Concepts by subject
- Population and social statistics
- Population and vital events
- Labour
- Education
- Health
- Income and consumption
- Social care protection
- Housing, public utilities
- Building, dwelling - Population and Housing Census
- Housing stock
- Real property of local governments
- Dwelling management of local governments
- Construction permits
- Dwelling construction, dwelling cessation
- Dwelling construction, dwelling cessation
- Adding a storey to the house
- Adobe wall structure
- Asphalt shingle
- Basement
- Basement level
- Bathroom
- Bathroom, shower-room
- Brick wall
- Builder of dwelling or holiday house
- Building restoration
- Building-in attic, loft
- Built dwelling, holiday house
- Business company as a builder
- Ceased dwelling
- Ceased dwelling in private property
- Ceassation caused by elementary damage
- Ceassation due to new construction
- Cessation of dwellings and buildings due to obsolescence
- Cessation of dwellings and residential buildings due to urban reconstruction
- Concrete tile
- Concrete walling unit
- Construction in progress
- Construction of addition to a building
- Construction of new building
- Contractors
- Conversion into dwelling
- Cooking premise
- Demolition, reconstruction
- Double comfort dwelling
- Dwelling built for service use
- Dwelling cluster
- Dwelling construction
- Dwelling construction permit
- Dwelling, hoilday house built for uwn use
- Dwelling, holiday house built by natural person
- Dwelling, holiday house built for sale
- Dwelling, holiday house connected to communal sewage conduit
- Dwelling, holiday house connected to public water supply
- Dwelling, holiday house equipped with home sewage conduit
- Dwelling, holiday house equipped with home water conduit
- Exclusively residential building
- Family house
- Floor area of a room
- Floor space of dwellings
- Framework assembled on the spot
- Ground floor
- Holiday house
- Holiday unit
- Housing estate building
- Individual central heating
- Individual central heating
- Individual premise heating
- Kitchenette
- Large concrete block wall
- Merge dwellings
- New construction
- Non-residential utilization
- Other construction
- Outskirts (outer municipal area)
- Prefabricated concrete wall
- Prefabricated loadbearing framework
- Premise
- Privately built dwellings
- Purpose built rental (commercial) dwelling, holiday house
- residental building
- Residential building containing not exclusively
- Room
- Seasonal adjustment
- Standard concrete wall
- State- or municipality-owned ceased dwelling
- Storey
- Technical detachment of a dwelling
- Useful floor area
- Vertical load-bearing wall
- Public utilities
- Justice
- Culture, sport
- Political and other community activities
- Time use
- Economic statistics
- Macro-economic statistics
- Economic accounts
- National accounts, GDP
- Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (AN.13, P.53)
- Actual final consumption (P.4)
- Actual final consumption of households (P.41)
- Actual social contributions, (D.611)
- adjusted disposable income, gross
- Adjusted disposable income, net
- adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension funds reserves
- Balance of primary incomes, gross
- Balance of primary incomes, net
- balancing item
- Basic price
- Benefits from non-profit institutions, million HUF
- Capital taxes (D.91)
- capital transfer in kind
- Capital transfers (D.9)
- Change in inventories (P.52)
- Changes in net worth due to savings and capital transfers (B.101)
- Collective consumption
- compensation of employees
- Constant prices
- Consumption of fixed capital (P.51c)
- Cultural benefits, Million HUF
- Current external balance
- Current international cooperation (D.74)
- Current taxes on income
- Current taxes on income and wealth, etc. (D.5)
- Current transfers within general government (D.73)
- Databases (AN.11732)
- Definition of households in national accounts
- Depreciation of fixed capital of state-owned dwellings, Million HUF
- Disability and accident benefits below retirement age
- disposable income
- Disposable income, net
- Distributed income of corporations
- Dividends from corporations
- Domestic use
- Education benefits, Million HUF
- Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)
- Employers' imputed social contributions
- Employers' social contributions (D.12)
- Entertainment, literary or artistic originals (AN.1174)
- Entrepreneurial income, gross
- Entrepreneurial income, net
- Exports and imports of goods (P.61 and P.71)
- Exports of goods and services
- Exports of goods (P.61)
- Exports of services
- External balance of goods
- External balance of goods and services
- External balance of services
- External trade turnover of goods
- External trade turnover of services
- Final consumption expenditure of households
- Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households
- Final consumption expenditure of the government
- Final consumption expenditure (P.3)
- Financial corporations
- Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM)
- Fixed assests (AN.11)
- General government
- gross lending/ borrowing
- Gross capital formation (P.5)
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- Gross domestic product (GDP) by production approach
