium
prim kosyon
- bond retirement
retrèt kosyon
- bonus
- bonus depreciation
bonis depresyasyon
- bookkeeper
- bookmark (information technology)
make (enfòmasyon teknoloji)
- borrower
- box
- bracket (tax)
tranch (enpo)
- branch
- breach of contract
vyole kontra a
- bring an action
pote yon aksyon
- broker
koutye (stockbroker); ajan sekirite (koutye asirans)
- browser
- Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Biwo Sèvis Fiskal
- bus
- business
- business expenses
depans biznis
- business gifts
kado biznis
- business loss
pèt biznis
- business property
pwopriyete biznis la
- business trust
fideyikomi komèsyal
- by-product
- C corporation
Sosyete c
- cafeteria plan
plan sosyal
- calendar year
ane sivil
- canceled debt
dèt anile
- candidate for a college degree
kandida yon degre nan kolèj
- capital assets
byen kapitall
- capital base
baz kapital
- capital expenditures
depans kapital yo
- capital gain
pwofi kapital
- capital gains tax
enpo sou pwofi kapital
- capital investment
envestisman kapital
- capital loss
pèt kapital
- capital turnover
woulman kapital
- carryback
- carryback loss
pèt ramne
- carry on a trade or business
fè yon komès oswa bizniz
- carryover
repòte an avan
- carryover loss
pèt repòte an avan
- cash
- cash basis
baz lajan kach
- cash disbursement
debousman lajan kach
- cash flow
flo monetè; mouvman lajan
- cash method
metòd lajan kach
- cash withdrawal
retrè lajan kach
- cashier’s check
chèk kesye a
- casualty
domaj; viktim
- casualty loss
pèt viktim nan
- catch-up contribution
kontribisyon ratrapaj
- certain government payments
sèten peman gouvènman an
- certificate of accuracy
sètifika presizyon
- certificate of alien claiming residence in the United States
sètifika etranje ki vle rezide Ozetazini
- certificate of compliance
sètifika konfòmite
- certificate of deposit (CD)
sètifika depo (CD)
- certificate of discharge
sètifika satisfaksyon
- certified copy
kopi sètifye
- certified mail
kourye sètifye
- certified public accountant
kontab piblik sètifye
- charitable contribution
kontribisyon charitab
- charitable organization
òganizasyon charitab
- checking account
kont chekye
- child care; childcare
swen timoun
- child support
sipò pou timoun
- child tax credit (CTC)
kredit enpo pou timoun
- child with special needs
timoun ki gen bezwen espesyal
- Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
Sitèm Sèvis Retrèt Sivil
- claim
- claim of right
dwa reklamasyon
- clean vehicle tax credit
kredi enpo pou machin pwòp
- clergy
- clerical error
fot defrap
- click (verb) (information technology)
klike (vèb) (teknoloji enfòmasyon)
- closer connection to a foreign country
koneksyon pi pwòch a yon peyi etranje
- co-worker
kolèg travay
- COBRA premium assistance payments
Peman asistans prim COBRA
- coding
- collect (bring in revenue)
kolekte (pote revni)
- collect (demand payment)
kolekte (demann peman)
- Collection Appeals Program (CAP)
Pwogram Apèl Koleksyon
- Collection Division
Divizyon koleksyon
- collection due process hearing
odyans sou pwosedi legal pou koleksyon
- college
- Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016
Lwa 2016 sou ekite fiskal pou veteran ki viktim nan konba
- combat pay
salè konba
- combat zone
zòn konba
- Combined Annual Wage Reporting System
Sistèm rapò salè anyèl konbine
- commission-driver
sou baz komisyon
- Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service
Komisyonè Internal Revenue Service
- commodities
- common carrier
transpò komen
- common law
lwa jeneral
- common-law employee
anplwaye komen
- common-law marriage
maryaj komen
- community income
revni kominote a
- community property
pwopriyete kominote a
- commute (verb)
vwayaj (vèb)
- commuter
- commuting
- compensation
- compensation for injuries
konpansasyon pou domaj
- competent authority
otorite konpetan
- complaint
- compliance
- compute
- computer processed, computerized
òdinatè te trete, enfòmatize
- condominium
- conduct of a U.S. trade or business
fè yon komès oswa biznis Ozetazini
- confidential
- Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Pwogram Rezèv Konsèvasyon
- consignment
- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
Lwa Rekonsilyasyon Bidjè Omnibus Konsolide (COBRA)
- constructive receipt
resi konstriktif
- contest prize
pri konkou
- contingent interest
enterè kondisyonèl
- contribution
- contribution to capital
kontribisyon nan kapital la
- cooperative housing corporation
sosyete lojman koperativ
- corporate tax
enpo sou sosyete
- corporation
- cost of goods sold (COGS)
depans machandiz ki vann (COGS)
- court costs
depans tribinal
- court order
lòd tribinal la
- cover by insurance
kouvri pa asirans
- coverage
- coverage household
pwoteksyon fanmi an
- Coverdell education savings account
kont epay Coverdell pou edikasyon
- covered security
sekirite ki kouvri
- credit bureau
biwo kredi
- credit for child care (childcare) expenses
kredi pou depans gadri (swen timoun)
- credit for other dependents (ODC)
kredi pou lòt depandan
- credit for the elderly or the disabled
kredi pou moun aje oswa enfim
- credit life insurance
kredi asisrans vi
- credit one’s account
mete kredi nan kont yon moun
- credit reduction rate (FUTA)
to rediksyon kredi (FUTA)
- credit union
kredi koperativ
- criminal prosecution
pouswit kriminèl
- cryptocurrency
lajan kriptografik
- cryptocurrencies
lajan kriptografik
- currency transaction report
rapò tranzaksyon lajan
- currency transaction report by casinos
rapò tranzaksyon lajan kazino yo
- currently not collectible
pa ka kolekte aktyèlman
- custodial parent
paran gadyen
- customer outreach program
pwogram pou kontakte kliyan
- customs duties
frè ladwann
- data
- data bank
sant done
- data breach
vyolasyon done
- data entry (in a computer)
antre done (nan yon òdinatè)
- data transmission
transmisyon done
- daycare center
sant gadri
- de minimis (minimal) benefits
benefis minim (minimòm)
- de minimis presence
prezans minim (minimòm)
- dealer (commercial)
distribitè (komèsyal)
- dealer (securities)
negosyan (estòk)
- death benefit
benefis lanmò
- death certificate
sètifika lanmò
- decedent
- declining balance depreciation
depresyasyon balans dekline
- decree (judicial, final)
dekrè (jidisyè, final)
- decree (not final)
dekrè (pa final)
- deduction
- default
- deferred compensation plan
plan konpansasyon ranvwaye
- deferred income
revni ranvwaye
- deferred payment
peman ranvwaye
- deferred taxes
enpo ranvwaye
- deficiency notice, notice of deficiency
avi mankman, avi sou mankman
- delinquent payments
peman ki an reta
- delinquent return
deklarasyon ki an reta
- delinquent taxes
enpo ki an reta
- delinquent taxpayer
kontribyab ki an reta
- demand for payment
demann peman
- denial letter, denial notice
lèt refi, avi refi
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Depatman Sante ak Sèvis Imen (HHS)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Depatman Sekirite Enteryè (DHS)
- Department of Labor (DOL)
Depatman Travay (DOL)
- Department of the Treasury (U.S.)
