Flyers, Forms, and Publications for Employers & Third Party Agents - Unemployment Insurance
- BEACON for Employers and Third-Party Agents.
BEACON introductory information and resources for employers and third-party agents.
- Contributory Employers
UI information for contributory employers.
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Overview
Overview of DUA program, which provides DUA benefits to individuals whose employment or self-employment was lost/interrupted due to a disaster.
- Employers: Control Your UI Costs
Tips for employers about keeping their UI taxes low.
- Employer Layoff Obligations
Information employers must report in the event of a layoff/business closure.
- Employers - Prevent Costly UI Fraud
Steps employers can take to prevent UI fraud.
- Legal Services and Collection
Information about the Division's legal services and collection processes (delinquent payment collection, bankruptcy, etc.) - Quick UI Infolinks for Employers and Third-Party Agents
Helpful links to UI information.
- Reimbursable Employers
UI information for reimbursable employers.
- Work Sharing Layoff Aversion Program
Introduction to the Work Sharing program, which allows employees to temporarily reduce employee hours to avoid layoffs.
Forms and brochures available in Word format (download Word viewer for free), Excel format (download Excel viewer for free), and PDF format (download Adobe Acrobat for free)
- Business Transfer Report (Word)
Use this report to notify the Maryland Department of Labor when transferring workforce or payroll from one business entity to another.
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Information for Employers who pay via ACH Credit - you must update your transit routing number and Maryland Department of Labor bank account number!
Use this guide to learn to use the EFT method to pay quarterly UI tax payments.
- Excess Wage Calculator (Excel)
Use this spreadsheet to compute excess wages for the quarterly contribution report.
- UI Power of Attorney Instructions
- UI Fillable Power of Attorney Form
Use this form to request representation by a third party
- Request For Investigation of Unemployment Insurance Fraud
Publications and Videos
- BEACON Account Activation for Employers with an Unemployment Insurance Account (Instructions)
Instructions for activating a BEACON account for employers who have Maryland UI accounts
- BEACON New Employer Account Registration (Instructions)
Instructions for new employers to register for a Maryland UI account in BEACON
- BEACON Employer & Third-Party Agent Resource Document
Quick introduction to BEACON, with links to detailed BEACON resources
- BEACON Instructions for Completing Common Employer Tasks
Detailed instructions to help employers complete common UI tasks in BEACON.
- Employers’ Quick Reference Guide
Detailed UI information for employers.
- Employers’ UI Contribution Information
Answers to employers’ frequently-asked questions about UI contributions, with definitions.
- Employment Related Posters & Notices
Posters (including required posters) and notices regarding UI and employment issues.
- Maryland Unemployment Insurance: What You Should Know (PowerPoint)
Essential Information about the UI process for employers and claimants.
- Quick UI Infolinks for Employers and Third-Party Agents (Reference Document)
- Unemployment Insurance Employers Resource Guide
Publication with links to relevant unemployment information for employers, including their rights and responsibilities.
- Spend Time to Save Money (Video)
How employers can reduce unemployment insurance (UI) costs.
- UI Tax Rate Information for Employers
Essential UI tax information for employers, including how UI tax rates are calculated, types of rates, and tax tables.
- Work Sharing
Information for employers about UI layoff aversion program.