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First aid courses in March

: 4 Entries
 Closed – Opens in einer Stunde
Schnyder Ivo

Schnyder Ivo

Oberallmeindstrasse 7, 8864 Reichenburg
PremiumPremium Entry
Automobile driving schoolDriving SchoolFirst aid courses
 Open – Closes heute um 21:00
Fahrschule Heidi Grob

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings

Fahrschule Heidi Grob

Zürcherstrasse 33A, 8854 Siebnen
Fahrstunden bei Heidi Grob, halfen mir und führten mich effektiv zum Ziel!

Heute durfte ich meine Prüfung erfolgreich absolvieren und dies geschah nur durch Heidi. Heidi Grob ist eine geduldige, zielorientierte und fachlich super ausgestattete Person. Die Fahrstunden bei Heidi waren immer sehr lehrreich und intensiv. Ihre starken Fach-/ Methodenkompetenzen konnte ich von ihr sehr detailliert erlernen und dadurch meine Kompetenzen erweitern. Zudem hat Heidi eine sehr aufbauende und unterstützende Art und Weise und hilft einem sein Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken. Heidi gibt einem ein Gefühl von Sicherheit und zeigt einem, dass man seinen Träumen nach gehen muss und man Ziele, welche man vor Augen hat erfolgreich schaffen kann! Heidi war für mich eine sehr wichtige und starke Unterstützung, sie war die jenige die mir den Rücken stütze und mich durch diesen Lernprozess weiter brachte. Heidi hat vielen wie auch mir geholfen den eigenen Traum und das Ziel die Autoprüfung, zu bestehen... Aus jeder Fahrlektion konnte ich beobachten wie stark sich Heidi für ihre Fahrschüler einsetzt und uns nicht aufgibt. Fazit : Heidi ist eine starke, selbstbewusste, wundervolle Person, welche mir geholfen hat meinen Traum zu ermöglichen und mir Sicherheit gab.

26. October 2022, lindita_asani02
PremiumPremium Entry
Driving SchoolFirst aid coursesTheory localCoursesTaxi
Zürcherstrasse 33A, 8854 Siebnen
Driving SchoolFirst aid coursesTheory localCoursesTaxi
Fahrstunden bei Heidi Grob, halfen mir und führten mich effektiv zum Ziel!

Heute durfte ich meine Prüfung erfolgreich absolvieren und dies geschah nur durch Heidi. Heidi Grob ist eine geduldige, zielorientierte und fachlich super ausgestattete Person. Die Fahrstunden bei Heidi waren immer sehr lehrreich und intensiv. Ihre starken Fach-/ Methodenkompetenzen konnte ich von ihr sehr detailliert erlernen und dadurch meine Kompetenzen erweitern. Zudem hat Heidi eine sehr aufbauende und unterstützende Art und Weise und hilft einem sein Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken. Heidi gibt einem ein Gefühl von Sicherheit und zeigt einem, dass man seinen Träumen nach gehen muss und man Ziele, welche man vor Augen hat erfolgreich schaffen kann! Heidi war für mich eine sehr wichtige und starke Unterstützung, sie war die jenige die mir den Rücken stütze und mich durch diesen Lernprozess weiter brachte. Heidi hat vielen wie auch mir geholfen den eigenen Traum und das Ziel die Autoprüfung, zu bestehen... Aus jeder Fahrlektion konnte ich beobachten wie stark sich Heidi für ihre Fahrschüler einsetzt und uns nicht aufgibt. Fazit : Heidi ist eine starke, selbstbewusste, wundervolle Person, welche mir geholfen hat meinen Traum zu ermöglichen und mir Sicherheit gab.

26. October 2022, lindita_asani02

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings

 Open – Closes heute um 21:00
 Open – Closes in 28 Minuten
St. Chrischona-Apotheke GmbH