- Gross fixed capital formation (P.51g)
- gross national income (GNI)
- Health care benefits, million HUF
- household final consumption expenditure
- Households' actual social contributions, (D.613)
- Households' social contribution supplements (D.614)
- Import subsidies
- Imports of goods and services
- Imports of goods (P.71)
- Imports of services
- Imputed social contributions, (D.612)
- Institutional sectors
- institutional sectors
- institutional unit
- Intangible non-produced assets
- integrated accounts
- Intellectual property products (AN.117)
- Interest, (D.41)
- Intermediate consumption
- Land and other tangible non-produced assets
- local unit
- Market output
- Mineral exploration and evaluation (AN.1172)
- mixed income, gross
- Mixed income, net
- net lending/ net borrowing
- Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)
- Net Social Contributions, (D.61)
- Non-financial corporations
- Non-financial, non-produced assets (AN.2)
- Non-life insurance claims (D.72)
- Non-market output
- Non-profit institutions serving households
- Operating surplus, gross (B.2g)
- Operating surplus, net (B.2n)
- Other benefits in kind, Million HUF
- Other benefits related to pension, million HUF
- Other capital transfers (D.99)
- Other current taxes /D.59/
- other current transfers
- Other family allowances, million HUF
- Other intellectual property products (AN.1179)
- Other investment income, (D.44)
- Other non-market output
- Other (not specified) current transfers (paid)
- Other (not specified) current transfers (received)
- Other sickness benefits
- Other social security benefits
- Other social security benefits in kind (D.6312)
- Other subsidies less taxes on production
- Other subsidies on production
- Other subsidies on products
- Other taxes on production
- Output
- Output produced for own final use
- Pensions by own right above retirement age
- primary income
- Private funded social benefits, million HUF
- Production
- Production account
- Property Income, (D.4)
- Purchasers' price
- Regular and non-regular social assistance, million HUF
- Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment, (D.43)
- Rents
- Rents received as property income, (D.45)
- Research and development (AN.1171)
- Resident institutional unit
- Returned benefits
- saving, gross
- saving, net
- Scholarship and other grants, million HUF
- Seasonal adjustment
- Sick-pay (compulsory)
- Social assistance benefits in cash
- social assistance benefits in cash
- Social assistance benefits in kind (D.6313)
- social benefits
- Social benefits in kind (D.631)
- Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, (D.62)
- Social contributions and benefits, (D.6)
- Social insurance scheme service charges (D.61SC)
- Social security benefits in cash
- Social security benefits in cash, (D.621)
- Social security benefits, reimbursements (D.6311)
- Social transfers in kind
- Social transfers in kind - purchased market production
- Social welfare benefits and social welfare transfers, Million HUF
- Sport, recreational, accommodation benefits, Million HUF
- Subsidies
- Subsidies on products
- Subsidy on interest on housing investment, million HUF
- Subsidy on public transport, Million HUF
- Tangible fixed assets
- Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT
- Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties
- Taxes on production and imports
- Taxes on products
- Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes
- Temporary, regular and other benefits to persons with reduced working ability
- transfer
- Transfers of individual non-market goods and services (D.632)
- UN Systems of National Accounts
- Unemployment benefit
- Unfunded employee social benefits
- Value added, gross
- Value added, net
- value added type tax (VAT)
- Value-added type taxes (VAT)
- wages and salaries
- wages and salaries in cash
- wages and salaries in kind
- Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations
- Production of GDP, annual
- Production of GDP, quarterly
- Regional GDP, annual
- Final use of GDP, annual
- Constant prices
- Construction investments
- Gross domestic product (GDP) by production approach
- Investment price index, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of construction, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of construction, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of domestic machinery, equipment, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of domestic vehicles, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of import machinery and equipment, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of import machinery, equipment, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of import vehicles, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of import vehicles, previous quarter=100
- Investments for improvement in quality of land
- Investments in existing animals for breeding and draught animals
- Investments in existing buildings and other structures
- Investments in existing plantation and forests
- Investments in machinery, equipment and vehicles of domestic origin
- Investments in new and second-hand machinery and equipment of import origin (excluding vehicles)