Depatman Trezò (U.S.)
- Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Depatman Afè Veteran (VA)
- departure permit
pèmi depa
- dependency test
tès depandans
- dependent
- dependent care assistance payments
peman asistans pou swen depandan
- dependent care expenses
depans pou swen depandan
- depletion
- deposit period ending on (month, day, year)
peryòd depo ki fini nan (mwa, jou, ane)
- depositor
- depreciable property
pwopriyete depresyab
- depreciation
- digital asset
byen elektwonik
- digital asset in a wallet
byen elektwonik nan bous
- direct debit
debi dirèk
- direct debit installment agreement
akò vèsman debi dirèk
- direct deposit
depo dirèk
- disability benefits
benefis moun enfim
- disability income exclusion
esklizyon revni moun enfim
- disability payments
peman pou enfimite
- disabled
- disaster
- disaster relief
sekou lè gen katastwòf
- discharge
- disclosure
- disposition (of property)
elimine (yon pwopriyete)
- disregarded entity
antite neglijab
- distribution
- distributions from pensions, annuities, retirement or profit-sharing plans, IRAs, insurance contracts, etc.
distribisyon nan pansyon, anwite, plan retrèt oswa pwofi-pataje, IRA, kontra asirans, elatriye.
- distributive share (partnership)
prepatisyon enterè (patenarya)
- dividend equivalent payments
peman ekivalan dividann
- dividend income
revni dividann
- dividends
- division (administration)
divizyon (administrasyon)
- divorce decree
dekrè divòs
- doing business as (DBA)
nan biznis sou non (DBA)
- domestic partnership
patenarya domestik
- domestic production activity
aktivite pwodiksyon domestik
- donation
- double taxation
taksasyon doub
- download (information technology)
telechaje (teknoloji enfòmasyon)
- draft
- dual-status alien or dual resident alien
etranje estati-doub oswa etranje rezidans doub
- dual-status return
deklarasyon estati-doub
- dual-status taxpayer
kontribyab ki gen estati-doub
- dual-status year
ane estati-doub
- due diligence
fè dilijans
- dues (union)
gaj (sendika)
- dwelling
- e-file (efile)
depo elektwonik (efile)
- early distribution
distribisyon anvan lè
- earned income
revni travay
- earned income credit (EIC)
kredi revni travay (EIC)
- earned income tax credit
kredi enpo pou revni travay
- earned income test
tès revni travay
- earning capacity
kapasite pou touche revni
- education credits
kredi edikasyon
- effectively connected income
revni ki efektivman konekte
- elderly
moun aje
- election worker
travayè eleksyon
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
Sistèm Elektwonik pou Pèman Enpo Federal
- electronic filing (e-file or efile)
deklarasyon elektwonik (e-file oswa efile)
- electronic filing identification number (EFIN)
nimewo idantifikasyon depo elektwonik (EFIN)
- electronic funds withdrawal (EFW)
retrè lajan elektwonikman (EFW)
- electronic report of tips
rapòte tep elektwonikman
- electronic return originator (ERO)
orijinè deklarasyon elektwonik (ERO)
- electronic service
sèvis elektwonik
- elementary school
lekòl elemantè
- eligibility requirements
kondisyon pou elijib
- employee
- employee benefits
benefis anplwaye
- employee retention credit
kredi pou retni anplwaye
- employee savings plan
plan epay anplwaye
- employee tax
enpo anplwaye
- employee’s daily record of tips
dosye tep anplwaye pou chak jou
- employee’s daily record of tips and report to the employer
dosye tep anplwaye pou chak jou ak rapò anplwayè a
- employee’s report of tips to employer
rapò tep anplwaye a fè bay anplwayè a
- employer (adjective)
Anplwayè (adjektif)
- employer (noun)
anplwayè (non)
- employer health plan
plan sante anplwayè
- employer identification number (ElN)
nimewo idantifikasyon anplwayè (EIN)
- employer tax
enpo anplwayè
- employer’s supplemental tax guide
gid siplemantè enpo anplwayè a
- employment agency
ajans travay
- employment agency fees
frè ajans travay
- employment related
ki gen rapò ak travay
- employment taxes
enpo travay
- enact
- endowment
- energy efficient home improvement credit
kredi amelyorasyon enèji efikas nan kay
- enforced collection action
aksyon pou fòse koleksyon
- enforcement of the law
aplike lalwa
- enrolled agent
ajan anwole
- enter (data in a computer)
antre (done nan òdinatè)
- entertainment expenses
depans amizman
- entry (on a return)
antre (sou yon deklarsyon)
- equitable relief
alèjman ekitab
- equity (in property)
valè san dèt (nan pwopriyete)
- escrow
depo garanti
- escrow account
kont depo garanti
- escrow funds
kont depo garanti
- estate
- estate tax
enpo sou eritaj
- estimated tax
enpo estime
- estimated tax payments
peman enpo estime
- estimated useful life
estimasyon itilizasyon
- examination (of a tax return)
egzamen (yon deklarasyon enpo)
- excess contribution
kontribisyon anplis
- excess gains
pwofi anplis
- exchange, trade (verb)
echanj, komès (vèb)
- exchange of like-kind property
echanj pwopriyete menm kalite
- exchange visitor
vizitè echanj
- excise taxes
dwa dasiz
- exclusion of income for bona fide residents
esklizyon revni pou rezidan debònfwa
- executor
- exempt individual
endividi egzante
- exemption
- exemption certificate number
nimewo sètifika egzanpsyon
- exemption from withholding
egzanpsyon prelèvman
- exemptions, standard deduction, and filing information
egzanpsyon, dediksyon estanda, ak enfòmasyon pou depoze
- expatriation tax
enpo ekspatriyasyon
- experience rate
to eksperyans
- expire
- extended active duty
sèvis aktif pwolonje
- face value
- failure to deposit
fay nan depo
- failure to file penalty
fay nan deklare
- failure to pay penalty
fay nan peman
- fair market value (FMV)
valè jis
- fair rental price
pri lokasyon ki jis
- fair rental value
valè lokasyon ki jis
- family size
gwosè fanmi
- farm
- farm income
revni fèm
- farm operator
operatè fèm
- farm worker
travayè fèm
- farmer
- farming
jadinaj; kiltive
- fax
- Federal District Court
Tirbinal Distri Federal
- Federal Employees Health Benefit Program
Pwogram swen sante anplwaye federal
- federal income tax return
Deklarasyon enpo federal sou revni
- Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
Lwa sou kontribisyon pou asirans federal (FICA)
- Federal Payment Levy Program (FPLP)
Pwogram rekouvreman peman federal (FPLP)
- federal tax lien
privilèj fiskal federal
- federal tax on special fuels
enpo federal sou kabiran espesyal
- federal taxes
enpo federal
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Komisyon Federal Komès (FTC)
- Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)
Lwa Federal Enpo Chomaj (FUTA)
- Federal Unemployment Trust Fund
Fon Fidisi Federal pou Chomaj
- federal use tax on civil aircraft
enpo federal pou itilizasyon avyon sivil
- feedback
- fees
- fellowship
- fiat currency
lajan fiat
- field examination (audit)
egzamen sou plas (odit)
- file a tax return
ranpli yon deklarasyon enpo
- file jointly
ranpli ansanm
- file separately
ranpli separeman
- file your return on or before (month, day, year)
ranpli deklarasyon w lan nan dat oswa anvan (mwa, jou, ane)
- filing of return
ranpli deklarasyon
- filing status
estati ranpli
- finance charge
frè finansye
- financial analysis
analiz finansye
- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
Rezo Ranfòsman Krim Finansye (FinCEN)
- financial institution
enstitisyon finansye
- financial statement
deklarasyon finansye
- financially disabled
finansyèman andikape
- fine (noun)
- first-time homebuyer credit
kredi pou moun ki achte kay pou premye fwa
- fiscal year
ane fiskal
- fishing income
revni lapèch
- fixing-up expenses
depans pou repare
- flexible-benefits plan
plan benefis fleksib
- flexible-spending plan
plan depans fleksib
- flow-through entity
antite neglijab
- follow up
- food stamps
koupon alimantè
- for your records
pou dosye w
- foreclosure (mortgage)
sezi (ipotèk)
- foreign account
kont aletranje
- foreign assets
byen aletranje
- foreign currency
lajan etranje
- foreign earned income
revni travay aletranje
- foreign earned income exclusion
eksklizyon revni pou travay aletranje
- foreign employee
anplwaye aletranje
- foreign financial asset
bien finansye aletranje
- foreign government
gouvènman etranje
- foreign housing deduction
rediksyon pou lojman aletranje
- foreign tax
enpo aletranje
- foreign tax credit
kredi enpo aletranje
- foreign travel
vwayaj aletranje
- form
- form letter
fòm lèt
- forms:
- 940 Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return
940 Deklarasyon Enpo Federal Anyèl Anplwayè a
- 941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return
941 Deklarasyon Trimèstrièl Enpo Federal Anplwayè a
- 943 Employer’s Annual Tax Return for Agricultural Employees
943 Deklarasyon Anyèl enpo Anplwayè a pou Anplwaye Agrikòl yo
- 1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals
1040-ES Estimasyon Enpo pou Moun
- 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
1040 Deklarasyon enpo sou revni Ozetazini
- 1040-NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
1040-NR Deklarasyon enpo sou revni Moun ki pa rezidan Ozetazini
- 2290 Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return
2290 Deklarasyon enpo sou itilizasyon machin lou
- 2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative
2848 Pwokirasyon ak Deklarasyon Reprezantan
- 8300 Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business
8300 Rapò Peman Lajan Kach ki Depase $10 000 yo Resevwa nan yon Komès oswa Biznis
- 8849 Claim for Refund of Excise Taxes
8849 Reklamasyon pou Ranbousman Enpo Dasiz
- Schedule A (Form 1040)
Barèm A (Fòm 1040)
- Schedule H (Form 1040) Household Employment Taxes
Barèm H (Fòm 1040) Enpo sou Travayè Kay moun
- SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number
SS-4 Aplikasyon pou Nimewo Idantifikasyon Anplwayè
- SS-8 Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding
SS-8 Detèminasyon Estati Travayè Konsènan Enpo Federal Travay ak Prelèvman Enpo sou Revni
- W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
W-2 Deklarasyon salè ak enpo
- W-3 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements
W-3 Transmisyon Deklarasyon Salè ak Enpo
- W-3c Transmittal of Corrected Wage and Tax Statements
W-3c Transmèt Deklarasyon salè ak enpo korije
- W-4 Employee’s Withholding Certificate
W-4 Sètifika Prelèvman Anplwaye
- W-4P Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments
W-4P Sètifika Prelèvman pou Peman Peryodik pou Pansyon oswa Anwite
- W-7 Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
W-7 Aplikasyon pou Nimewo Idantifikasyon Endividyèl Kontribyab IRS
- W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
W-9 Demann pou Nimewo Idantifikasyon Kontribyab ak Sètifikasyon
- foster child
timoun adoptif
- founder (of a trust)
fondatè (nan yon fidisi)
- franchise
- franchise tax
enpo franchiz
- Free File
Depoze gratis
- fringe benefits
benefis ekstra
- frivolous tax return
deklarasyon enpo frivòl
- full-time employee
anplwaye aplentan
- full-time student
etidyan aplentan
- full-time work
travay aplentan
- furnace (heating unit)
founo (inite chofaj)
- gainful employee
anplwaye pou pwofi
- gainful employment
travay pwofitab
- gambling winnings
revni jwèt aza
- garnishments
- general partner
patnè jeneral
- generation-skipping transfer
transfè ant plizyè jenerasyon
- geographical basis
baz jeyografik
- geothermal well
pi jeotèmal
- gift
- gift tax
enpo sou kado
- golden parachute agreement
akò konpansasyon pou revokasyon
- goodwill
- governing instrument
dokiman k ap gouvène
- grace period
peryòd gras
- grant (noun)
don (non)
- grantor (of a trust)
moun ki bay la (nan yon fidisi)
- green card
kat rezidans
- green card test
tès pou kat rezidans
- gross income
revni brit
- gross proceeds
rantre brit
- gross profit
pwofi brit
- gross receipts
revni brit
- group health plan
plan sante gwoup
- group life insurance
asirans vi gwoup
- group-term life insurance
asirans tèm vi gwoup
- guarantee of indebtedness
garanti dèt
- guaranteed issue
emisyon garanti
- guardian
- halfway house
kay tranzisyon
- handicapped
- handout
- hard fork (digital assets)
chanjman pwotokòl (byen dijital)
