Solo multe
Pensano solo a dare le multe tutto il resto per loro non conta
October 17, 2018 | Butti GiuseppePolitical structure of the municipality
It is the executive body of the municipality and, within the Ticino municipality, is the oldest power, composed of citizens who exercise their civil rights there. It is a collegial body called upon by law to administer the municipality, legitimized to take care of public affairs, taking all measures within its competence to protect the interests of the local community. The Municipality of Chiasso is composed of five Municipals and is presided over by the Mayor, a figure who holds not only the role of primus inter pares with mere prerogatives of honor, but an office marked by specific and innumerable competencies. Having completed the election of the mayor by popular ballot, at the beginning of each four-year administrative term, the City Hall, meeting in constituent session, appoints from among its members the deputy mayor and establishes the departments by assigning them to individual municipalities, so as to subdivide the administrative apparatus with the main purpose of facilitating the examination of objects within its competence.
Eccola! È la nuova Agenda di Chiasso, pronta per informarvi su tutti gli eventi in programma la prossima estate, fra i mesi di maggio e settembre. Cinema, musica e cultura, appuntamenti sportivi, proposte gastronomiche… a Chiasso l’estate è ricca e colorata!
Per consultare l’Agenda, clicca qui
PriceOn request
Pensano solo a dare le multe tutto il resto per loro non conta
October 17, 2018 | Butti GiuseppeEccola! È la nuova Agenda di Chiasso, pronta per informarvi su tutti gli eventi in programma la prossima estate, fra i mesi di maggio e settembre. Cinema, musica e cultura, appuntamenti sportivi, proposte gastronomiche… a Chiasso l’estate è ricca e colorata!
Per consultare l’Agenda, clicca qui
PriceOn request