- Investments in new and second-hand machinery, equipment and vehicles of import origin
- Investments in new and second-hand vehicles of import origin
- Investments in new animals for breeding and draught animals
- Investments in new buildings and other structures
- Investments in new machinery and equipment of domestic origin (excluding vehicles)
- Investments in new vehicles of domestic origin
- Investments in (purchase of) other non-produced tangible goods
- Investments in second-hand machinery and equipment of domestic origin (excluding vehicles)
- Investments in second-hand vehicles of domestic origin
- Other investments
- Price index of investment in domestic machinery and equipment, corresponding quarter of previous year=
- Price index of investment in domestic vehicles, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Seasonal adjustment
- Total investments in (purchase and capitalised production for own use) new tangible goods
- Total investments of new and second hand tangible goods
- Total investments on (purchase of) existing tangible goods
- Final use of GDP, quarterly
- Income accounts, annual
- Income accounts, quarterly
- Capital account, annual
- Capital account, quarterly
- Accounts of general government sector, annual
- Accounts of general government sector, quarterly
- Supply and use tables, IOT
- Financial accounts, annual
- Financial accounts, quarterly
- Business statistics
- Business association with legal entity
- Companies and partnerships
- Enterprise
- Entrepreneur
- General partnership
- Joint venture
- Limited company
- Limited partnership
- Local unit
- Other entrepreneur
- Private entrepreneur
- Private individual with tax number
- Private limited-liability company
- Business units and non-profit organisations
- Performance of enterprises
- Investment
- Construction investments
- Investment price index, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of construction, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of construction, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of domestic machinery, equipment, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of domestic vehicles, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of import machinery and equipment, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of import machinery, equipment, previous quarter=100
- Investment price index of import vehicles, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Investment price index of import vehicles, previous quarter=100
- Investments for improvement in quality of land
- Investments in existing animals for breeding and draught animals
- Investments in existing buildings and other structures
- Investments in existing plantation and forests
- Investments in machinery, equipment and vehicles of domestic origin
- Investments in new and second-hand machinery and equipment of import origin (excluding vehicles)
- Investments in new and second-hand machinery, equipment and vehicles of import origin
- Investments in new and second-hand vehicles of import origin
- Investments in new animals for breeding and draught animals
- Investments in new buildings and other structures
- Investments in new machinery and equipment of domestic origin (excluding vehicles)
- Investments in new plantation and forests
- Investments in new vehicles of domestic origin
- Investments in (purchase of) other non-produced tangible goods
- Investments in second-hand machinery and equipment of domestic origin (excluding vehicles)
- Investments in second-hand vehicles of domestic origin
- Other investments
- Price index of investment in domestic machinery and equipment, corresponding quarter of previous year=
- Price index of investment in domestic vehicles, corresponding quarter of previous year=100
- Seasonal adjustment
- Total investments in (purchase and capitalised production for own use) new tangible goods
- Total investments of new and second hand tangible goods
- Total investments on (purchase of) existing tangible goods
- Quarterly statistical report on investment
- Annual statistical reports on investment
- Industry
- Internal trade
- Business services
- Economic statistics by branches
- Government finance, fiscal and public sector
- Accounts of general government sector
- Non-financial accounts of general government sector, annual
- Non-financial accounts of general government sector, quarterly
- Government financial accounts, annual
- Government financial accounts, quarterly
- Debt of general government sector
- Gross debt of general government sector
- Central administration
- Territorial administration
- Statistics of authorities
- Statistics on permits given to foreigners for property acquisition in Hungary
- Legal supervision information system of local governments
- Statistics on possession protection procedures within the notary's competence
- Public services
- Fire prevention
- Fixed fire protection equipments
- Firefighting and technical rescue activities
- Chimney sweeping and heating technologies
- International trade and balance of payments
- Prices
- Science and technology
- Environment and multi-domain statistics
- (HVD)
- Statistical workflow
- Registers
- Strategy, issues of HCSO management
- Capacity planning
- Strategy