Wondering how to get a breakthrough in your finances?
See how to easily apply God’s Word to your situation—today.
When you put God's Word into practice, everything changes! In this section, you'll find real-life tools and applications that will help with your financial breakthrough.

One of the key fundamentals of faith is to call things that be not as though they were. To help you do this, speak aloud these 15 Scriptures to Claim Your Victory Over Lack.
Do you seem to have more month than money? Wondering how you’ll save for retirement or get out of debt?
If you’re a tither, lender to the poor, an investor in the gospel, and sower of praise offerings, there’s good news for you—you have a heavenly account full and ready for your use!
Tithing isn’t just an act of giving—it’s an act of worship!
The tithe is holy and sacred before the Lord. As a tither, your heart in coming to present your tithe is of the greatest importance.
Did you know that it’s God’s will for you to increase in every area of life?
Kenneth Copeland Ministries believes and teaches that it is important for Christians to be debt free and walk in complete financial freedom.
Join Pastor George Pearsons and John Copeland for the top 10 proven, practical strategies you can use to receive freedom from debt!
Discover 18 Bible verses about wealth and prosperity--financial scriptures for increase that can make all the difference!
Read Gloria Copeland's testimony about how she and Kenneth believed for a new car.
If you are like 40% of American families, who spend more than they earn, you have probably spoken those words. Learn how to become debt free today.
Take a look at three ways you can change the way you approach your money.
Here are four strategies for living the debt-free life, and no matter where you are on your journey, you can live by them and experience financial freedom.
Here are eight steps to follow to get out of trouble, as outlined in Psalm 34.