- hardship case
ka difisil
- head of household
chèf fanmi
- health benefits
avantaj swen sante
- health care
swen sante
- health coverage
pwoteksyon sante
- health coverage exemption
egzanpsyon pwoteksyon sante
- health coverage tax credit (HCTC)
kredi enpo pou pwoteksyon sante (HCTC)
- health insurance
asirans sante
- health insurance marketplace
mache asirans sante
- health insurance policy
polis asirans sante
- hearing aid
aparèy pou tande
- hearing impaired
pwoblèm pou tande
- heavy highway vehicle use tax return
deklarasyon enpo pou itilizasyon machin lou sou otowout
- high school
lekòl segondè
- highway use tax
enpo sou itilizasyon gran wout
- hobby loss
pèt nan lwazi
- holder
- holder of record
detantè dosye a
- holding period
peryòd atant
- holiday
jou ferye
- home
- Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)
Pwogram Modifikasyon Kay Abòdab (HAMP)
- home energy audit
odit enèji lakay
- home loan
prè sou kay
- homeland security
sekirite enteryè
- homepage (information technology)
paj dakèy (teknoloji enfòmasyon)
- homeworker
travayè lakay
- hospital insurance benefits tax (Medicare)
enpo sou benefis asirans lopital (Medicare)
- houseboat
kay an bato
- household
- household appliances
aparèy pou kay
- household employer’s tax guide
gid enpo anplwayè lakay
- household employment taxes
enpo travay kay moun
- household income
revni kay la
- housewife
madanm lakay
- housing allowance
alokasyon pou lojman
- identity protection personal identification number (IP PIN)
nimewo idantifikasyon pèsonèl pou pwoteksyon idantite (IP PIN)
- Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU)
Inite Espesyalize pou Pwoteksyon Idantite (IPSU)
- identity theft
vòl idantite
- immigrant status
estati imigran
- immigration status
estati imigrasyon
- impose a tax
enpoze yon enpo
- in-law
dapre lalwa
- income
- income averaging
mwayèn revni
- income from sources outside the U.S.
revni ki soti nan sous andeyò Etazini
- income-producing property
pwopriyete ki bay revni
- income-splitting
divize revni
- income statement
- income subject to tax (taxable income)
revni ki sijè a enpo (revni enpozab)
- income tax
enpo sou revni
- incur (a penalty)
lakoz (yon penalite)
- incur (expense)
lakoz (depans)
- incur (obligation)
vin gen (obligasyon)
- independent contractor
kontraktè endepandan
- individual estimated tax
enpo endividyèl estime
- individual income
revni endividyèl
- individual income tax
enpo sou revni endividyèl
- individual retirement account
kont retrèt endividyèl
- individual retirement arrangement (IRA)
aranjman pou retrèt endividyèl (IRA)
- information return
deklarasyon enfòmasyon
- information to claim certain credits after disallowance
enfòmasyon pou reklame sèten kredi apre refi
- inheritance
- inheritance tax
enpo sou eritaj
- initial markup
pri inisyal
- injured spouse claim
reklamasyon konjwen ki viktim
- injury
- innocent spouse
konjwen inosan
- innocent spouse relief
soulajman pou konjwen inosan
- input
- insolvency
pa ka peye dèt
- installment
- installment agreement
akò vèsman
- insulation
- insurance broker
koutye asirans
- intangible assets
byen enkòporèl
- Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA)
Asistan enpo entèaktif
- interest
- interest holder (in property)
detantè enterè (nan pwopriyete)
- interest (in a partnership)
enterè (nan patenarya)
- interest income
revni enterè
- interest rate
to enterè
- Internal Revenue Bulletin
Bilten Revni Entèn
- Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
Lwa Revni Entèn (IRC)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Sèvis Revni Entèn
- international social security agreement
Akò sekirite sosyal entènasyonal
- inventory
- investment income
revni envestisman
- investment tax credit
kredi enpo pou envestisman
- investors
- invoice
- involuntary conversion
konvèsyon envolontè
- IRS Independent Office of Appeals
Biwo Dapèl Endepandan IRS
- IRS individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
Nimewo idantifikasyon kontribyab endividyèl IRS
- issue (a check)
fè (yon chèk)
- issuer
- item
- itemize
- itemized deductions
dediksyon detaye
- items of tax preference
atik preferans fiskal
- itinerant
- jeopardy assessment
evalyasyon pwotektè
- joint account
kont ansanm
- joint and several (tax) liability
responsablite ansanm (enpo)
- joint and survivor annuity
anwite ansanm ak benefis pou sivivan an
- joint return
deklarasyon ansanm
- joint return test
tès pou deklarasyon ansanm
- joint tenancy
lokatè ansanm
- joint venture
biznis ansanm
- journeyworker
travayè konpetan
- junior high school
lekòl segondè
- juror
- jury
- jury duty
sèvis jiridik
- keep records
jere dosye
- Keogh Retirement Plan
Plan retrèt Keogh
- kickback
- kind of tax
kalite enpo
- landlord
- late filing penalty
penalite pou reta nan ranpli
- late payment penalty
penalite pou reta nan peman
- later alternate valuation
evalyasyon altènatif pou pita
- law enforcement officer
ofisye ki fè respekte lalwa
- law enforcement personnel
pèsonèl ki fè respekte lalwa
- layoff
- lease
- leasehold improvements
amelyorasyon nan lokasyon an
- lease-sale
- leasing of
- legal expenses (for services of an attorney)
depans legal (pou sèvis yon avoka)
- legal permanent resident
rezidan pèmanan legal
- legal person
pèsòn legal
- legal services plan
plan sèvis legal
- lender
- lessee, tenant
lokatè, lokatè
- lessor
- letterhead
antèt lèt la
- levy (noun)
- levy on wages
rekouvreman sou salè
- levy release
rekouvreman fini
- levy (verb)
- liabilities
- lien
- life annuity
anwite avi
- life insurance policy
polis asirans vi
- lifetime learning credit
kredi edikasyon avi
- limited distribution
distribisyon limite
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Konpayi obligasyon limite (LLC)
- limited partnership
patenarya limite
- listed property
pwopriyete sou lis
- living trust
fidisi moun vivan
- loan origination fees
frè pou prè
- lobbying expenses
depans pou enfliyanse
- lockout
- long-term
- long-term resident
rezidan alontèm
- lookback period
