内容简介: The purpose of this book is to1. introduce SI,A as an independent field of study,2. review the linguistic and pedagogic aspects of SLA,3. define the key concepts of SI,A,4- view critically existing theories of SLA,5. understand the individual learner differenccs,6. analyze learner language,7. discuss the SLA research methods.
目录:Unit 1 Introducing Second Language Acquisition.
1.1 What Is Second Language Acquisition?
1.2 Why Is Second Language Acquisition Important?
1.3 Which Areas Does Second Language Acquisition Study?
1.4 How Long Is the History of Second Language Acquisition?
Unit 2 Reviewing Bases of Second Language Acquisition
2.1 What Is Language?
2.2 Different Views About Language
2.3 Nature of Learning
2.4 Misconceptions of Learning
2.5 Mystery of First Language Acquisition
Unit 3 Defining Concepts of Second Language Acquisition
3.1 Competence and Performance
3.2 First Language, Second Language, and Foreign Language
3.3 Acquisition and Learning
3.4 Input and Output
3.5 Interlanguage
3.6 Variability
3.7 Fossilization
3.8 Language Transfer
Unit 4 Theorizing About Second Language Acquisition
4.1 UniversalGrammar
4.2 Interlanguage Theory
4.3 Monitor Theory
4.4 Connectionism
4.5 Construction Grammar
4.6 Acculturation Model
4.7 Sociocultural Theory
Unit 6 Analyzing Learner Language
6.1 Contrastive Analysis
6.2 Error Analysis
6.3 Learner Corpus Analysis
Unit 7 Researching Second Language Acquisition
7.1 What Is Second Language Research?
7.2 Types of Second Language Acquisition Research Methods
7.3 Procedures of Second Language Research
7.4 Conducting Second Language Acquisition Research
1.1 What Is Second Language Acquisition?
1.2 Why Is Second Language Acquisition Important?
1.3 Which Areas Does Second Language Acquisition Study?
1.4 How Long Is the History of Second Language Acquisition?
Unit 2 Reviewing Bases of Second Language Acquisition
2.1 What Is Language?
2.2 Different Views About Language
2.3 Nature of Learning
2.4 Misconceptions of Learning
2.5 Mystery of First Language Acquisition
Unit 3 Defining Concepts of Second Language Acquisition
3.1 Competence and Performance
3.2 First Language, Second Language, and Foreign Language
3.3 Acquisition and Learning
3.4 Input and Output
3.5 Interlanguage
3.6 Variability
3.7 Fossilization
3.8 Language Transfer
Unit 4 Theorizing About Second Language Acquisition
4.1 UniversalGrammar
4.2 Interlanguage Theory
4.3 Monitor Theory
4.4 Connectionism
4.5 Construction Grammar
4.6 Acculturation Model
4.7 Sociocultural Theory
Unit 5 Identifying Learner Differences
5.1 Learning Styles
5.2 Learning Strategies
5.3 Learning Aptitude
5.4 Learning Intelligence
5.5 Learning Motivation
5.6 Learner Personality
5.7 Learning Age
Unit 6 Analyzing Learner Language
6.1 Contrastive Analysis
6.2 Error Analysis
6.3 Learner Corpus Analysis
Unit 7 Researching Second Language Acquisition
7.1 What Is Second Language Research?
7.2 Types of Second Language Acquisition Research Methods
7.3 Procedures of Second Language Research
7.4 Conducting Second Language Acquisition Research