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

St. Chrischona-Apotheke GmbH

Baselstrasse 31, 4125 Riehen
St. Chrischona Pharmacy

The St. Chrischona Pharmacy was founded in 1911 by Mrs. Bertha Brieden-Jundt as the first pharmacy in Riehen. Until the establishment of other pharmacies in Riehen, it was simply called "Riehen Pharmacy". In 1931, it was relocated from the corner of Äussere Baselstrasse 45/Rebenstrasse to Kirchstrasse 1, and since the entrance was oriented towards Baselstrasse in 1982, the address has been Baselstrasse 31. Mrs. Bertha Brieden handed over the pharmacy to Mr. Wilhelm Engels in 1947, followed by Mrs. Johanna Frey from 1954 to 1985, Mrs. Eva Lehmann from 1985 to 2008, and Mrs. Barbara Ehrsam and Mrs. Monika Goebl from 2008 to 2022. Since March 1, 2022, the St. Chrischona Pharmacy has been owned by Mrs. Nicole Reiss and is being operated as an independent pharmacy under the management of Mrs. Esra Sirin. Mission statement of St. Chrischona Pharmacy Our pharmacy has a tradition - over 100 years ago, your great-grandparents could buy pills and ointments from us. We are a well-coordinated team and look forward to providing you with competent advice. Our goal is to give you tips for maintaining your health, improving your quality of life, and supporting you when you are ill. We are happy to present you with various options and want to be your first point of contact for all health-related questions. Our expertise is available to you free of charge and without prior appointment. The pharmacy plays an important role between the patient and the doctor. We help to monitor the correct intake and are concerned about avoiding interactions with other medications. Because we don't want to stand still, we attend further training courses. We ourselves are always curious about what new things we can show you. The possible is possible, and we make the impossible possible. Our range of products is comprehensive, so almost all wishes can be fulfilled immediately. Otherwise, we strive for the shortest possible procurement times. We look forward to advising and serving you.

PremiumPremium Entry
PharmacyHomeopathic (not included in doctors category)DruggistHealth counsellingNaturopathy
Baselstrasse 31, 4125 Riehen
PharmacyHomeopathic (not included in doctors category)DruggistHealth counsellingNaturopathy
St. Chrischona Pharmacy

The St. Chrischona Pharmacy was founded in 1911 by Mrs. Bertha Brieden-Jundt as the first pharmacy in Riehen. Until the establishment of other pharmacies in Riehen, it was simply called "Riehen Pharmacy". In 1931, it was relocated from the corner of Äussere Baselstrasse 45/Rebenstrasse to Kirchstrasse 1, and since the entrance was oriented towards Baselstrasse in 1982, the address has been Baselstrasse 31. Mrs. Bertha Brieden handed over the pharmacy to Mr. Wilhelm Engels in 1947, followed by Mrs. Johanna Frey from 1954 to 1985, Mrs. Eva Lehmann from 1985 to 2008, and Mrs. Barbara Ehrsam and Mrs. Monika Goebl from 2008 to 2022. Since March 1, 2022, the St. Chrischona Pharmacy has been owned by Mrs. Nicole Reiss and is being operated as an independent pharmacy under the management of Mrs. Esra Sirin. Mission statement of St. Chrischona Pharmacy Our pharmacy has a tradition - over 100 years ago, your great-grandparents could buy pills and ointments from us. We are a well-coordinated team and look forward to providing you with competent advice. Our goal is to give you tips for maintaining your health, improving your quality of life, and supporting you when you are ill. We are happy to present you with various options and want to be your first point of contact for all health-related questions. Our expertise is available to you free of charge and without prior appointment. The pharmacy plays an important role between the patient and the doctor. We help to monitor the correct intake and are concerned about avoiding interactions with other medications. Because we don't want to stand still, we attend further training courses. We ourselves are always curious about what new things we can show you. The possible is possible, and we make the impossible possible. Our range of products is comprehensive, so almost all wishes can be fulfilled immediately. Otherwise, we strive for the shortest possible procurement times. We look forward to advising and serving you.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Open – Closes in 28 Minuten
 Closed – Opens in einer Stunde
Job Service

Job Service

Avenue Léopold-Robert 94, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds

Founded in 1988, the Job Service Foundation is a non-profit foundation under private law, recognized as a public utility by the canton of Neuchâtel, specializing in the professional integration of young people, adolescents and students. In addition to providing information and advice, the Foundation offers, free of charge, a placement service, training, support courses and various professional integration programs adapted to each individual's needs, thanks to the network of companies that the Foundation has built up over the past 30 years. During these integration measures in the economic environment, the young people, as well as the companies that welcome them, benefit from a follow-up and a tailor-made accompaniment from the Job Service teams . The Foundation is eduQua and InQualis certified for the quality of its integration services. Professional and individualized supervision The Foundation works with committed professionals whose experienced, specialized and complementary profiles are the strength of the services offered. Combining listening, empathy and fine expertise in the professional integration of young people, the Job Service teams work at the La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel sites. SERVICES TO YOUNG PEOPLE The objective of the Foundation is to help young people develop their own potential to achieve autonomy and integrate the professional world. The Job Service Foundation is aimed at adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 30 who are looking for their first job, an internship, or an apprenticeship, and who are looking for a professional project or, more broadly, a life project, but who do not always know how to mobilize the family, social and/or financial resources available. SERVICES TO COMPANIES AND PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS Job Service is committed to bringing together young people and companies in their mutual expectations and to facilitating their encounter on the job market. The Foundation therefore works closely with many economic actors in the public and private sphere. The Foundation also wishes to respond to the needs of young people to have small jobs during their years of study. To this end, the Foundation extends its placement service to private individuals, allowing them to hire one or more young people in a facilitated manner, to carry out various tasks or to help them during special events.