peryòd konsiderasyon
- loss of income
pèt revni
- low income
ti revni
- low-income taxpayer
kontribyab ti revni
- Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC)
Sèvis pou kontribyab ti revni (LITC)
- lump sum
you sèl kou
- maintenance (buildings)
mentnans (bilding)
- maintenance (of a household)
mentnans (yon kay)
- make payable to
peyab bay
- marginal cost
pri majinal
- marginal revenue
revni majinal
- marginal tax rate
to enpo majinal
- mark-to-market tax
enpo sou valè mache a
- mark-up; markup (profit)
fikse pwofi
- marketplace (ACA-related)
mache (ki gen rapò ak ACA)
- marriage certificate
sètifika maryaj
- married
- master’s degree in
degre metriz nan
- math error
erè kalkil
- Medicaid
Pwogram leta pou asistans medikal
- Medicaid waiver payments
Egzansyon peman Medicaid; Egzanpsyon peman nan pwogram leta pou asistans medikal (Medicaid)
- Medical Assistance Program
Pwogram asistans medikal
- medical expenses
depans medikal
- medical insurance benefits
avantaj asirans medikal
- medical insurance premiums
prim asirans medikal
- Medicare
Medicare (asirans medikal federal)
- merger
- meter
- middle school
lekòl segondè
- migrant worker
travayè migran
- mileage rate
to mileyaj
- military differential pay
peman diferans militè
- minimum essential coverage (MEC)
pwoteksyon minimòm esansyèl
- minimum payment
peman minimòm
- minimum wage
salè minimòm
- mining (digital assets)
min (byen elektwonik)
- mining activities
aktivite min
- miscellaneous expenses
divès kalite depans
- mobile home
kay mobil
- modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS)
sistèm rekiperasyon akselere pri modifye (MACRS)
- modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)
revni brit ajiste ki modifye (MAGI)
- money order
manda lajan
- monthly payments
peman mansyèl
- mortgage
- mortgage interest
enterè ipotèk
- mortgagee
- mortgagor
kreyansye ipotèk
- motor home
kay a motè
- moving expenses
depans demenajman
- multilevel marketing
maketin plizyè nivo
- multinational corporation
sosyete miltinasyonal
- multiple support
sipò miltip
- mutual fund
fon mityèl
- national (citizenship)
nasyonal (sitwayènte)
- National Housing Act
Lwa lojman nasyonal
- natural disaster
katastwòf natirèl
- natural person
moun natirèl
- naturalized citizen
sitwayen natiralize
- negligence penalty
penalite pou neglijans
- net earnings
salè nèt
- net earnings from self-employment
revni nèt nan antrepriz endividyèl
- net income
revni nèt
- net investment income tax (NIIT)
enpo sou revni nèt envèstisman (NIIT)
- net operating loss
pèt nèt fonksyonman
- net operating loss carryback (or carryforward)
pèt nèt fonksyònman ranvwaye (oswa repòte)
- net profit
- net receipts
nèt revni
- net sales
lavant nèt
- net tax liability
nèt obligasyon enpo
- newsletter fund
fon bilten
- nominal value
- nominee
- nondeductible
pa dediktib
- non-employee; nonemployee
ki pa anplwaye; ki pa anplwaye
- nonemployee compensation
konpansasyon moun ki pa anplwaye
- non-fungible token
token ki pa fonjib
- non-streamlined installment agreement
akò vèsman ki pa senplifye
- nonaccountable plan
plan ki pa responsab
- noncustodial parent
paran ki pa gadyen
- nondividend distribution
distribisyon ki pa dividann
- nonrefundable credits
kredi ki pa ranbousab
- nonresident alien
etranje ki pa rezidan
- nonstatutory stock option
opsyon estòk ki pa egzije
- nonwork day
jou konje
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Akò Lib Komès Nò Ameriken (NAFTA)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Òganizasyon Trete Atlantik Nò (OTAN)
- notarized documents
dokiman notarye
- notary public
notè piblik
- note
- notice
- notice of levy
avi sou prelèvman
- nursing care
swen enfimyè
- nursing home
mezon retrèt
- obsolescence
- offer in compromise
pwopozisyon konpwomi
- office examination (audit)
odit nan biwo (verifikasyon)
- Office of Chief Counsel
Biwo Avoka an Chèf
- offset (a debt with a tax refund)
konpanse (yon dèt ak yon ranbousman enpo)
- old age pension
pansyon vyeyès
- on-the-job training course
kou fòmasyon nan travay
- online payment
peman sou entènèt
- Online Payment Agreement (OPA) Application
Aplikasyon Akò Peman soun Entènèt (OPA)
- operating cost
pri fonksyonman
- optional mileage allowance
alokasyon mileyaj opsyonèl
- optional tax
enpo ki pa obligatwa
- ordinary and necessary
òdinè e nesesè
- original issue discount (OID)
rabè sou pri orijinal (OID)
- out-of-pocket (actual) expenses
depans pèsonèl (reyèl)
- outside salesperson
vandè endepandan
- overpayment
peman anplis
- owner/co-owner
pwopriyetè / ko-pwopriyetè
- paid preparer
preparatè yo peye
- Paperwork Reduction Act
Lwa sou Rediksyon Dokiman
- parent company
konpayi paran
- part-time employee
anplwaye a tan pasyèl
- part-time student
etidyan a tan pasyèl
- part-time work
travay a tan pasyèl
- partner
- partnership
- partnership interest
enterè nan patenarya
- passive activity loss
pèt aktivite pasif
- pass-through entity; passthrough entity
antite pasif, antite passthrough
- password
- patronage dividends
dividann patwonaj
- pay-as-you-go system
sistèm peman ki baze sou itilizasyon
- pay period
peryòd peman
- pay stub
sous chèk
- payee
moun yo peye a
- payer
rmoun ki peye a
- paymaster
moun ki responsab pou peye a
- payment
- payment plan
plan peman
- payment voucher
bon peman
- payroll
- payroll service provider
founisè sèvis pewòl
- penalty
- penalty for premature withdrawal
penalite pou retrè twò bonè
- penalty for underpayment
penalite pou mankman nan peman
- penalty for underpayment of estimated tax
penalite pou mankman peman enpo estime
- pension
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
Sosyete Garanti Benefis Pansyon (PBGC)
- pension plan
plan pansyon
- per capita
pa tèt
- per diem
pa jou
- periodic payments
peman peryodik
- permanent resident
rezidan pèmanan
- permanently and totally disabled
totalman andikape an pèmanans
- personal exemptions
egzansyon pèsonèl
- personal expenses
depans pèsonèl
- personal holding company
konpayi paran pèsonèl
- personal property tax
