Does Bluetooth Use Data?

The short answer is no, but there's more to it

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Bluetooth, when isolated, doesn't use any of the data from your data plan. However, when you stream to a Bluetooth device, you'll likely end up using some data because this is how most people use their devices.

How Does Bluetooth Work?

Bluetooth enables devices (such as smartphones) to transmit radio waves. This capability is built within devices, so there's no need for any other data transmission source (such as a mobile or Wi-Fi network) to be used. You can use Bluetooth keyboards, mice, and speakers.

When you connect your phone to a car over Bluetooth, for example, the data transmitted (like your phone call) travels directly between the devices via these short-range (around 30 feet) radio waves.

You can see this for yourself by disconnecting your device from any Wi-Fi or mobile data network and then playing, for example, the music you saved onto your device through a Bluetooth-connected speaker. Even without an internet connection, the audio plays as normal.

Does Bluetooth Use Data or Wi-Fi?

Anyone concerned that they might be racing through their monthly data allowance can rest assured that Bluetooth doesn't use anything extra beyond what you're using to connect to the internet and stream media.

This last point is worth stressing. Bluetooth itself doesn't use extra mobile data, but if you use a mobile or Wi-Fi network to connect to the internet and stream, say, a movie, you'll use up your data allowance (if you have one). Using Bluetooth to transmit what you're streaming to another device doesn't consume additional data, but it's important to keep in mind that it doesn't prevent that initial data consumption.

hands-free bluetooth phone call
ML Harris / Getty Images

Does Bluetooth Require Internet?

Another way of putting things here is to state that Bluetooth doesn't use an internet connection to transmit data. Each Bluetooth device talks to one another regardless of an internet connection being present.

When you use a Bluetooth keyboard, the keystrokes aren't transmitted to the internet and then back to your computer. The transmission goes from the keyboard to the computer directly. But, to reiterate, the emails you send via your Bluetooth keyboard do require data.

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