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NAUTILUS/KRONOS Sound Libraries: New/Update libraries from KORG and Kelfar Technologies

KORG is proud to announce 1 new KRS library for NAUTILUS/KRONOS.


KRS14 Christmas - 2024
(USD $10.00)

13 Programs, 13 Combinations, 1 Wave Sequence, 11 Drum Track Patterns
KRS14 offers Christmas sounds, as well as traditional styles including song programs, focusing on local styles from Europe and the Balkans.

Kelfar Technologies
Kelfar Technologies is proud to announce 1 new EXs library, and 2 updated EXs libraries for NAUTILUS/KRONOS.


EXs253 Kelfar Omega Baglama
(Intro Price: USD $105.00) (Normally $149.99)

Approximately 326MB of PCM samples (Virtual Memory 39MB), 25 Stereo Multisamples, 50 Mono Multisamples, 86 Programs, 64 Combinations, 28 Wave Sequences
This library brings new Baglama elements to your NAUTILUS/KRONOS. The Omega Baglama offers a set of physically modeled and hybrid sampling sounds that will take your music to the next level.

EXs170 Kelfar Maestro
(USD $199.99)

Approximately 1.4GB PCM (Requires approximately 128MB of virtual memory), 22 Stereo Multisamples, 118 Mono Multisamples, 40 Programs, 32 Combinations, 32 Wave Sequences, 9 Drum Kits (Phrases)
EXs170 Kelfar Maestro offers a selection of classical Arabic instruments to add to your Korg NAUTILUS/KRONOS.

EXs250 Kelfar Club Strings
(USD $199.99)

Approximately 320 MB of PCM samples (Virtual Memory 67MB), 6 Stereo Multisamples, 12 Mono Multisamples, 57 Programs, 44 Combinations, 5 Wave Sequences, 6 Drum Patterns
The EXs250 is a collection of world strings that have been specifically designed to be played for Arabic, Turkish, Balkan, and Greek music. Kelfar took special care when designing the strings to include Portamento Legato on every programmed combination or program. Also, The EXs250 has many string selections designed specifically for Contemporary Music such as Disco, Electronic, EDM, Rock, Indie, Progressive, Pop, and Tron emulations strings.





#Conversion of KRONOS Sound Libraries for the NAUTILUS

Some converted libraries may also require some or all of NAUTILUS EXs315 through 320. Please refer to the "NAUTILUS Sound Library List" for full details and requirements ( https://storage.korg.com/korgms/sound_libraries/Kronos_Nautilus/NAUTILUS_Sound_Library_List.pdf).

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