enpo sou pwopriyete pèsonèl
- personal property (vs. business)
pwopriyete pèsonèl (vs. viznis)
- personal property (vs. real estate)
pwopriyete pèsonèl (vs. byen imobilye)
- personal service income
revni sèvis pèsonèl
- personal services
sèvis pèsonèl
- personal use property
pwopriyete pou itilizasyon pèsonèl
- personally identifiable information (PII)
enfòmasyon ki idantifye pèsonèlman
- petitioner
- phaseout (of exemption)
sipresyon ofiramezi (egzanpsyon)
- phishing
- piecework
pyès travay
- Plain Writing Act
Lwa sou ekri yon fason ki senp
- plan year
plan ane a
- plug-in electric drive motor vehicle credit
kredi machin elektrik ploge
- plug-in electric vehicle credit
kredi machin elektrik ploge
- PO Box
Bwat postal
- portfolio interest
enterè pòtfèy
- postal money order
manda lajan postal
- potential eligible individual
moun ki ka kalifye
- power of attorney
- pre-addressed envelope
anvlop pre-adrese
- pre-existing exclusions
esklizyon ki deja egziste
- prefabricated
- premature withdrawal
retrè anvan tèm
- premium
- premium tax credit (PTC)
kredi enpo prim (PTC)
- prepaid income
revni peye alavans
- preparer tax identification number (PTIN)
nimewo idantifikasyon preparatè enpo
- prepayment penalty
penalite pou peman davans
- Presidential Election Campaign Fund
Fon kanpay eleksyon prezidansyèl
- pretax
anvan enpo
- prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements
kondisyon salè ak aprantisaj ki dominan yo
- principal (contract)
prensipal (kontra)
- principal place of abode
rezidans prensipal
- principal place of business
lokal prensipal biznis la
- Privacy Act
lwa sou vi prive
- private foundation
fondasyon prive
- private industry
endistri prive
- prize (prizes and awards)
pri (pri ak prim)
- professional preparer
preparatè pwofesyonèl
- profit
- profit and loss statement
deklarasyon pwofi ak pèt
- profit-seeking activity
aktivite k ap chèche fè pwofi
- profit-sharing plan
plan pou pataje pwofi
- promissory note
biyè pwomès
- proof of credit (for credit rating purposes)
prèv kredi (pou evalye kredi)
- property tax
enpo lokatif
- provider of medical care
founisè swen medikal
- public law
lwa piblik
- public retirement system
sistèm retrèt piblik
- public utility
sèvis piblik
- punitive damages
pinisyon pou domaj
- qualified
- qualified business income deduction
dediksyon revni biznis kalifye
- qualified disability trust
fidisi pou enfimite kalifye
- qualified educational expenses
depans edikasyon ki kalifye
- qualified health coverage
pwoteksyon sante kalifye
- qualified health plan
plan sante kalifye
- qualified investment entity
antite envestisman kalifye
- qualified plan
plan kalifye
- qualified reservist distributions
distribisyon rezèvis kalifye
- qualified retirement plan
plan retrèt ki kalifye
- qualified terminable interest property trust (QTIP)
fidisi imobilye a enterè tèminal kalifye (QTIP)
- qualify
- qualifying child
timoun ki kalifye
- qualifying relative
fanmi ki kalifye
- qualifying surviving spouse
konjwen sivivan ki kalifye
- qualifying widow(er)
vèv ki kalifye
- railroad retirement
retrèt chemennfè
- Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA)
Lwa sou enpo pou retrèt chemennfè (RRTA)
- rate
- real currency
lajan reyèl
- real estate
byen imobilye
- real estate investment
envestisman byen imobilye
- real estate investment trust (REIT)
fidisi envestisman nan byen imobilye (REIT)
- real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC)
kanal envestisman ipotèk byen imobilye (REMIC)
- real estate tax
enpo sou byen imobilye
- realized gain
pwofi ki reyalize
- reasonable cause
kòz rezonab
- reasonable expenses
depans ki rezonab
- recapture
- recapture clause
klòz pou ratrape
- recognized gain
pwofi ki rekonèt
- reconcile
- record
- records (substantiation)
dosye yo (bay prèv)
- redeem a bond
rachte yon kosyon
- Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
Asistans Ajisteman Komèsyal Reyanbochaj (RTAA)
- refinancing
- refresher course
kou resiklaj
- refund of tax
ranbousman enpo
- refundable tax credit
kredi enpo ranbousab
- register (an automobile)
anrejistre (yon machin)
- registered holder
detantè anrejistreman an
- regulated investment company (RIC)
konpayi envestisman reglemante (RIC)
- regulations
règleman yo
- related companies
konpayi ki gen rapò
- related taxpayers
kontribyab ki gen rapò
- relationship test
tès relasyon
- relatives
- relief from joint responsibility
soulajman nan responsablite pataje
- remittance (of funds)
remèt (lajan)
- remuneration
- rent
- repayment
- repeal
- reportable income
revni rapòtab
- reporting agent
ajan rapò
- residency test
tès rezidans
- resident alien
rezidan etranje
- residential clean energy credit
kredi enèji pwòp rezidansyèl
- residential energy credits
kredi enèji rezidansyèl
- residential property
pwopriyete rezidansyèl
- residential property (home)
pwopriyete rezidansyèl (kay
- residential rental property
pwopriyete lokasyon rezidansyèl
- responsible party
pati responsab
- retail price
pri detay
- retail space
espas lavant
- retailer
- retained tax
kenbe enpo
- retirement
- retirement income
revni retrè
- retirement income ceiling
plafon revni retrèt
- retirement plan
plan retrèt
- return
- return preparers
preparatè deklarasyon
- returns and allowances
machandiz yo retounen ak rabè
- revenue agent
ajan revni
- revenue officer
ofisye revni
- revenue procedure
pwosedi revni
- revenue ruling
desizyon sou revni
- revenue sharing
pataj revni
- revoke
- revolving account
kont kredi
- rollover
- room and board
- routing number
nimewo woutaj
- royalty
- S corporation
sosyete S
- safe harbor
- safe haven
- sailing permit
pèmi pou navige
- salary
- sale or exchange
vant oswa echanj
- sales tax
enpo sou lavant
- salvage value
valè rekipere
- sanction (noun)
- savings and loan association
asosyasyon epay ak prè
- savings bond
obligasyon depay
- schedule (tax)
barèm (enpo)
- scholarship
bous etid
- school bonds
bon pou lekòl
- seasonal unemployment
chomaj sezonye
- section (administration)
