Tax Tip 2023-74, May 31, 2023 — Scammers sometimes use stolen Social Security numbers to file fraudulent tax returns and collect refunds. To prevent this, the IRS scans every tax return for signs of fraud.
Tax Tip 2023-73, May 30, 2023 — It’s not too late for the 1.5 million taxpayers with unclaimed 2019 refunds to claim their cash, but they need to file soon. The IRS extended the deadline for 2019 tax returns to July 17, 2023.
Tax Tip 2023-72, May 25, 2023 — Good news for small business owners — improvements to IRS phone service and online options are coming as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act. These customer service upgrades will make it easier and more convenient to file online and respond to notices.
Tax Tip 2023-71, May 24, 2023 — After the IRS rejects an offer in compromise, taxpayers have 30 days from the date on the rejection letter to request an appeal of the decision.
Tax Tip 2023-70, May 23, 2023 — Identity protection PINs stop identity thieves from filing fraudulent tax returns. Taxpayers who participate in this program are assigned a six-digit number that they use to prove their identity when they file their federal tax return.
Tax Tip 2023-69, May 17, 2023 — People should put together an emergency preparedness plan for their household – and include copies of their vital records and financial information. By creating an emergency preparedness plan and updating it annually, people will be able to start the recovery process faster if they’re affected by a disaster or other emergency.
Tax Tip 2023-68, May 16, 2023 — Homeowners who make improvements like replacing old doors and windows, installing solar panels or upgrading a hot water heater may qualify for home energy tax credits. They should know what these credits can do for them – and be careful of exaggerated claims companies trying to get their business may make.
Tax Tip 2023-67, May 15, 2023 — Tax relief is available for people living in areas that are declared disasters by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. To find out whether an area qualifies for federal disaster relief, taxpayers should check
Tax Tip 2023-66, May 11, 2023 — When employers hire people with disabilities or make their business accessible to employees and customers with disabilities, they may be eligible for certain tax benefits. These tax benefits encourage employers to hire qualified people with disabilities and off-set some of the costs of providing accommodations.
Tax Tip 2023-65, May 10, 2023 — Not all third-party payroll service providers are created equal. A trusted, qualified company can help keep businesses secure and tax compliant. An unreliable or fraudulent company can lead to missed deposits, theft or returns not being filed.
Tax Tip 2023-64, May 9, 2023 — The IRS wants every taxpayer to be know and understand their rights in the event they need to work with the IRS on a personal tax matter. These 10 fundamental rights are collectively known as the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Tax Tip 2023-63 May 8, 2023 — Rebuilding after a natural disaster can be overwhelming. Important documents like financial information and tax records are often destroyed in a disaster, and reconstructing these records is important for applying to federal assistance and insurance reimbursement. has the information disaster victims need, including disaster-related filing extensions and information about tax relief.
Tax Tip 2023-62, May 4, 2023 — Finding work can be a hard for anybody and certain groups face even bigger challenges. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is extended through the end of 2025 to help employers that hire workers certified as members of certain groups that face barriers to employment.
Tax Tip 2023-61, May 3, 2023 — Sometimes the line between having a hobby and running a business can be confusing, but knowing the difference is important because hobbies and businesses are treated differently when it’s time to file a tax return. The biggest difference between the two is that businesses operate to make a profit while hobbies are for pleasure or recreation.
Tax Tip 2023-60, May 2, 2023 — Small businesses play an important role in the nation's economy. During National Small Business Week, the IRS reminds taxpayers that has resources and tools to help small businesses understand and meet their tax responsibilities.
Tax Tip 2023-59, May 1, 2023 — The Small Business Virtual Tax Workshop can help business owners learn how to navigate their federal tax responsibilities. This workshop is an easy and convenient way for both new and experienced small business owners to learn or review topics relevant to their business.
IRS tax tips from January 2011 forward.