Professionals of change with the New Code of Neuro-Linguistic Programmingcertified by My Coaching Academy, we are officially recognized by The International Trainers Academy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ITANLP UK).
LP ?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the art of modeling, reproducing and teaching excellence. It consists in decoding the process a person uses when receiving the information we receive at every moment.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an art that models, reproduces and teaches excellence.
When to call on us ?
This is a particularly powerful tool in situations where we've "already tried everything". Where decisions have been imposed, and rationality has taken over, NLP offers choice and expands possibilities by enlarging the coachee's mental map. In a few words, NLP can be applied to anyone, in any situation.
How it works ?
During our first meeting, we'll define your goals and indicators of success. Together we'll find the best way to get you where you want to get so badly. The use of NLP "New Code" will be mainly, but not exclusively, through games specifically designed to achieve results simply and particularly effectively.
And concretely ?
Thanks to clear processes accessible to all, it's possible to optimize the state we find ourselves in in a specific context, as well as the behavior we adopt in response to solicitation from the outside world.
Our conscious part can handle between 3-7 pieces of information at the same time. Find out how to call on the rest of your resources!