We warmly welcome you to the website of the bakery Confiserie Café Kuhnen and Brotegge Lenk.
Here you will find a lot of interesting facts about the bakery Confiserie Café Kuhnen and the Brotegge as well as about our vacation apartments.
Welcome, Oliver & Michèle Kuhnen-Boccard and family
Café, tea and delicacies
Our store and tea room invites you to enjoy. Treat yourself to a fine café, an aromatic tea or a delicacy from our counter or kitchen. Don't forget to buy a specialty from Kuhnen before you leave:
Lenkerli, Murmeli, Wildstrubeli, Simmenfischli, Milkakuh, Grossmutterzüngli, Dankeschön, Oberländerzwetschgen and much more
Baking - our craft
In our bakery, our bakers produce the fine and crispy goods that you can buy in our stores every day. We are proud to do this in our own production facilities.