mer ci et à bientôt
November 16, 2021 | JPPersoneni Raffaele Architectes is an architectural practice founded in 2001 and based in Lausanne.
Since its inception, its achievements have included; administrative, hospital and sports buildings, urban developments, new and renovated individual and collective housing, major conversion work as well as interventions on listed buildings. Most of our mandates come from architectural competitions. The office handles the entire construction process, from design to execution. The skills of its staff enable it to support and advise the client, to act as a traditional contractor or as a general planner. The office regularly organizes SIA 142/143 architectural competitions and public procurement procedures for public and private administrations. It is also solicited by various civil courts or councils for official expert appraisals.
The office is a member of the following professional associations: SIA Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects, REG A Fondation des Registres suisses des professionnels de l'ingénierie, de l'architecture et de l'environnement, VISARTE, Société des artistes visuels, UPIAV Union patronale des ingénieurs et architectes vaudois, liste des experts SIA
November 16, 2021 | JP