Don't look any further - the best is right here
Roberta assisted my family with both renting and buying. Her insights and guidance have been invaluable, spot-on, and an immense relief to confusing and stressful situations. Her mastery of French and English is also a huge plus. If you need help moving, buying, or renting you will be delighted to have Roberta as your regie. Roberta is truly an amazing person. She is kind and professional, yet firm and confident. Her personal and professional background coupled with her personality make her the best person you could wish for to help with anything moving or housing related. Unlike most moving and real estate providers, Roberta brings life experience of living abroad, buying, renting, building, and renovating that is invaluable when navigating the stressful and confusing landscape of relocation. She is super smart, absolutely trustworthy, and her knowledge of real estate markets, rules, and norms is outstanding.
11. Februar 2021 | ckwasny