PremiumPremium Entry
TrainingTemporary and permanent employmentEmployment agency
Avenue Léopold-Robert 94, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
TrainingTemporary and permanent employmentEmployment agency

Founded in 1988, the Job Service Foundation is a non-profit foundation under private law, recognized as a public utility by the canton of Neuchâtel, specializing in the professional integration of young people, adolescents and students. In addition to providing information and advice, the Foundation offers, free of charge, a placement service, training, support courses and various professional integration programs adapted to each individual's needs, thanks to the network of companies that the Foundation has built up over the past 30 years. During these integration measures in the economic environment, the young people, as well as the companies that welcome them, benefit from a follow-up and a tailor-made accompaniment from the Job Service teams . The Foundation is eduQua and InQualis certified for the quality of its integration services. Professional and individualized supervision The Foundation works with committed professionals whose experienced, specialized and complementary profiles are the strength of the services offered. Combining listening, empathy and fine expertise in the professional integration of young people, the Job Service teams work at the La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel sites. SERVICES TO YOUNG PEOPLE The objective of the Foundation is to help young people develop their own potential to achieve autonomy and integrate the professional world. The Job Service Foundation is aimed at adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 30 who are looking for their first job, an internship, or an apprenticeship, and who are looking for a professional project or, more broadly, a life project, but who do not always know how to mobilize the family, social and/or financial resources available. SERVICES TO COMPANIES AND PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS Job Service is committed to bringing together young people and companies in their mutual expectations and to facilitating their encounter on the job market. The Foundation therefore works closely with many economic actors in the public and private sphere. The Foundation also wishes to respond to the needs of young people to have small jobs during their years of study. To this end, the Foundation extends its placement service to private individuals, allowing them to hire one or more young people in a facilitated manner, to carry out various tasks or to help them during special events.

 Closed – Opens in einer Stunde
* No advertising material

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First aid courses in March

: 4 Entries
 Closed – Opens in einer Stunde
Schnyder Ivo

Schnyder Ivo

Oberallmeindstrasse 7, 8864 Reichenburg
PremiumPremium Entry
Automobile driving schoolDriving SchoolFirst aid courses
 Open – Closes heute um 21:00
Fahrschule Heidi Grob

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings

Fahrschule Heidi Grob

Zürcherstrasse 33A, 8854 Siebnen
Fahrstunden bei Heidi Grob, halfen mir und führten mich effektiv zum Ziel!

Heute durfte ich meine Prüfung erfolgreich absolvieren und dies geschah nur durch Heidi. Heidi Grob ist eine geduldige, zielorientierte und fachlich super ausgestattete Person. Die Fahrstunden bei Heidi waren immer sehr lehrreich und intensiv. Ihre starken Fach-/ Methodenkompetenzen konnte ich von ihr sehr detailliert erlernen und dadurch meine Kompetenzen erweitern. Zudem hat Heidi eine sehr aufbauende und unterstützende Art und Weise und hilft einem sein Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken. Heidi gibt einem ein Gefühl von Sicherheit und zeigt einem, dass man seinen Träumen nach gehen muss und man Ziele, welche man vor Augen hat erfolgreich schaffen kann! Heidi war für mich eine sehr wichtige und starke Unterstützung, sie war die jenige die mir den Rücken stütze und mich durch diesen Lernprozess weiter brachte. Heidi hat vielen wie auch mir geholfen den eigenen Traum und das Ziel die Autoprüfung, zu bestehen... Aus jeder Fahrlektion konnte ich beobachten wie stark sich Heidi für ihre Fahrschüler einsetzt und uns nicht aufgibt. Fazit : Heidi ist eine starke, selbstbewusste, wundervolle Person, welche mir geholfen hat meinen Traum zu ermöglichen und mir Sicherheit gab.

26. October 2022, lindita_asani02
PremiumPremium Entry
Driving SchoolFirst aid coursesTheory localCoursesTaxi
Zürcherstrasse 33A, 8854 Siebnen
Driving SchoolFirst aid coursesTheory localCoursesTaxi
Fahrstunden bei Heidi Grob, halfen mir und führten mich effektiv zum Ziel!

