How to Fix Notifications Not Showing up on Android

Check That Do Not Disturb is not enabled and turn off battery-saving settings

Notifications may not show up on your Android device in any one of several different ways:

  • The Android device isn't providing any notifications at all.
  • Only specific apps aren't issuing alerts when you know they should.
  • You receive notifications when an app first launches, but then they stop.
  • Notifications only stop working when you only have a cellular or Wi-Fi connection.

Before you start troubleshooting why you aren't receiving any app notifications, always confirm you're connected to at least one network (cellular or Wi-Fi) and have an internet connection. Open your mobile browser and try to search Google for anything. If Google Search doesn't work, you likely have a network connection issue, and you'll need to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi network or mobile data connection first.

How to Fix No Notifications on Android

Here are some of the ways to fix it when notifications are not showing up on your Android device.

  1. Check That Do Not Disturb is not enabled. It may seem obvious, but forgetting Do Not Disturb is enabled is one of the most common causes for not receiving notifications. If this setting is on (enabled), turn it off, and they will start working again.

  2. Restart your phone. Most of the issues that cause a lack of notification on Android can be resolved by restarting your phone. That's because even if the problem is a frozen or crashed app, a bad network connection, or anything else, restarting the phone may automatically resolve those issues and avoid a lengthy troubleshooting process.

  3. Make sure you haven't turned off system notifications. Always check system notifications settings first before you look for problems elsewhere.

    If you aren't sure when the problem started with not receiving notifications on your Android, check the notification history to pinpoint precisely when it began. Knowing this may help you identify when you installed a new app or performed a system update.

  4. Make sure you haven't turned off app notifications. If you aren't receiving notifications from a specific app, the most likely culprit is the notification settings for that app. Every app has its own set of permissions to access Android features, and notifications are one. Make sure notifications are enabled for the apps you want.

  5. Check your battery-saving settings. You can adjust power settings on your Android to turn off apps or app features when the battery drops below a certain level. Battery Saver Mode is a common culprit for notification issues. Also, make sure you don't have a battery saver app running, which may be blocking app notifications when your battery is low.

  6. Clear app cache and data. In addition to settings, almost every app has a cache and app data storage area where it stores information about your usage and activity. This data can get corrupt or too large, leading to unusual app behavior such as notifications stopping. Clearing app cache and data often resolve these issues.

  7. Update your apps. When apps are outdated, certain features may stop working. Often this will prevent all or some notifications from popping up. Ensure all of your apps are updated and enable automatic updates of all apps via the Google Play Store app.

  8. Confirm you haven't restricted your app from running in the background. If you're not getting notifications from a specific app, the app might not be allowed to run in the background. Almost any app with a notifications feature has to run in the background for notifications to work.

  9. Clear your Android cache partition. While clearing app data cache may fix app notification issues, your Android itself has a cache area. Data stored there can also get corrupted and may lead to problems for all apps. Clearing the cache partition will fix these issues.

  10. Check your Mobile Data Usage settings. Newer versions of the Android OS include the ability to turn off app access to mobile data when you're approaching a specific data limit each month. Double-check these settings to ensure you didn't enable it accidentally or forgot to turn it off. Not only will this feature turn off notifications, but it'll stop most apps from working at all.

  11. Install all system updates for your Android device. Your Android OS may be out of date if all else has failed. Android OS updates often include new features which affect notifications. If you haven't updated your phone in a while, apps that rely on those new features for issuing alerts will stop working.

Cause of Notifications Not Showing Up on Android

There are many different causes for not receiving notifications on your Android.

  • Do Not Disturb or Airplane Mode is on.
  • Either system or app notifications are turned off.
  • Power or data settings are preventing apps from retrieving notification alerts.
  • Outdated apps or OS software can cause apps to freeze or crash and not deliver notifications.

Notifications not showing up can occur at any time, and it isn't always simple to pinpoint the problem.


  • How do I hide notifications on my Android lock screen?

    To hide Android notifications on your lock screen, go to Settings > Notifications and turn off Sensitive notifications. On some devices, you have to go to Settings > General > Apps & notifications > Notifications > Lock screen > Hide sensitive/Hide all or Settings > Lockscreen > Notifications > Hide content.

  • How do I stop pop-up notifications on Android?

    To stop pop-up notifications on Android, tap and hold the icon of the app you want to block, then tap App info or Information (i) > Notifications. Turn off all the options.

  • How do I customize notification sounds on Android?

    To customize Android notification sounds, go to Settings > Notifications > App Settings. Choose an app, tap a notification category, and then tap Sound.

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