seksyon (administrasyon)
- securities
- Securities and Exchange Commission
Komisyon pou mache sekirite ak echanj
- seize
- seizure
- self-employed worker
travayè endepandan
- self-employment
travay endepandan
- self-employment retirement plan
plan retrèt travay endepandan
- self-employment tax (SE tax)
enpo sou travay endepandan (SE tax)
- semiweekly depositor
depozan chak de semèn
- separate income (in a community property state)
revni separe (nan yon eta pwopriyete kominotè)
- separate maintenance
antretyen separe
- separate property (in a community property state)
pwopriyete separe (nan yon eta pwopriyete kominotè)
- separation agreement
akò separasyon
- serve a summons
sèvi yon konvokasyon
- Service Center
Sant sèvis
- Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0 Act)
Prepare tout kominote pou Lwa Amelyorasyon Retrèt 2.0 (SECURE 2.0 Act)
- settlement date
dat regleman an
- severance pay
peman pou separasyon
- share account (as in credit unions)
kont koperativ (tankou nan sendika kredi)
- share-farming
jadinaj koperativ
- shared responsibility payment
peman responsablite koperativ
- shareholder
- shares of stock
aksyon nan bous
- sharing economy (gig economy)
ekonomi koperativ (ekonomi ti djòb)
- sheltered workshop
Lekòl pou moun andikape
- short sale (real estate)
vann a pri bay (byen imobilye)
- short-term
- short-term payment plan
plan peman akoutèm
- sick leave
konje medikal
- sick pay
peman pou maladi
- single
- single-member LLC
LLC ki gen yon manm
- small business
ti biznis
- Small Business Administration (SBA)
Administrasyon Ti Biznis
- Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)
Pwogram Opsyon Sante Ti Biznis (SHOP)
- small business owner
pwopriyetè ti biznis
- small business payroll tax credit for increasing research activities
Kredi enpo sou pewòl ti biznis pou ogmante aktivite rechèch
- small business taxpayer
kontribyab ti biznis
- small tax case procedure
pwosedi ti ka enpo
- social security
sekirite sosyal
- social security account
kont sekirite sosyal
- social security benefits
benefis sekirite sosyal
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Asirans Enfimite Sekirite Sosyal (SSDI)
- sole proprietor
antrepriz endividyèl
- special assessment
enpozisyon espesyal
- special withholding allowance
alokasyon espesyal pou prelèvman
- specific charge-off method
metòd dediksyon move dèt
- spouse/nonspouse
konjwen / pa konjwen
- stablecoins
pyès kryptonik estab
- staking (digital assets)
epay (byen dijital)
- staking activities (digital assets)
aktivite epay (byen dijital)
- standard deduction
dediksyon estanda
- standard mileage rate
to mileyaj estanda
- State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Pwogram Asirans Sante Leta pou Timoun
- state insurance agency
ajans asirans leta
- state taxes
enpo leta
- State Workforce Agency
Ajans Mendèv Leta a
- statute
- statute of limitations
limit lalwa
- statutory employee
anplwaye legal
- statutory lien
restriksyon legal
- stepchild
pitit konjwen
- stock dividends
dividann aksyon yo
- stock in trade (inventory)
aksyon nan biznis (envantè)
- stock option plan
plan opsyon aksyon
- stock purchase plan
plan acha opsyon
- stockbroker
koutye labous
- stocks (investment)
aksyon (envestisman)
- straight-line depreciation
depresyasyon lineyè
- streamlined installment agreement
akò vèsman senp
- strike benefits
benefis grèv
- student loan
prè elèv
- subject to tax
- subject to U.S. income tax withholding
sijè a prelèvman enpo sou revni ameriken
- subject to withholding
sijè a prelèvman
- subsidy
- substantial equivalence test
tès ekivalans sibstansyèl
- substantial gainful activity
gwo aktivite pwofitab
- substantial presence
prezans sibstansyèl
- summary of income and deductions
rezime revni ak dediksyon
- summons
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Pwogram Asistans Nitrisyon Siplemantè (SNAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Revni Sekirite Siplemantè (SSI)
- supplementary Medicare insurance for the aged
asirans siplemantè Medicare pou moun aje
- support (personal)
sipò (pèsonèl)
- support test
tès sipò
- supporting documents
dokiman sipò yo
- supporting form
fòm sipò
- surcharge
frè siplemantè
- surtax
enpo siplemantè
- surviving spouse
konjwen sivivan an
- sustainable aviation fuel
kabiran avyasyon dirab
- Systemic Advocacy (SA)
Defans sistemik (SA)
- Systemic Advocacy Management System
Sistèm jesyon defans sistemik
- tab (information technology)
tab (teknoloji enfòmasyon)
- talking tax forms
fòm enpo vokal
- tangible assets
byen tanjib
- tangible personal property
byen pèsonèl tanjib
- tax (adjective)
enpo (adjektif)
- tax account information
enfòmasyon kont fiskal
- tax auditor
oditè enpo
- tax avoidance
evite enpo
- tax base
baz enpo
- tax benefit
avantaj fiskal
- tax bill
bòdwo enpo
- tax bracket
tranch enpo
- tax computation
kalkil enpo
- tax computation worksheet
dokiman kalkil enpo
- Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)
Konseye Fiskal pou Moun Aje (TCE)
- tax court
tribinal pou ka enpo
- tax credit
kredi enpo
- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Lwa sou travay ak rediksyon enpo
- tax deductible
dediktib pou enpo
- tax-deferred income
revni enpozab difere
- tax dispute
diskisyon enpo
- tax evasion
evazyon enpo
- tax-exempt income
revni fiskal egzanpte
- tax-exempt stated interest
enterè fiskal ki egzante
- tax exemption
egzanpsyon enpo
- tax (for special funds or general revenue)
enpo (pou fon espesyal oswa revni jeneral)
- tax forms
fòm enpo
- tax-free zone
zòn san enpo
- tax haven country
peyi abri fiskal
- tax home
rezidans fiskal
- tax household (ACA-related)
enpo fanmi an (Konsènan ACA)
- tax incentive
ankourajman fiskal
- tax liability
obligasyon enpo
- tax loophole
feblès fiskal
- tax on gambling winnings
enpo sou gen nan jwèt aza
- tax penalty
penalite fiskal
- tax period
peryòd enpo
- tax policy
metòd fiskal
- tax preference items subject to minimum tax
atik preferans fiskal ki sijè a enpo minimòm
- tax preparer
preparatè enpo
