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You want to let go of stress, fatigue, aches and pains, recharge your batteries ? Ode à nous offers an incredible complete range of treatments!
- Access Bars to relieve emotions
- Soin Sonore Ondes Cérébrales and Fréquences Herz, Body-Soul-Spirit harmonization /
- MTVSS energy care Immunity, self-healing
- Reiki, chakra cleansing
- Bols Tibetan, stimulates body cell
- Decoding Emotions, understand, let go of negative unconscious feelings
- Massages : Métamorphique, releases tension from conception origin / Prenatal / 5 continents biodynamic / Aromatherapy hoil essential / Ayurveda Yoga energy Kundalini / Pierre Chaude, letting go / Leminiscate / Breuss, back blockages physical, psychic / Remise en forme, bien-être, sportif / Drainage Lymphatique