Top boutique spécialisée
Articles de très bonnes qualités et conseils de pro!
January 11, 2022 | pascal.simoniMost of our customers visit us because they suffer from various pains and are looking for specialized advice, a solution to their problem.
We offer a wide range of products in pressure-relieving bedding, ergonomic adaptation and multi-adjustable slat bases. When it comes to workplaces, whether in the office or at home, we offer numerous tools to adapt, optimize and promote the most ergonomic position possible.
We also offer a wide range of products for the workplace.
Then, we have many small objects that respond to small daily concerns. Posture, massage, relaxation, well-being, here too, with the help of sound advice, you'll usually find an answer to your problem.
And then, we've got a whole host of small items that respond to the little worries of everyday life.
The main piece of advice we'd like to give you today is:
Don't wait until you're in pain to walk through the door of our Boutique.
Whether in bed, at work, at home, during your professional or leisure activities, ANTICIPATE and drop in, we'll be happy to advise you on ergonomics and comfort.
Articles de très bonnes qualités et conseils de pro!
January 11, 2022 | pascal.simoniExcellents conseils et accueil personnalisé. J’apprécie la qualité des produits.
December 31, 2020 | Esther Bornand