Heute durfte ich meine Prüfung erfolgreich absolvieren und dies geschah nur durch Heidi. Heidi Grob ist eine geduldige, zielorientierte und fachlich super ausgestattete Person. Die Fahrstunden bei Heidi waren immer sehr lehrreich und intensiv. Ihre starken Fach-/ Methodenkompetenzen konnte ich von ihr sehr detailliert erlernen und dadurch meine Kompetenzen erweitern. Zudem hat Heidi eine sehr aufbauende und unterstützende Art und Weise und hilft einem sein Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken. Heidi gibt einem ein Gefühl von Sicherheit und zeigt einem, dass man seinen Träumen nach gehen muss und man Ziele, welche man vor Augen hat erfolgreich schaffen kann! Heidi war für mich eine sehr wichtige und starke Unterstützung, sie war die jenige die mir den Rücken stütze und mich durch diesen Lernprozess weiter brachte. Heidi hat vielen wie auch mir geholfen den eigenen Traum und das Ziel die Autoprüfung, zu bestehen... Aus jeder Fahrlektion konnte ich beobachten wie stark sich Heidi für ihre Fahrschüler einsetzt und uns nicht aufgibt. Fazit : Heidi ist eine starke, selbstbewusste, wundervolle Person, welche mir geholfen hat meinen Traum zu ermöglichen und mir Sicherheit gab.

26. October 2022, lindita_asani02

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings

 Open – Closes heute um 21:00
 Open – Closes in 28 Minuten
St. Chrischona-Apotheke GmbH

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

St. Chrischona-Apotheke GmbH

Baselstrasse 31, 4125 Riehen
St. Chrischona Pharmacy

The St. Chrischona Pharmacy was founded in 1911 by Mrs. Bertha Brieden-Jundt as the first pharmacy in Riehen. Until the establishment of other pharmacies in Riehen, it was simply called "Riehen Pharmacy". In 1931, it was relocated from the corner of Äussere Baselstrasse 45/Rebenstrasse to Kirchstrasse 1, and since the entrance was oriented towards Baselstrasse in 1982, the address has been Baselstrasse 31. Mrs. Bertha Brieden handed over the pharmacy to Mr. Wilhelm Engels in 1947, followed by Mrs. Johanna Frey from 1954 to 1985, Mrs. Eva Lehmann from 1985 to 2008, and Mrs. Barbara Ehrsam and Mrs. Monika Goebl from 2008 to 2022. Since March 1, 2022, the St. Chrischona Pharmacy has been owned by Mrs. Nicole Reiss and is being operated as an independent pharmacy under the management of Mrs. Esra Sirin. Mission statement of St. Chrischona Pharmacy Our pharmacy has a tradition - over 100 years ago, your great-grandparents could buy pills and ointments from us. We are a well-coordinated team and look forward to providing you with competent advice. Our goal is to give you tips for maintaining your health, improving your quality of life, and supporting you when you are ill. We are happy to present you with various options and want to be your first point of contact for all health-related questions. Our expertise is available to you free of charge and without prior appointment. The pharmacy plays an important role between the patient and the doctor. We help to monitor the correct intake and are concerned about avoiding interactions with other medications. Because we don't want to stand still, we attend further training courses. We ourselves are always curious about what new things we can show you. The possible is possible, and we make the impossible possible. Our range of products is comprehensive, so almost all wishes can be fulfilled immediately. Otherwise, we strive for the shortest possible procurement times. We look forward to advising and serving you.

PremiumPremium Entry
PharmacyHomeopathic (not included in doctors category)DruggistHealth counsellingNaturopathy
Baselstrasse 31, 4125 Riehen
PharmacyHomeopathic (not included in doctors category)DruggistHealth counsellingNaturopathy
St. Chrischona Pharmacy

