Thanks to a solid experience in this field, our firm will assist you in the development of your global strategy for the protection of your rights in all the above-mentioned legal fields.

Our firm advises and represents your interests in the registration of your trademarks, both in Switzerland and abroad. It is also listed on the website of the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property as a trade mark consultant and benefits from an international network.

Our firm has developed an extensive expertise in the drafting and revision of agreements related to intellectual property, such as licensing, franchising, distribution, coexistence, publishing, software development and maintenance, as well as confidentiality agreements.

It advises you on how to correctly protect your copyrights, particularly in relation to third parties and management companies.

It is also able to assist you in the event of a dispute resulting from opposition, usurpation, unfair competition, counterfeiting, etc.

Specific qualifications

Establishment of global strategies for the protection of rights

Whether at the early stages of your project or during your company’s activities, you will need to consider the various elements to protect in order to keep your competitors at bay as much as possible, but also to give value to your project. We can assist you and determine the overall strategy together.

Trademark registration in Switzerland and abroad and availability searches

Protecting your brand is one of the essential steps to differentiate yourself from current and future competitors.

Our firm advises you to avoid as much as possible a refusal of registration by the National Office, an opposition or an action by third parties, and assists you in the filing procedure, both in Switzerland and abroad.

It also guides you with the Swissness legislation and indications of source.

Drafting and revision of contracts and contractual clauses

For several years, our firm has been assisting legal entities and natural persons in the drafting and revision of contracts related to intellectual property, such as licensing, franchising, distribution, coexistence, publishing, software development and maintenance, as well as confidentiality agreements.

It also reviews contractual clauses relating to intellectual property included in all contracts.

Relations with administrative authorities

Our team has excellent relations with the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) in Berne and with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, with whom it has been working for several years.

Opposition proceedings before the competent offices

When you estimate that a third party is infringing your rights by filing a brand that creates a risk of confusion with your own, we file an opposition in your name before the Swiss Office.

Our firm can also represent you in the event that a third party objects to your application for the registration of a trademark.

Legal proceedings

If a third party violates your rights, our firm has the necessary jurisdiction to file an action before the competent courts to stop the violation and obtain compensation for the damage incurred.



  • Advice to companies on intellectual property matters
  • Drafting and revision of contractual clauses and contracts related to intellectual property
  • Trademark filings in Switzerland and abroad and availability research
  • Proceedings before Swiss administrative authorities and courts, in particular the Federal Patent Court