continuing education in Chinese medicine, approved RME, ASCA
courses in cupping
Therapeutic Guasha courses
Facial Guasha courses
Guasha book, a high-potential tool
Facial Guasha book
Chinese medicine (TCM): acupuncture, Tuina massage, herbal medicine, cupping, Guasha, moxibustion
allergy treatment (NAET)
hirudotherapy or leech treatment
Daria Briguet
- 1999-2004:I studied for five (5) years (TCM), Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Beijing.
- 2004: Successful studies culminating inthe graduate diploma from Peking University as well as international recognition by the Chinese government in 2004.
- 2016: Swiss federal diploma in TCM naturopathy. This diploma is official recognition at Swiss level of my status as a professional in Traditional Chinese Medicine (equivalent to a Bachelor's degree)
- From July 2004, I set up my practice of practice in Sion, I lavish my precious care according to the teaching principles received from the mother source that is China, and also according to Western methods, on all my patients. I also give them the benefit of all my post-graduate training.
- 1994 Cycle complet de massage occidental à Paris, obtention du diplôme d'état français en 1994.
- 1996 3-year studies in traditional Chinese medicine at the "Shen Zhen" school in Geneva, graduation in 1999.
- 2007 4-year training as massage-rebouteux, at the Institut Supérieur de Reboutement, graduation as 1st order rebouteuse in 2007.
- 2010 Training in Hirudotherapy with Madame Dominique Kähler Schweizer (leeches), followed by 150 hours of practice under the supervision of a qualified person.
- 2011 Training in the Naet method (allergy and intolerance treatment). and a refresher course each year.
- <2012 Training in Atlas repositioning using the AtlasproVita method, training given by Mr Andrew Perrenoud.
- 2018: internship in China in Shanghai of theoretical and clinical Guasha with master Li Dao Zheng 李道政
2019: training in China in Shanghai of facial Guasha with Zhang Xiu Qin 张秀勤
- 20: osteofluidic training, according to the Poyet method : under the tutelage of Gina and Régis Vieux at "CENTRE EICCA "École Internationale de Créateur de Conscience Autonome""
Based on your personal expectations, I choose the most appropriate techniques to help you regain balance and well-being. I pay particular attention to listening to you and accompany you to the best of my knowledge and abilities in order to help you overcome your present difficulties.
Here are the techniques I use in my Kundaria practice in Sion:
Western techniques:
This ancestral manual technique of the "old rebotters" is used to release tension in the tendon and muscle layers, regulate organ function and harmonize relationships between them. It also includes certain joint manipulations that are completely safe and harmless for the patient.
Atlas repositioning according to the Atlasprovita
This gentle, non-invasive, crack-free treatment technique was developed, following the study and practice of other treatments over several years. No machines are used in the Atlasprovita method I employ. I soften the entire posterior neck area with an oil massage, realigning the atlas with progressive pressure.
The sangsues (hirudotherapy)
This is a local bleeding treatment using leeches (like a small snail). Leeches secrete proteins, hirudin and heparin which have a variety of therapeutic effects: blood stimulation, natural antibiotic,
vasodilatation, painkiller, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant. The benefits derived from leeches are essentially due to their secretions, and can relieve pathologies such as
- joint pain (osteoarthritis, rheumatism, back pain, discopathy, herniated discs), tendonitis, Suddeck disease
- muscle pain: cramps, contractures, muscle tears
- circulatory disorders: varicose veins (they don't make existing varicose veins disappear, but can prevent new ones), phlebitis, Raynaud's disease, hypertension, apoplexy
- post-operative situations: painful scars, during tissue grafts, surgery
Needle-free energy therapies (osteofluidics)
Osteofluidics is an energetic treatment technique, integrating the human being in his physical, energetic and emotional wholeness. It enables us to detect and treat the root causes of problems, where emotions, wounds, limiting beliefs and memories are stored. These are embedded in our body: bones, organs, glands, nerves, fascia, bone marrow, nerve cells, DNA, the brain ... and their energy systems.
These wounds manifest themselves in our lives through our choices, sometimes non-choices, and a modified perception of reality, in what we nourish and what we nourish ourselves with (Anger, our fears, doubts, our powerlessness ≠ Love, Joy, Peace, Freedom). An osteofluidic treatment session enables the patient to better understand the source of his or her discomfort (physical or emotional) and, above all, to bring concrete solutions to it (actions in his or her daily life or a change of outlook on the situation towards more positivity)
More than a technique, it's a philosophy of life that opens up a path of evolution!
Pregnancy represents a very special stage for a woman. It should be experienced harmoniously. Unfortunately, it can sometimes present some difficult moments and various pains can appear.
Daria offers you support throughout these fantastic months to make them as pleasant as possible. Before and after childbirth, a fitness program awaits you.
