professeur de théâtre, metteuse en scène, comédiene
Je cherche le travail à l'école de théâtre dans le canton de Vaux ou une autre occupation théâtrale.
August 3, 2017 | duxalexandrouvSamedi et dimanche fermé
Samedi et dimanche fermé
Cible Emploi SA, founded in 2003, specializes in the placement of temporary and permanent staff. We are active in the commercial, industrial, construction and medical sectors.
Our personnel consultants, who themselves come from the fields in which they recruit, have "targeting your needs" as their watchword. They will do their utmost to get to know you better and offer you a tailor-made, local service.
Quality, efficiency and respect are the core values of Cible Emploi SA, the important thing being to earn your trust and succeed together.
We are one of the most successful staffing consultancies and employment agencies
Je cherche le travail à l'école de théâtre dans le canton de Vaux ou une autre occupation théâtrale.
August 3, 2017 | duxalexandrouv