- tax professional
pwofesyonèl enpo
- tax provision
kondisyon enpo
- tax rate
to enpo
- tax rate schedule
barèm to enpo
- tax rebate
rabè enpo
- tax relief
soulajman fiskal
- tax relief for victims of terrorist attacks
soulajman enpo pou viktim atak teworis
- tax return
deklarasyon enpo
- tax shelter
abri fiskal
- tax statement (bill)
relve fiskal (bòdwo)
- tax status
estati enpo
- tax stimulus
estimilis enpo
- tax table
tablo enpo
- Tax Topics
Sijè Enpo
- tax treatment (of community income)
tretman enpo (revni kominote)
- tax treaty
trete fiskal
- tax withheld at source
enpo prelve nan sous la
- tax year
ane enpo
- taxable
- taxable benefits
avantaj enpozab
- taxable bond
bon enpozab
- taxable income
revni enpozab
- taxable stocks
aksyon enpozab
- taxable year
ane anpozab
- taxpayer
- Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
Panèl Defans Kontribyab
- Taxpayer Advocate
Defansè kontribyab
- Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)
Sèvis Defansè Kontribyab (TAS)
- Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC)
Sant Asistans Kontribyab
- taxpayer identification number (TlN)
nimewo idantifikasyon kontribyab
- Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP)
Pwogram pwoteksyon kontribyab (TPP)
- taxpayer rights
dwa kontribyab
- technical school
lekòl teknik
- Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS)
Sèvis relè telekominikasyon (TRS)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Asistans Tanporè pou Fanmi ki nan Nesesite (TANF)
- temporary seasonal workers
travayè sezonye tanporè
- tenancy by the entirety
lokasyon an antye
- tenancy in common
pwopriyete an komen
- tenant
- tenant-stockholder
lokatè aksyonè
- tentative credit
kredi tantatif
- term (time)
limit (tan)
- testament
- theft
- third party
lòt moun, tyès pati
- third-party designee
lòt moun yo deziye
- third-party payer
tyès pati ki peye
- tiebreaker rules
règ pou jere egalite
- tie-breaking rule
règ ki jere egalite
- time basis
baz tan
- tip (advice)
konsèy (konsèy)
- tip (gratuity)
poubwa, tep (poubwa)
- tips deemed to be wages
poubwa yo konsidere kòm salè
- toll
- toll call
apèl peyaj
- toll-free number
nimewo gratis
- total tax due
total enpo ki dwe
- totalization agreement
akò totalizasyon
- townhouse
kay nan vil
- trade (noun)
komès (non)
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Asistans Ajisteman Komèsyal (TAA)
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) benefits
Benefis Asistans Ajisteman Komèsyal (TAA)
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) participants
Patisipan Asistans Ajisteman Komèsyal (TAA)
- trade, exchange (verb)
komès, echanj (vèb)
- trade name
non komès
- trade or business
komès oswa biznis
- trade readjustment assistance
asistans reyajisteman komèsyal
- trader
- trailer
- trainee
- training
- transcript
- transfer
- transferee
benefisyè transfè a
- transferor (trusts)
moun ki fè transfè a (fidisi)
- travel allowance
alokasyon vwayaj
- travel expenses
depans vwayaj
- traveling salesperson
vandè vwayajan
- Treasury bill
Nòt trezò
- Treasury bond
Trezò kosyon
- Treasury Department (U.S.)
Depatman Trezò (Ozetazini)
- Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
Enspektè Jeneral Trezò pou Administrasyon Fiskal (TIGTA)
- Treasury note
Nòt trezò
- treaty-based return position disclosure
divilgasyon pozisyon deklarasyon ki baze sou trete
- truck
- truck-tractor
kamyon traktè
- trust
- trust company
konpayi fidisi
- trust fund
kès fidisyè
- trustee
- tuition
- uncollected FICA tax
enpo FICA ki pa kolekte
- underpayment
peman ki pa ase
- underreported taxes
enpo yo pa rapòte
- underwriter (securities)
- undistributed earnings
pwofi ki pa distribye
- undue hardship
twòp difikilte
- unearned income
revni ki pa merite
- unemployment
- unemployment compensation
konpansasyon pou chomaj
- unemployment tax
enpo chomaj
- union
- United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA)
Trete ant Etazini-Meksik-Kanada (USMCA)
- university
- unpaid balance
montan ki pa peye
- untaxed (before taxes)
ki pa enpozab (anvan enpo)
- untaxed (tax free)
egzan enpo
- upward mobility program
pwogram fòmasyon pou devlopman
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Sèvis sitwayènte ak Imigrasyon Ozetazini (USCIS)
- U.S. District Court
Tribinal Distri Ozetazini
- U.S. Military Health Care System
Sistèm swen sante militè Ozetazini
- U.S. national
Sitwayen ameriken
- U.S. Postal Service
Sèvis Lapòs Ozetazini
- user fee
frè itilizasyon
- utilities
sèvis piblik
- valuation
- van
- virtual currency
lajan vityèl
- voice prompts
mesaj vokal
- voluntary compliance
konfòmite volontè
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VlTA)
Volontè pou Asistans Enpo sou Revni
- wager
- wages
- wages (daily)
salè (chak jou)
- waiting period
peryòd datant
- waiver (done by the taxpayer)
dispans (fè pa kontribyab la)
- waiver of the enrollment in training requirement
egzanpsyon nan obligasyon enskripsyon fòmasyon an
- wash sale
vant ak acha yon menm aksyon
- web page
paj wèb
- website
sit entènèt
- welfare
- welfare recipient
benefisyè byennèt
- whistleblower
- wholesale
vant an gwo
- will (legal document)
testaman (dokiman legal)
- windfall profits
pwofi aksidantèl
- wire transfer
transfè elektwonik
- withheld tax
enpo ki te prelve
- withholding allowance
alokasyon prelèvman
- withholding of tax
prelèvman enpo
- withholding of tax at source
prelèvman enpo nan sous la
- work for oneself
travay pou tèt li
- Work Incentive Program
Pwogram pou Ankouraje Travay
- work opportunity credit
kredi opòtinite travay
- workers’ compensation
konpansasyon travayè
- workfare payments
peman travay
- working day
jou travay
- working hours
lè travay
- worksheet
- worldwide income
revni nan lemonnantye
- worthless security
sekirite san valè
- write-in adjustment
ajisteman pou rediksyon
- write-off (accounting)
rediksyon nan kont (kontablite)
- yearly rate
to anyèl
- yield
- yield to maturity (bonds)
randman jiska matirite (kosyon)
- ZIP code
kod postal