NAET - allergies
NAET, Nambudripad's Allergy Eliminiation Techniques, is a unique method that enables allergy patients to lead a normal life again without fear of allergies. In the case of food allergies, for example, once the method has been applied, it is no longer necessary to follow draconian restrictive diets. Foods that previously triggered reactions that were simply embarrassing, or sometimes even very violent, can now often be ingested without any problem. The principle is similar for all other causes of allergy.
Psycho-Kinesiology enables us to understand the link between thoughts, emotions and the physical body.It's the ideal way to get to know the origins of our physical ailments, our attitudes and our repetitive reactions or emotional states in the face of events.
Our multiple emotional reactions to life's ups and downs, our repetitive negative thoughts can manifest themselves in the form of acute or chronic illness, relationship difficulties in the couple, with children, at work, with friends.
How can I regain well-being, health and good relationships ? How can I improve my quality of life, that of my family and those around me, whether in terms of health or relationships? psycho-kinesiology offers you solutions.
Chinese techniques:
Chinese techniques: acupuncture
Ancient Chinese technique, it is based on the principle of harmonizing energies between the body and nature. A state of perfect balance between Yin and Yang would be a state of perfect health. But in our daily lives, the balance between these two forces tends to tip more or less to one side or the other. This disharmony is a source of ills. Acupuncture is ideal for restoring this lost energy balance, and thereby restoring good health.
Acupuncture can be used preventively or therapeutically to treat pathologies such as headaches, dizziness, insomnia, mild depression, fatigue, stress, emotional upheaval, myopia (for children under 15), palpitations, anxiety, tightness in the chest, respiratory system problems (asthma, cough, chronic sinusitis), digestive problems (nausea, stomach ache, regurgitation, hiccups, bad breath, etc.), constipation, diarrhea.), constipation, diarrhea, cholesterol, certain allergies, obesity (weight-loss program), urinary problems (incontinence in the elderly, bladder infection), gynecological problems (painful, irregular periods, leukorrhea) and other related symptoms (swollen breasts, sore ribs, jagged feelings before menstruation), pregnancy (malpositioned fetus, lack of breast milk), menopausal problems (hot flashes, profuse sweating, mood swings, etc.), sexual problems (impotence, loss of appetite, etc.).), sexual problems (impotence, spermatorrhea, certain types of sterility), smoking cessation, locomotor system problems: cervical, back and lumbar pain, hernia, sciatica, etc, pain in the joints: shoulders, elbows, knees, etc., various pains that move around
The Chinese phytotherapy
This treatment using herbs of Chinese origin is concomitant with acupuncture treatment, which enables faster and more effective clinical results. Phytotherapy is a form of medical treatment based on the use of Chinese herbs.
The Tuina massage
This type of Chinese massage is particularly suitable for muscle and joint pain. It is the perfect complement to an acupuncture session. It is performed directly on the clothing (without oil). The aim is to reach the deeper layers of muscles and tissues, releasing tension and re-establishing good energy and blood circulation.
This massage can also be done as a preventive measure (once or twice a month), as in addition to relaxing the muscular layer it regulates the energetic function of the organs.
La Moxibustion
Moxibustion is a technique that stimulates acupuncture points or certain other parts of the body with the heat of mugwort tinder. Its aim is to treat or prevent certain illnesses
The Ventouses
They are widely used in China and almost always accompany acupuncture and moxibustion treatments in the treatment of pain (rheumatic algies, contractures,...).
The aim is:
- to expel pathogenic energies (wind, cold, humidity, heat) that have settled in the meridians and are hindering the free circulation of blood and energy, which in Chinese medicine leads to pain.
- to restore energy circulation in the meridians
- to release muscular tension
Chinese cupping is as much a part of the therapeutic arsenal as acupuncture or moxibustion... They can be used in the course of a session and are essentially employed to treat:
- respiratory ailments: cold snaps, colds, flus which are caused or aggravated by three external elements: wind, rain and cold.
- muscular tension: aggravated by an overly sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.
I offer cupping courses in Sion. See my website:
The Guasha
Gua Sha 刮痧。"Gua 刮" means "to scratch, to rub" and "Sha 痧" means "sand". Gua Sha consists in "scratching" the back or any other part of the body with a tongue made of ox horn, wood or metal for a few minutes. Gua Sha is a detoxification technique. Its principle is to seek out the "toxin" deep down (at the level of the disease) and bring it to the surface, where it can be released. It can also be used in conjunction with other TCM techniques, such as acupuncture and phytotherapy. Once considered a folk technique (cf.cupping in our ancestors' home), it has since become an integral part of Chinese medicine treatment techniques.
I offer Guasha courses in Lausanne with Mr. Antoine Wegmüller. See my website