The St. Chrischona Pharmacy was founded in 1911 by Mrs. Bertha Brieden-Jundt as the first pharmacy in Riehen. Until the establishment of other pharmacies in Riehen, it was simply called "Riehen Pharmacy". In 1931, it was relocated from the corner of Äussere Baselstrasse 45/Rebenstrasse to Kirchstrasse 1, and since the entrance was oriented towards Baselstrasse in 1982, the address has been Baselstrasse 31. Mrs. Bertha Brieden handed over the pharmacy to Mr. Wilhelm Engels in 1947, followed by Mrs. Johanna Frey from 1954 to 1985, Mrs. Eva Lehmann from 1985 to 2008, and Mrs. Barbara Ehrsam and Mrs. Monika Goebl from 2008 to 2022. Since March 1, 2022, the St. Chrischona Pharmacy has been owned by Mrs. Nicole Reiss and is being operated as an independent pharmacy under the management of Mrs. Esra Sirin. Mission statement of St. Chrischona Pharmacy Our pharmacy has a tradition - over 100 years ago, your great-grandparents could buy pills and ointments from us. We are a well-coordinated team and look forward to providing you with competent advice. Our goal is to give you tips for maintaining your health, improving your quality of life, and supporting you when you are ill. We are happy to present you with various options and want to be your first point of contact for all health-related questions. Our expertise is available to you free of charge and without prior appointment. The pharmacy plays an important role between the patient and the doctor. We help to monitor the correct intake and are concerned about avoiding interactions with other medications. Because we don't want to stand still, we attend further training courses. We ourselves are always curious about what new things we can show you. The possible is possible, and we make the impossible possible. Our range of products is comprehensive, so almost all wishes can be fulfilled immediately. Otherwise, we strive for the shortest possible procurement times. We look forward to advising and serving you.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Open – Closes in 28 Minuten
 Closed – Opens in einer Stunde
Job Service

Job Service

Avenue Léopold-Robert 94, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds

Founded in 1988, the Job Service Foundation is a non-profit foundation under private law, recognized as a public utility by the canton of Neuchâtel, specializing in the professional integration of young people, adolescents and students. In addition to providing information and advice, the Foundation offers, free of charge, a placement service, training, support courses and various professional integration programs adapted to each individual's needs, thanks to the network of companies that the Foundation has built up over the past 30 years. During these integration measures in the economic environment, the young people, as well as the companies that welcome them, benefit from a follow-up and a tailor-made accompaniment from the Job Service teams . The Foundation is eduQua and InQualis certified for the quality of its integration services. Professional and individualized supervision The Foundation works with committed professionals whose experienced, specialized and complementary profiles are the strength of the services offered. Combining listening, empathy and fine expertise in the professional integration of young people, the Job Service teams work at the La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel sites. SERVICES TO YOUNG PEOPLE The objective of the Foundation is to help young people develop their own potential to achieve autonomy and integrate the professional world. The Job Service Foundation is aimed at adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 30 who are looking for their first job, an internship, or an apprenticeship, and who are looking for a professional project or, more broadly, a life project, but who do not always know how to mobilize the family, social and/or financial resources available. SERVICES TO COMPANIES AND PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS Job Service is committed to bringing together young people and companies in their mutual expectations and to facilitating their encounter on the job market. The Foundation therefore works closely with many economic actors in the public and private sphere. The Foundation also wishes to respond to the needs of young people to have small jobs during their years of study. To this end, the Foundation extends its placement service to private individuals, allowing them to hire one or more young people in a facilitated manner, to carry out various tasks or to help them during special events.

PremiumPremium Entry
TrainingTemporary and permanent employmentEmployment agency
Avenue Léopold-Robert 94, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
TrainingTemporary and permanent employmentEmployment agency

Founded in 1988, the Job Service Foundation is a non-profit foundation under private law, recognized as a public utility by the canton of Neuchâtel, specializing in the professional integration of young people, adolescents and students. In addition to providing information and advice, the Foundation offers, free of charge, a placement service, training, support courses and various professional integration programs adapted to each individual's needs, thanks to the network of companies that the Foundation has built up over the past 30 years. During these integration measures in the economic environment, the young people, as well as the companies that welcome them, benefit from a follow-up and a tailor-made accompaniment from the Job Service teams . The Foundation is eduQua and InQualis certified for the quality of its integration services. Professional and individualized supervision The Foundation works with committed professionals whose experienced, specialized and complementary profiles are the strength of the services offered. Combining listening, empathy and fine expertise in the professional integration of young people, the Job Service teams work at the La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel sites. SERVICES TO YOUNG PEOPLE The objective of the Foundation is to help young people develop their own potential to achieve autonomy and integrate the professional world. The Job Service Foundation is aimed at adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 30 who are looking for their first job, an internship, or an apprenticeship, and who are looking for a professional project or, more broadly, a life project, but who do not always know how to mobilize the family, social and/or financial resources available. SERVICES TO COMPANIES AND PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS Job Service is committed to bringing together young people and companies in their mutual expectations and to facilitating their encounter on the job market. The Foundation therefore works closely with many economic actors in the public and private sphere. The Foundation also wishes to respond to the needs of young people to have small jobs during their years of study. To this end, the Foundation extends its placement service to private individuals, allowing them to hire one or more young people in a facilitated manner, to carry out various tasks or to help them during special events.

 Closed – Opens in einer Stunde
* No advertising material