Beste Erfahrungen gemacht mit Bracher und Partner
Kompetent, schnell und zuverlässig. Ich habe beste Erfahrungen gemacht mit dem engagierten Team.
August 29, 2019 | markusheinigerThe law firm Bracher & Partner can count on experienced attorneys at law and other proven specialists in the fields of law, notary services, management consultancy and administration. People of action who carry out all tasks competently, practically and efficiently – thanks also to our ISO-certified quality management system. The focus is always on the objectives and requirements of our clients. Regardless of whether it is a matter of supporting a legal case, providing notarial services or undertaking tasks in one of the service areas such as management consultancy or administration. We also use our large network to serve the interests of our clients.
Bracher & Partner invests in the future with the training and further education of skilled personnel. Four lawyers are comprehensively prepared for their professional practice at all five of our locations in Bern, Biel, Langenthal, Niederbipp and Thun.
Bracher & Partner is up to date and uses digital media in a targeted and effective way.
Natural persons as well as companies, associations and foundations benefit from the services provided on the basis of our values of client focus, attractiveness, goal orientation and networking. Everyone receives comprehensive advice and support.
Kompetent, schnell und zuverlässig. Ich habe beste Erfahrungen gemacht mit dem engagierten Team.
August 29, 2019 | markusheiniger